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Everything posted by Solo

  1. It looks like MoH Pacific Assault.. which made me puke.
  2. 2006 version looked... better.
  3. Interesting, I was wondering if Life in Technicolour that you've listened to on the full album is the same one I've been hearing on the internet which is a very nice 2 minute instrumental track.
  4. I don't find anything wrong with either Bjork or Coldplay.
  5. It's woeful, avoid like an intergalactic STD.
  6. Two words (and a number)
  7. I thought it was pretty shit, I've never been fan of QTE's and the graphics are ugly. I would've much preferred an Assassin's Creed or GTA style game where you can take your own time. I hated the idea of being ushered along with no exploration.
  8. Yeah if you can get hold of a Gamecube too Heaven make sure you get Twin Snakes!
  9. Hehe reading about the stories on a webpage just isn't quite the same as being in them. Why can't you play old games, buy yourself a cheap PS2 and get cracking!
  10. The UK isn't getting The Mist until July or something, but it came out in the states like a year ago!
  11. I would advise you play the others quickly. With this whole plagiarism thing, does it involve the MGS2 theme or the Snake Eater theme, and didn't that Harry Gregson-Williams fella write them?
  12. Solo

    GTA IV

    OK I've just completed the game...
  13. Yeah still not overly convinced by this hulk, I mean, I don't see an improvement from the last one which is now 5 years old.
  14. I thought it was rated 15?
  15. Oooh Beyond Good & Evil 2. Looks nice. http://www.gamersyde.com/news_6556_en.html
  16. Yeah I suppose it depends what age you were when you first saw it. I think I was about 10 or 11 when I saw it at the cinema so of course I would have loved it. Haven't seen it a a long while though.
  17. I listened to In Silico as a friend suggested and let me borrow it. I received a very different sexual feeling more akin to anal rape.
  18. People people calm down surely these aren't the final prices, it seems a little early to be talking price points.
  19. Batman Forever was a good laugh and Val Kilmer was a great.
  20. No, it's Indiana Jones, it was perfectly acceptable. Forbidden Kingdom It was good when Jet Li and Jackie Chan were on screen, but oh boy it was bad when I had to put up with the Shia Labouf-alike urgghh. 6/10
  21. I had no idea what the hell was going on in DBZ, I couldn't seem to well, just fight. I guess it's more for fans?
  22. What, like Pirates of the Caribbean 3?
  23. Rambo What the hell, where was Stallone in this, all I remembered was a bunch of gay marines and some irritating Christians. I didn't find any of the characters interesting and Rambo himself hardly did bugger all. 4/10
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