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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. The shittest thing about the PS3/360 is the omission of splitscreen/multiplayer games. There pretty much aren't any. There's Fifa, but that gets boring after 1 game, maybe 2 games at a push. There just seems to be too many games that don't have proper split-screen goodness or 1 screen multiplayer that you'd find in Crash Bash. Instead it's usually just online, only 2 player, or 4 player that doesn't quite work because everyone's at a very different skill level or because it has been built for more players. Need more simple but deep games for sure, I guess ModNation Racers might fit the bill but to be frank I'd rather have sold my beta code in retrospect. I found the GC best for multiplayer - Smash Bros, Monkey Ball and Warioware among others were simply fantastic.
  2. They did a survey and people said they'd prefer better graphics, and they found that graphics quality affected game sales. I agree with their decision because frankly, I could not tell the frame rate between KZ, Cod or Resistance apart. I'd rather have those better textures and more focal, different features on the map. Resistance online, whilst very fun, was quite generic and didn't feel all that real. Felt Quake-like in the way the game seemed to be based around multiplayer maps and arenas, rather than believable locales.
  3. Infamous was so mehh for me. When I read back through the thread I made for it I sounded so juvenile, really wasn't worth the wait. Can't see myself buying another sandbox game like it. Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 are level-peggers for my interest. I really don't know how the online will feel on Resistance. FoM was very different from the sequel. I fear they might ditch the arcadey-ness and start going for more Cod-like game style. As for Killzone, well no.2 was the best online shooter ever made so the each new addition will always be exciting. Don't know how they can improve on the graphics, Insomniac said they would for their franchises as their focus has shiften from framerate to detail.
  4. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    I'm glad others despise Moira Brown. On my good play-through I traded everything with her due to convenience, but every time as you have finished trading and go to leave the conversation she'd shout 'Good Hunting' in possibly the shittest manner to grace the planet. There's a lot of things in Fallout 3 that you learn too late, I should've suggested reading the manual because it clears a lot of things up that just aren't mentioned. Be careful with some bobbleheads, they're definitely worth collecting and 3 of them are impossible to obtain if you miss them so I'd suggest you look them up.
  5. I played TTYD first, loved it, bought the original on VC and felt a bit meh about it. I thought they'd be quite different but they border on non-distinguishable if you put the character/setting differences aside. TTYD is definitely better and has a couple of minor improvements.
  6. The Best games of this decade: Metroid Prime Fallout 3 Despite being very different, they share many key factors, like solitary exploration, item collection and of course the first person view. Games like the above make you wonder if anything as great will ever come out again. The other 8 games of the decade: Paper Mario TTYD: I have to put just below Fallout and Prime simply because it was fucking brilliant. Full of charm, great characters, and most of all every world looked amazing. It has to be seperated though because I believe there is a gap between the top 2 and everything else. From now there is no point in putting any order system to it, so here are the rest: Killzone 2: it is my favourite online shooter. I find it so much more fun than CoD, I'm not how it seems to have been forgotten as one of the games of 2009. Timesplitters 2: I have the fondest memories of co-oping the campaign with a friend multiple times, both getting frustrated and then cheering when we reached the portal at the end. The challenge modes gave us plenty of competition, and 4 player splitscreen was insanely good. Super Smash Bros. Melee - I remember holding of buying this when I got my GC because it seemed too simple when I trialled it in gamestation, when in fact it is the funnest fighting game ever (with Tekken Tag close behind) with unlimited potential playtime. 4 player is only bettered by : Warioware Inc: Mega Party Game$. Nothing remarkable until you hand 4 people a controller and start playing the turtle-balancing game. Amazing, whoever came up with the ideas within this game was a mental genius. Super Monkey Ball - probably the game on the list that has the best consistency between multiplayer and single player. Both are truely fantastic. I hope I haven't missed out on more games this good because I judged their cover. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition - somehow this game had escaped me until the Wii Release. I'm glad I did wait in a way because the controls for it are perfect, and the atmosphere is as perfect as everyone made it out to be. Uncharted 2 - didn't take to the multiplayer much, but the single player was astounding. Raised the bar for visuals, and the flowing experience means you never feel like it's the right time to put your controller down. -------------------------------------------- Those top 10 deserve better explanations but I figure not many people read them anyway. Below are ones that didn't quite make it in: Tekken Tag Mario Kart DS Metal Gear Solid 4 SSX - does anyone remember the original? There's pretty much nothing on youtube about it, Gametrailers only did a very short retrospective. It's annoying because there were short-cuts in that game that haven't been rivalled at all - completely ridiculous ones that seem to have been wiped from existence. Warioland 4 Resistance 2 - probably should've been in the list, I ploughed so much time into the competitive online Worms 3D - I'm the only person that rated this game. Thought it was super.
  7. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    It is. Ideally you wouldn't have seen a mutant before Megaton. You probably haven't got used to the interface - if you get your pip boy up, shift the display to the data section and look at the world map, you will be able to see where Megaton is. Also, on your HUD, in the bottom-left corner is your health, just beneath that is a compass/radar, keep turning the camera until you see an icon that looks like a house/arrow appear in the middle of that radar. Then just move forward towards it. If you can't find that icon on your map or your compass/radar thing on the HUD, go onto your pip boy and select the quest under the quests section, the map marker will then appear.
  8. Maybe it's a monoboob that has 3 nipples, lets not limit the options here, it could be anything!
  9. You pierced your own tits?
  10. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    It's OK. I reloaded it and it has improved a lot. Still stuttery in scripted sections but I can put up with it. You sort of learn to if you play Fallout 3.
  11. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    OK so I've enjoyed completing both Anchorage and Steel add-ons, so I thought I'd delve into The Pitt. Managed to get into the city, and bam, frame-rate completely craps out, making it almost impossible to play. Decided to quit the game, anybody have the same issue?
  12. Yeah I remember you and Yahtzee praising it. When I made the last post I had a gand on eBay but would like it for £10 or less ideally.
  13. Was just looking around to find some PS3 games I might want to buy, preferably cheap. I looked through all 9 pages on here for some inspiration: http://www.game.co.uk/Default.aspx/Games/PlayStation-3/_/N-1z13fvfZ1z13mmtZ689/Ns-P_Product_ItemsSold%7C1 Only really think of 3 games out at the moment that I might want; Saints Row 2, F.E.A.R 2 and Bayonetta. SR2 because I've heard it's surprisingly fun, plus it's 8 quid or something on Play as someone linked. Fear 2 had an enjoyable demo, and I think there was a second demo that let you play an add-on part or something which was very fun. Finally Bayonetta because of the rave reports.
  14. Choze is the clan leader
  15. That would be fucking badass. Apart from hand tattoos being (one of) the most painful one you can get, I think that's one of the best ideas since time. How visible are they when in light?
  16. Not so much off. Online is incredible though, if only it had more maps... Never acquired the last 2 that included the bolt gun and flamethrower.
  17. Played 4 long games on KZ2, managed to get my mojo back. Man it's fun just kill streaking the shit out of the opposite team. Played 3 games swapping with a friend, after they went Mr.Lillster joined me and had a decent game with him. Managed to knotch 380 points + in each game, maxing at 432 or something. Such a brilliant bloody game, and some bloody tense matches as well. Was a 3-3 game and it came down to body count, our team just about knicked it. Felt like a gutting loss when it went to 3-3 on a different game and it came to assasinating their target, my friend managed to get 3 bullets on him but they overcrowded the joint. Should have nailed that for the winrar (SPAMBOT) but oh well. It's funny how I haven't played on the game for ages and then start caring whether my team wins or not. It was mostly down to the presence of a friend though, riles you up. I implore everyone to try it out again for a good while. This and Fallout... It's all you need this generation!
  18. Come 'ere you!
  19. OTT. I must've subconciously copied the phrase from someone. As I said I was going to cover myself by putting 'unless I'm mistaken' and no I wasn't being a snob by saying you copied me and trying to take credit for something amazing. Gtfo.
  20. 5 consoles dude. If you deactivate old systems then it's virtually as many systems as you like, obviously deactivated systems can't use the PSN games. I got attacked by deathclaws as I typed this so I hope you appreciate the help.
  21. Yeah, that's what I did. Couldn't handle the fury.
  22. Ok I thought as I typed it might be but couldn't be bothered to cover myself in the post. I did a quick google and got nothing, oh well.
  23. How come you keep saying winrar now? I said it once and now you keep repeating it even though it isn't even a web phrase, it's a tool to process/extract files. I guess it does sound funny somehow.
  24. dwarf


    I'm pretty sure this is the only worthy thing to buy up to the end of February (when Heavy Rain is out) so I'm actually tempted. I know I've slated it up to this point but I'm pretty damn interested, and may decide to do a playthrough and give a proper verdict. Shame I watched the GT review though, which has a ton of spoilers like usual, but before watching it I was convinced I wouldn't bother to pick it up so I didn't think it mattered at the time.
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