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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. Today was really slow, my dirving lesson was fantastic am still doing really well. I did nothing until now and I'm finding out things from somebody, good things thankfully. =]
  2. You learn from life experinces. Every tells you that...silly silly boy.
  3. Indeed hayz! it's shocking, oh well serves me right. I ordered another bar for my eyebrow, as my blackline one is too big now...-.- it's now in 6mm and I want it now so I can wear it ^.^
  4. he can't afford me ashley
  5. haha *shuts mouth* I was only telling the truth, I thought it wouldn't be noticed actually -.-
  6. aww sweet, but still dang nabbit... *munchies cake* I need alcohol for this kinda talk haha
  7. I never said I was cute...><! somebody help! haha xD
  8. pervert, stop thinking about my underwear
  9. No...-.-, dear me I'll set letty on you jordan.
  10. size 15?! eek big foot ^.^ haha I'm not showing my underwear daniel, stop encouraging him!
  11. I think it's just between them twozzok, *hands popcorn*
  12. ah makes sense. I don't tend to take an interest in illegal drugs, only legal ones ^.^ course drugs would be popular, don't be so silly, have you seen the kids who wait outside supermarkets for cigarettes because they aren't old enough? Since the age has been jacked to 18, those kids still haven't relented.
  13. Hmm, confused, I thought they gave a subsitute for heroin but only gave the real thing at first until they can be weened off it. I don't have much experince to be fair, on this subject, as much you seem to have. You don't need experince to know about something mind you.
  14. an ''i'm always right'' attitude, won't get you very far.
  15. I'd be quite surprised if you did. After all it is only the internet.
  16. I hadn't read before what he'd said (I got to the point where I just didn't end up caring, because it's gotten too out of hand), but agreed, I've only been here what under a month? Already I know how you feel towards your parents, besides, wasn't this ''discussion'' about smoking, not if you like or dislike, or even detest your own parents?
  17. haha it's abit ridiculous, but it's just a point, it's like how restaurants used to be really, like the smokes just going to stop when it hits non-smoking.. reminds me of lee evans actually..
  18. Actaully in england it is illegal to smoke at bus shelters whether there's somebody there or not. I highly doubt I wish to argue with you on anything you say because it seems very snotty. It's rude to say that someone may not have experinced a death in their life, if they have then they are a very lucky person and should not be ridiculue in that way. Quite frankly it should be dropped It reminds me of the girl in work who was on about mum jokes, they also piss me off.
  19. pssh, hence not literally...ah why do I bother haha -.-
  20. haha I dare not ask, sometimes it's purely because shaving is a pain in the arse, not literally. xD!
  21. haha I'd have to agree with shadow, if I had a fag or sandwich I'd probably throw it at them. Be it if it was in a public place.
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