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Everything posted by nightwolf

  1. haha, Dare I ask for a picture? or will it scare the whole forum?
  2. haha, I'm trying *mind wanders* I can't help it.. xD though camping sounds quite interesting, it'd be like download all over again.
  3. haha it'll be a case of ''mum..'' what? ''can I have vodka for download?'' no ''fine..*storms of to charli* ''charli?'' yes? ''you know download? well I havent got any booze'' so? ''go buy me some and I'll drive you to download' okie tends to work ^.^, haha epic drinking sessions *tries to keep mind clean* must think non-dirty thoughts, must think clean thoughts, pink hippos...that'll do...
  4. haha ^.^ doesn't it help make you sleep at night ash?
  5. haha, drink before you get there that'll pass the time. Im seeing how I'm going to get booze to download haha xD
  6. haha, if I can afford it and I'm not too scared by you all!
  7. haha no, I don't have a cock unfortunetly, that'd be quite interesting otherwise.
  8. pssh no men do, i was watching qi and they were having a discussion about it so neh yeah..but there is science to it apprently because we have more fat and whatnot makes us likely to get drunk..cant see how it applies to cheshire girlies but y'know. haha shadow, that sounds interesting
  9. haha for once I might actually agree with you.
  10. guys! guess who were getting drunk at the meet
  11. Pssh sleeping pills are horrible anyway, not something you should take. I agree with raining, lavender does help, it calms you down too.
  12. possibly, but considering it was all of two minutes its shocking, I hate my body haha xD.
  13. It's irratating though, it'd be quite nice to be drunk, so far I've managed tipsy, then I got home which took two minutes and me and my other half (at the time) were both sober..it was very weird... :S
  14. haha, if I'm going to kill myself I may as well save a few pennies on the way ^.^, I just got to the point where my sister is going to die from cancer, I'm probably going to die from cancer. I might as well be god damn happy ^.^, so I've bought lots of lucozade instead...hahah xD
  15. I had my first drink at 12/13, when I was at my friends over the road, her parents live next to her aunty and they aren't very responible, but it was only a blue wkd thankfully. I have yet to be drunk, I've never been able to afford enough to be drunk. Though at house parties I don't wish to drink anyway. I'll stick to my expensive cheeky vimto, it's yummy ^.^
  16. haha alot, cigarettes to me are way too expensive, why buy fags when I can buy two meals with that ^.^ For me if I ever picked up smoking I'd go for the cheapest, whether I liked them or not I just wish my favourite alcoholic drink was as cheap
  17. I have given up on the hair campaign, wooo. No it's just because I'm stressed enough about friday without worrying about a haircut.
  18. haha, nah it just looked real hairy from the photo xD
  19. sure does
  20. Not doing anything v-day, going to see someone special on friday instead =]
  21. You have scarily hairy legs ^.^ does that count?
  22. I found that the only things I could get were another colour/cut or products. Frankly, I want neither. I would like bleach and purple dye, so for now I'm leaving it, to be frank they can cut my hair and I can colour it myself, for me it was 30quid (which is the normal price of a cut for moi) and 40 for my parents. So for now, sutble will do til it can go mad. I'm not complaining and causing havoc for gel or wax -.-
  23. It is neater, luckily, and the more I look at it, the haircut is fine there's nothing wrong with it, nor the colours, I'm just pissed about it being bleached and stuffs. Oh well, I can do it again myself in a few weeks. It might also be better when I style it myself, I hate it being styled by others.
  24. for some reason, that cheered me up. Thanking you
  25. not really, took my ds with me. I'm ringing up tomorrow to see if I can get some of my money back.
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