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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. pssh if I fail it'll be because you didnt meet me at euston :P
  2. That sounds complicated..
  3. haha jordan would kill you lot xD. haha, we'll see, it'll depend on money and whatnot because of uni coming up.
  4. haha oh god, can we not find another girly. I'm all for attention but 5?! 0.o ah I may end up going euston jayseven thats the usual from my train station, but I might be able to see if I can get to victoria
  5. True, but working with sql seems pointless to me whether or not it helps with grades, not to mention writing about audio frequencies, yay, go me. I'm so happy I'm doing that.
  6. It's not that I'm just not using the tube on my own to meet people I've never met before, I'll meet at train stations because they are all the same, but I've never used an underground system *cries in blind panic* I could magically appear if it means kicking shadow's ass, it'd mean I'd beat a scot xD
  7. haha well I go to uni in september, so then xD Do I have to stalk you at night in the rain? because I just can't be that creepy. xD
  8. Eeek, I have no idea how to get to those places jayseven. There's no way in hell, I'm getting a tube on my own either. So I may pass this one 0.o
  9. haha, it was nearly at the point where I was going to have to go on my own, luckily charli my mate at college is coming with me, so it's not too bad. My mum just came in to ask me about it, she is paying for my ticket and whatnot, which is very very nice of her ^.^
  10. haha luckily it's a tent my mate has (why buy a new tent for one year) and she knows how to put it up and whatnot, carrying it out the car to the camp site is going to hurt I do feel. I have a feeling I'll be trying to get ahold of quite abit of alcohol, god knows what its going to be like considering I'm not much of a drinker anyway (none of this ''your too young'' stuff). Oh well, as long as it doesn't rain -.-
  11. Yeah I've been told, I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to cope, haha xD. Oh welllll. Luckily I may have the whole tent thing sorted ^.^, four man bright orange tent woohoo. haha xD there's no way I'd fit in a smaller one to be honest.
  12. lazy arse, fine I'll stalk you. happy?
  13. God pink on the forums, how rubbish, they could have made it red...jesus. This will mean the main stage is pink apprently...dear god.. my eyes. agreed din, everyone's told me to not worry so much about the music because either way I'll either be too trashed to realise or be too happy to care. Possibly both ^.^
  14. Weird, I was reading nintendo and it said they couldn't get the ds to work with them because virgin were holding back, same was said on amazon ^.^ odd
  15. Hmm for me the download page isn't loading weird. I would love to see offpsring there's a long list of bands I want to play which probably won't..bleh, let's hope the rest of the list is good.
  16. I know, it's just one of those days, it's a presentation on sql, I don't even get to see if I did well before it gets sent off to an examiner..and I bet I don't even manage a pass with the damn thing. Bleh.
  17. wow aint you a happy chap?
  18. It was a perfectly nice day, nice driving lesson, plumbing got fixed, even had a maccies. Then suddenly my msn decides it's going to crash every five minutes, so I had to email msn...the plumbing now isn't fixed and my mum shrugged me off when I said hello, not only that but I still havent sorted things about uni and I've still not got the work thats supposed to be done because I still don't understand and all I get from a friend is work it out yourself. Great thanks let me sit here and cry why not. It's only small things but it just feels *sigh*
  19. let's get back to playing nice shall we, I don't want this locked because it suddenly turned into the music thread and a bad argument. do you lot usually come to download by train? Car? Me and my two friends (who usually have a big gang behind them) are either sharing my car if I've pass by then or a taxi, it'll be expensive, but worth it, fingers crossed.
  20. I know it doesn't work with aol or virgin, but other than that apprently it's supposed to work well. I hope so.
  21. Bleh now the day just turned crap...I swear why do people have to be such assholes and why does everything always break on you. I cant wait to be rid of this damn place.
  22. ah I hope so!
  23. Animal crossing is the one I have right now. =] But there's no point buying any more wifi ones just incase the dongle doesn't work.
  24. I have windows xp which apprently is the o.s that is best. Its just because the nintendo ds doesn't support a wpa key and when I went about changing the key I realised I had to change all the keys to each laptop that connects to our sky wireless, which is now about 6 laptops. Not ideal.
  25. Hmm, if I bought it from amazon and found that I was on the 50 that didn't work could I take it back you reckon? bleh are nintendo ever going to bring a better version out?
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