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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. That's what I did say to be very frankly honest. If you have any questions you can ask me, but if you read the thread I pretty much was as lost as you. I'd recommend giving it all a check.
  2. That happens, a lot. Not so much the parrying, just the instant kill. :P You get your soul back if you kill a boss, but when in body form you're susceptible to an invading player in any place bar the nexus and boss battles. If you find a rapier you could use that and your shield against the archers, as you can attack with it whilst your shield is raised, so you won't take damage at all.
  3. You don't get your body back if you go to your soul, you just reclaim the souls that you've temporarily lost. Also, if you die again, you lose those souls forever. Btw there's 2 blue knights there. If you have magic you could use the horse cart as cover and keep popping in and out of it, picking them off as you do.
  4. Chuckle out loud victory at first line due to the magical bluntness and general comment overall really. You're getting thanked boyo. ...It's just the fact that he isn't at all challenging you at all and didn't claim to be any good. LOVE lOVE LOVE ktxb
  5. Nuttin amazingly interesting, but here's some little things about the new firmwin update does that hasn't been cited for insane damage
  6. dwarf


    They should make this sort of game into a full release title, giving a bigger sense of a Journey and mystery. That may well be The Last Guardian though.
  7. I've been meaning to get the trophies but when I tried a couple of weeks back I realised that I'd have to play through another 2 times to get certain souls for the All-miracles and the All-spells gold trophies. I think I may just come back to it at a later date. I'm working my way towards the rings trophy quite nicely though. I'm going to have to get someone to do the 'best weapon of' trophies for me through online lending because they're ridiculous and crystal lizards are cock-ends.
  8. I thought it looked a bit shit and massively overpriced. Lazy DLC, in many aspects.
  9. It did it for me back then, but when splashing cash these days I prefer a bit more content for my pound.
  10. The online experience is insanely good, it remains awesome throughout the whole thing. The game saves almost constantly so if you quit abruptly you'll likely not lose much if any data. As for class picking, it really doesn't matter.
  11. Use the boost to get through! If I ever bought a DS they would have to do moar than give the same campaign because it is easily completed in 40-45 minutes whatever route.
  12. Murray's ground strokes so far have pissed me off because he doesn't apply any pace to them, as if he's just on the training court. His interviews are boring as fuck though.
  13. I was entertaining the idea that Goron has actually just made the most ingenious, hilarious post ever by doing a piss-take, but the quality is just too amazing for that to be true. You succeeded in making me laugh anyway, if that can be flipped as a plus point. Cheers!
  14. I lold at how you thought you thought you were going to be good in that game. You weren't even a threat tbh. That's the thing. DICKED!


    I mourn teh time when we get truly bored of the game.

  15. Had a difficult few days, it's been my exam period and I'm slightly depressed. While it can be hard to manage it I know all you guys on Knee will help me through it Also, well done to member x. THAT'S AWESOME. If only I didn't fail at life, this is something I should really be doing. Some troubles have re-entered my mind though -.- I've been reflecting on my girlfriend and how she broke my heart, the last things she said to me hit me deeply and I just feel lost and confused again. Longing for something new, but there's just this constant thought about what could have been. Heartbroken doesn't even describe it, just when our emotions appeared to be mutual... How am I going to start over? it's too difficult. Lust is such a horrible thing :/ Okay, enough about me. So sorry to hear that member y *hugs member y really hard*. Hope everything clears up for you, I know exactly how you feel. My sister also mistook water for cyanide at her husband's cousin's house rat hunt. You shouldn't worry about it and maybe it could be a positive thing. Here's a picture a good friend of mine that comes round often took of me at my house For you Mol, and those amazingly pretty corneas.
  16. Don't get Prototype. Not that I've played it, but it looks completely lame, and received poor reviews. You should buy:
  17. Short, witty response to attract 'thanks'.
  18. Was just going for the obviously shite/piss-take attempt but I'm willing to accept a more professional and well constructed effort.
  19. Oh I get it. ----- My name's Flinky and I love Ine and I landed a job at a school Football! QUALITY player!
  20. Chillax I've never expressed hatred for you. I thought it was the opposite way round if anything. Let's just turn a new summery leaf.
  21. Wouldn't mind the Spyro games being remade in huud either.
  22. Yes I think so, and yes, I want Crash Bandicoot HD.
  23. The most annoying thing about fuub is when people join groups in order to give you the impression that they either have a sense of humour or to broadcast they're interests or intelligence. What gets me is that almost all of these groups have incredibly annoying spelling errors or they're just shite in general. The most disgusting one in recent memory - 'I was going to buy you a cactus LOL jk your already a prick' Shit on so many levels. The year below me also continually make 'LOL jk' groups about their friends as if it's the most ingenious and hilarious thing since time. The sort of mentioned ' : ( ' status updates also kill me, especially if they just say 'dw' afterwards when someone enquires.
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