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Everything posted by Solo

  1. I saw this film a few weeks ago. Its way better than his previous films like Kiss the Dragon or Cradle 2 the Grave (not counting Hero of course). What I loved about the fight scenes was the brutality, looks a lot more realistic than most fights in films, but he should of done more animal like moves though. Morgan Freeman and Bob Hoskins were both better though I thought.
  2. They should replace the steering wheel with the Revolution controller.
  3. Wha?! Smallville provides entertainment sure but for me there's nothing as deep or as thrilling as the OC. I just didn't like the X-Files approach of season 1 and 3, got tiresome really quickly. Good theme tune though.
  4. Ah right ok, does anyone know how to configure Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)? Oh wait I found it, its on control panel. Now I just need to get a crossover ethernet cable and it should work.
  5. OK, I'm not going to start a whole thread just for this but basically I need help with starting up Xbox Live. I've had the start up kit since christmas and now I think I'll try and get it up and running with some help. I have DSL broadband with Nildram. I have an internal modem. I have one ethernet cable (from my Dreamcast). What do I do? Someone please help. *sob*
  6. That Orangina advert with the most irritating song ever.
  7. You could pop to the cinema and see Saw II, I think thats out on halloween.
  8. Me 10 years ago.. Me now..
  9. Well, it is the second sequal to Dawn, its just carrying on the story from the first three, Night, Dawn and Day. More of the same ol' stuff is what we want!
  10. Thar she blows!
  11. Hmm, its only rated a 15, hope it turns out to be more Dawn of the Dead and not (ugh) Resident Evil.
  12. I'm hooked on Knights of the Old Republic, its too good. I picked it up 2nd hand for a tenner, my first impressions were very dissapointing but I stuck with it and now that i'm a Jedi I can't stop playing. I've just finished up on Tatooine, might fly over to Kashyyyk see how it looks compared to ep III. And of course I'm still playing Call of Duty UO, play it every day . (If anyones got it and wants to play me, my names St.Solo, and I use x-fire)
  13. What I did was print out a list of all the missile and energy expansion locations from gamefaqs, then I ticked 'em off when I got them, sad , but the only way I could get 100%. Echoes was good, but somehow they expanded upon what made the first one frustrating, and made it even more so. Fighting Dark Samus was cool, but the final boss was shite.
  14. I'd have to say 4 too, but the actual controls are pretty much identical in all of them.
  15. Time Out From the World - Golfrapp All the Arms Around You - Halloween Alaska Admiration - Incubus Into Dust - Mazzy Star Clear the Area - Imogen Heap
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