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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. hence ''he was brilliant, to be honest''
  2. My day's been alright, still not finished my iva so going to have to get it done tonight otherwise I'm stuffed. Partly tomorrow too, booked my hair appointment though can't wait ^.^
  3. I like it ^.^ 8/10. I'm abit iffy about the font, your name to me doesn't stick out very much. But it's good ^.^
  4. Possibly, but that's not what the arguments about :P
  5. Well considering he told the guy to hurry up I certainly think that was grounds for appeal, ok fair enough if he was actually being dangerous, but going to slow whilst doing a manvouer is what your instructed to do! If he went too fast he'd have been put as a fail! If you don't appeal make sure you make it clear that you don't want the same person, I'd definetly ask for a free re-test, it's disgusting behaviour.
  6. He was brilliant, to be honest.
  7. It's when you hit the fourth packet that it gets dangerous haha
  8. I have a creative way to get around that one ^.^
  9. No he wasn't, 50 years + people weren't with ''political correctness'' which I find very irratating and utterly shit. Nowadays he would be because people are so scared about offending one another that you cannot say anything without walking on eggshells, unfortunetly that is the way it is. But no back then what churchhill said would have been perfectly normal.
  10. haha ^.^ eaten nearly a pack already
  11. pssh, back on track ^.^ I want letties jam sandwiches.. oo that sounds bad 0.o
  12. APPPPPEAL I mean seriously, your examiner shouldn't have been telling you to ''hurry up'' he should have been quiet and being too slow doing a manovuer isn't a fail.
  13. I have a week off next week...guess who's going to be getting lotsa photos ^.^
  14. jayseven - you bugger.
  15. haha, aww I'm sure people would. I need to stop eating snacks too, I'm gettttting way too fat.
  16. I like it she's wearing bunny ears (yes I fail at anime these days) 9/10 ^.^ The font does look slightly out of place.
  17. give up n-e! *hides*
  18. I'll probably give up tv, I used to not watch it at all now all I do is watch it and possibly cut back on the internets.
  19. Me either, but knowing my luck I'll be asking for help with my firewall xD
  20. haha I'm catching up jayseven (sorry for the flash here) Tellyn - A PlayStation 1 ps. it actually makes me miss playing it!
  21. I was wondering when you were going to see it, deary me, that is still a legend picture haha ^.^
  22. Went into college, it was alright got abit of work done, came home and have done nothing but buy a ds dongle. So that's not too bad
  23. Job mostly bluey, I get about 200 a month, not much but enough. Then funding from ''banking of parents'' Though thats not so much now I have a job.
  24. haha xD, I would rather have it blue or white ^.^ Hopefully I can finally get round to getting my hair appointment tomorrow and my piercing appointment thing for next week. Then I'll have spent more money ^.^
  25. if it wasn't pink I'd have it xD
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