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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. From what I've heard it's more like a deep scratching, but because it can go on for a long time it irratates the skin, which is why you use a cream afterwards (preferably one that doesn't remove the colour or shading) ^.^. I'm very tempted to get one of my tattoos done for my 18th but am holding out a while longer whilst I find a tattooist I'm happy with. Tattoos are expensive, but hey you only pay once and then you've got it for life ^.^ I'm definetly getting my double tragus next week woohoo, possibly my forward helix if I can afford it. I love holier than thou for piercings.
  2. yes but it aint pretty *sighs* I didn't even pluck my eyebrows back then..dear god it was nice being lazy EDIT: blue hair = win, after I get bored of my purple fringe I'll be going blue ^.^
  3. Meh I guess I just miss my old hair, it also reminds me of when I was alot thinner. Those were the good days. longer hair, that was when I let the purple grow out and got it cut - just not purple.
  4. I'll be 19 next year...sigh doesn't time fly.. I miss my dark purple hair actually I used to have really long dark purple hair, was amazing. Then look what happened -.- silly nightwolf.
  5. shadow you're 18 dear, what happened? :p *spots grey hair* xD
  6. for me xxl red didn't make it go orange it just faded to a loverly sort of rosey colour which was nice. Now it's going dark brown with a bright purple fringe. It's the first time (being 17 and all) that I'll ever have bleach on my hair...shocking..
  7. If it's dark surely it doesn't need to be bleached? My hairs a natural lightish brown/orange/blonde thing and adding xxl live red or purple doesn't need it. If it's black I'd do the same as raining though otherwise you won't see it ^.^ hair-crazy.com tends to be for people who want quite bright hair mind you, I've seen it when it's dark and most of it just looks absolute crap, I saw one of the dark greens and I definetly would have said bleaching it, I want the neon orange off there it looks amazing:yay: EDIT: thats a very grumpy face. Where's said happy face? :P
  8. yup, dark red won't need any bleach =]
  9. see my face is as white as yours, yet I can suit dark not light
  10. Crap crap crap..absolutely wank, ruth was a pain at work as usual, complaining about work then complaining she didn't get enough hours, then shouting zach (her boyfriend who also works at the store) then complaining that she wanted a fag.. dear god I want to slap her...-.- I worked my arse off while she stood there chatting. Plus I've gained weight, it wouldn't be so bad if I was small and pudgy but I'm tall and pudgy and I hate it, hate it, hate it. that has been the results of my day. -.-
  11. I'm still in love with your hair raining_again
  12. pulling one's head out of one's arse might help
  13. You'll know when you see one jayseven, the colours very bright ^.^
  14. well ford ka's tend to be bright yellow, to me thats green...
  15. haha spelt your name wrong sorry ^.^
  16. if you hadn't copy and pasted that then.. FTW!
  17. twozzok rules just because he loves demolition man, I reckon he should win ^.^ haha.
  18. babycham shoes? yum I've decided I hate work...alot. I'm sick of being a god damn cleaner when they should stop being so cheap and making me work 6-8:30 just so I can tidy up after the fucking elder ones who stay in all day. Not only that but last night there was only me and cathy in (one of my managers) and who the fuck decides to shop at 7:55 when they KNOW that we shut at 8, I was stood there mopping and some stupid fat woman goes walking across it...-.- I hate work and I want to leave and what is the point of a 2-6 shift like today?! argh -.-
  19. They aren't as bad as what aimless desrcibed, I can run perfectly well thankyou! Nah I just dislike having boobs, I'm very weird ^.^
  20. May have found the solution to your problem there
  21. Dear god I hope I don't have to have that many lessons 0.o
  22. HAHAHA, oh dear. *swiftly goes back to image topic*
  23. *hides* I hate them, really, bane of my life! As it is those boobs in that picture look fake, either that or because she's not wearing a bra she's popping out.
  24. Well I'm D cup and I'd rather not be ^.^ EDIT: I want on e of those threadless t-shirts but don't know if it'd fit around my hips...-.-
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