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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Orly? I tubed it and it came up with 360 gmeply, so i gus itz frm E3 or sumt.
  2. Devoid of hypocrisy, they see them as obsessive photo-taking, test-tube-bred, humourless, visually-identical job stealers.
  3. I didn't have high hopes for this. I thought that the story interview was telling. The screenshots Dante posted on the last page made it look quite intriguing, very Castlevanian with interesting environments and hints at platforming. But I saw some gameplay footage and it's just bad. What's got on my tits is that this confirms 'exclusive' Plus demos compromise the normal PSN service. (I'm not that annoyed, but it's a squeak cheeky)
  4. I'm guessing he's a grower, I mean, he's fucking with Burrell, which can only be a good thing, and he's toned down his act a bit the further in it gets. We'll see.
  5. I'm not sure, but I think what's happened here is that Media Molecule were discussing going Gold with the game, then they read my post and thought 'shit, if dwarf's not happy, we better listen to his very valid points'. Or they were close to release and realised that some of their musical content had track names including 'Black Man Stole My Bike'.
  6. The guy that wants to run for Major. His mannerisms, accent, snarling mouth, even his script. He just looks like a slimy bastard.
  7. For me the editor is the best part, not because you can make good stuff in it, but just so you can wonder at the potential staring you in the face. I made a fairly competent/convoluted effort, which I was fairly happy with. Whilst it wasn't as good as what I ideally wished for, it was nice to see myself pull off some tricky mechanisms in my designs, that have to be used for completion. The actual playing of levels was largely boring in LBP1, because the platforming wasn't exactly an art that could be mastered. Now with physics adjustments and more options, who knows. There are a lot of niggles that come with creating levels though. They never sorted the sticker/colouration in my opinion. There should be a paint tool, instead of having to collage standard shapes with a limited palette. And certain important stickers, like letters for instance, had to be unlocked. I hope they amend that.
  8. I've just finished watching episode 5 of season 3. This series hasn't quite taken off for me yet, though it looks to be hotting up around now. As always, there's been a couple of great laughs. There's one actor/character that I find hella annoying though. He's disgusting.
  9. WHIN! Zainy Molotov's post doesn't constitute 'trolling'. He's, honest to God, setting out on a pointless mission towards self-fulfilment. By being a fanboy.
  10. Isn't it just?! Ridiculous speed. Absolutely ridiculous. I didn't know turtles could move in such ways until I saw that video.
  11. Nice. Imagine my disappointment when the loading screen phased out, only to reveal a mind-numbing RTS tutorial. An RTS tutorial... Only turtles compete in slowness.
  12. In the same way I found it funny when Dan Dare posted a Halo Reach thread link in the Resistance 3 thread. Totally irrelevant, but funny, and obviously a joke (sortoflulz).
  13. Have you not been reading everything I've written? I wholeheartedly admit I once was a Nintendo fanboy. That was 4 years ago, when I was 13. The trolling of the Wii forums, mentioned numerous times, was for the joy of Lilt. You deleted that stuff due to embarrassment and lack of humour (at the time). Reminder: Posted by me 'It's like me going to the Wii board once every year and posting something akin to: 'was it just me that noticed that the average Nintendo game scored a 6.5/10, whilst first party Sony titles got a 9/10 average?'. Except, get this, without the irony.'
  14. I didn't have time to come onto that point - Zing Matron is a blip on N-E. Most people here are civil, have an IQ above 70, and generally fit in. But this kid remains here and I can't ban him, so why can't I try to mould him so that he isn't forever known as a farce? Or at least point out to other people that it isn't a case of 'rivalry', it's just a case study of an absolute idiot that gets away with plaguing discussions, as if he has the right to.
  15. I don't want to gain 'experience points' by touching kids. It's wrong.
  16. As I've said before, where do you find these people, and why do you care about their opinions? I don't get the concept of it being 'fashionable' to slate a videogame console in real life conversation. You're just magicking people up. That, or you affiliate with some really strange people, which is equally if not more likely, or you only know Internet people. Also, what storm? You talking about consolediscussionsforcunts.com? Or something like IGN I take it? When you see a member called 'PS3gr4fixAwsum' and they say 'Wii is shit only gays play mario and it haz bad grafix ha', your blood, Zesty Melon, starts boiling. You're not going to convince any of these 'fanboys' (i.e. fanboys like you, but on the 'opposite team') that the Wii is worth anything, or is a serious competitor, or whatever. Even if you shove scientific evidence that the Wii has graphically amazing and complex games down the gullets of your dumbass enemies (they are makeshift btw), they won't have changed their opinions, and they'll still piss you off. They'll still piss you off because you give a shit, and so you'll always be a sad, unintelligent twat, trying to keep yourself happy with sales figures (utterly pathetic), and endlessly trying to win a battle against anonymous, equally unintelligent bellends who are just as bad. Almost. I'm just imagining you having this argument frequently at Primary School, and the bigger kids don't like the Wii, and they shoot you down for it. This has probably caused the psychological problems. I think a lot of people from the Other Consoles board on N-Europe, way back when, said that the controller was great for certain things, but ultimately limited in many regards. That hasn't changed with either of the Move or Kinect revelations, but they're still interesting products worth being intrigued by. I'm guessing the literal cloth-wetting point is anecdotal. Hypocritical... Seeing as you're basing your perception of this N-E board on consolediscussionsforcunts.com , there's no point in acknowledging this part of your post. But I will, just to forward my intolerance so members like Kav know what entity I'm dealing with here. Basically you say it's hypocritical that everyone here at Other Consoles is bumming alternative motion control, but they haven't said this at all. On the contrary, very few people actually realised exactly when the Move was coming out, me included, and the reception has been far from ecstasy. Like Choze, you just make shit up and expect no-one to notice, because it sounds plausible in your own little fucked up world. ...so that I feel better about my life, and my future prospects, or something. Yeah but you're not here for that. What's there to say? The thing is, I'm not sure why I'm writing all this because if you haven't understood how desperate you are by now, you're not going to have the brains to understand this post either, and realise you should move on. I forgive you if you're 8 years old. I'm pleading for you to tell me that you are. Otherwise, Zest, seek medical attention immediately. I'm guessing you played the demo, so there's no need to inform you that it's shite, even though I just did. Edit @ Aimless: Personally, I think originally Move was going to have a later launch, with a more credible game library. When Kinect was announced, Sony probably rushed the product out to avoid the clash. Microsoft would've had a landslide, with their budget.
  17. Dead bug show Lulz, poor fella. And yeah, that isn't technically a pun but I enjoy. Thanks for finally making the much-demanded hax-flip slo-mo/montage
  18. Well you've got to marvel at the fact he only rears his ugly head when it makes himself feel, I dunno, warm inside? I think it's funny personally, and it works better that he only posts on the odd occasion, but at least grant me the liberty to call him a cunt. It's no skin off my back if he calls me one, because his desperation is crystal clear, and it's a forum. It's like me going to the Wii board once every year and posting something akin to: 'was it just me that noticed that the average Nintendo game scored a 6.5/10, whilst first party Sony titles got a 9/10 average?'. Except, get this, without the irony. What everyone fails to see is that this isn't a case of rivalry (how could it be unless you're a thickshit?) , it's just pointing out how unintentionally bemusing the Meringue can be.
  19. Local Spar, although I'm not even sure it's technically a 'Spar' anymore. I'll get back to you on that one. If you're living in a city then I'm guessing you aren't going to find fulfilment on this scale though. I love Coca Cola.
  20. The difference between me and Zechs: I do it for the Lilt, he doesn't. His life revolves around getting kicks via posting positive Wii stats, as if when he tugs a fact from the net, he's tugging a Playstation voodoo doll, that harms all owners of the system. No-one gives a shit, but he still tries, and I can only applaud the kid for it.
  21. Today =
  22. It isn't fanboyism. (Well, Cooky probably is a bit but we'll forgive him that) I just like to jeer at such a tool. You know, belittle him a tad? Who cares if he got a reaction, I just like to swear at him. I'm dying to know his age though.
  23. I didn't know it was out either. It's less understated than the 'Go. Depending on whether Socom/Killzone work with it really well, I may pick one up. It could be a good year or two before it seems worth it, if it ever does flourish. Staying old-school pad stylie is the way to go for now though, even if prices for controllers barely fluctuate over time. Just gimme New Vegas and wash my memories of motion away. He's never been anything but a cunt...
  24. Don't flatter him with the word 'troll', he's just an idiot. Zealot Merkin, I concede defeat. You win this time! May we Playstation owners smite you another day, for we know there is only one console, and we know it would be sin to play them all! ---- (He's such a weird subject)
  25. In all seriousness Aimless, I think a congratulations is in order! WELL DONE!
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