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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Good lord, I didn't know there was an Astro Boy movie coming. I assume it's a Japanese production, I daren't wonder who Hollywood would hire Jeff Goldblum to play.
  2. I always felt sorry for Square Block. Always bravely sacrificing half of himself for the cause, but does he get any credit? Does he heck.
  3. For once I agree with Jezzer, cars without doors are brilliant things. I'd love it if all cars were all like that - purely utilitarian steel shells with wheels and an engine. It's one of the reasons I sometimes wish for the apocalypse. None of this chrome and leather air-con metallic paint nonsense. See how many people "need" a car then.
  4. So far I have to say the Halo 3 campaign is better then I thought it would be, better then Halo 2 at any rate. Not that that would be a hard thing mind. There's a couple of nice set pieces which helps mix things up, but the whole thing still feels a bit constricted and skittish compared to the epic simplicity of the original. Cortana's really starting to piss me off too. In fact there's a lot of story, seemingly in a bid to emulate Half Life 2, but neither the script or the voice acting is good enough to justify itself. Also, why can't the earth forces be as intelligent as the Covenant? Being completely and utterly inebriated while at the wheel seems to have become mandatory military procedure in the 26th century.
  5. Yeah I was getting those too when I tried to join you. Sometimes there's a little pop up yo remind me. You have to get into your router settings and I think you have to disable IP filtering on your security settings. I think it did the trick.
  6. Just generally very sexy then?
  7. Now, I'm actually in the mood for a little softly surreal Sigur Ros, but I'm tired, and when I'm tired I tend to weep very softly while listening to Sigur Ros, so I'm saving that until I'm done with Xbox for the night and I've moved on to the whisky and cornflakes. For manly-men activities like playing Halo 3, I'll be sticking with the strictly heterosexual sounds of Queen and the Bee Gees. Yes. Incidentally, I've discovered that my entire life philosophy, which I developed during my night classes at the school of Hard Knocks and trimming the Buddha's toenails, is summed up in it's entirety by the song "Staying Alive." This is both an elation and an annoyance.
  8. Nice one Fierce, looks like you finally came through on top of things all right. Good to have you with us again.
  9. Been up since 5am. Spent the day paint balling with a couple of Uni mates. Fantastic fun. Only tagged a few guys, but did well enough to be a nuisance. Our student and family team lost every match, though we seemed to be pitted against a larger team of paint ball and military enthusiasts who's numbers were considerably bulked up by dragging their girlfriends along. I made at least two people swear. Might go see the city fireworks display tonight, though there seem to be plenty of people in the more immediate area willing to blow their own faces off for my entertainment.
  10. It's being the only new team to loose their opening match that makes this bitter, though my team seem to be working well together. Better adjust my strategy me thinks.
  11. At least you'll have something better then childish insults about racial minorities and your penis to fall back on when you do.
  12. We were asked to write a poem based on a number of different stimuli and elements - some memories, something from outside, what we think is important to us, an outline of our hand, stuff like that. Yesterday afternoon I started writing, then I sort of blacked out for six hours. When I came too, this was on my screen. Not so much a poem, more a general outpouring of just... stuff. All kinds of stuff. I feel much lighter now for some reason.
  13. I think it's worth pointing out that he was not running. He did not vault the barrier. He was not a terrorism suspect. He was positively identified several times that he was not the suspect they were charged with following. He was followed covertly all the way down and into the train by plain clothed officers. No order was given to detain him. Despite this, a "code red" was given to firearms officers by ops. He was sitting down when they shot him. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/629/629/7073125.stm
  14. I think "endangering the public" is a god damn poor excuse of a conviction for killing an innocent man because the surveying officer was out for a piss when he left the house.
  15. I'm finding actually it slightly freaky the vastness of the 360 compared to my dainty little Wii. It's what I imagine putting the pyramids of Giza next to a suburban semi-detached would look like.
  16. When I was younger, I used to have this horrific recurring dream about these shapeless daemons armed with knives cutting me and tearing up my organs. I can still remember them as if I had seen them in real life with my own eyes. My mum said that I was always screaming in my sleep but couldn't wake me. I can remember desperately trying to wake up from them, sometimes being able to feel myself clutching things and hitting myself against my bedside table, but I could just never wake up. I started developing a weird paranoia of the wrinkles in the duvet, I was so afraid they might turn into the creatures and tear me apart again. One day my mum just put me in the car and took me to see this preacher for blessing. He just laid his hands on my head, said a quick prayer and that was that. That night I had the same dream, but this time everything brightened and they just faded away to nothing. I haven't dreamed about them since. Not even once. Incidentally, I don't think I'll ever be willing to totally disregard the spiritual world. I often feel like Scully from the Xfiles - I don't believe, but I cant explain it any other way.
  17. It's faintly ridiculous how much packaging I have lying around right now. It was a fight for survival just getting to the controller. I had to carve it free with a butcher knife.
  18. I spent just under £400 on video game paraphernalia today. Good grief. Worth it mind. That should keep me occupied for a while.
  19. gaggle64 | gaggle364 If you please.
  20. Whoo! Finally got everything I need. Now to set this bitch up... <20 minutes later> God-damn packaging. Diiie! <40 minutes> Gezze, finally. I think I'm online now. gaggle 364. Bloody Live account doohickys.
  21. No matter how many warzones you fight in, there are never ever any civilians around. Either that or the entire population happened to be employed by the army. Including their pets and children.
  22. Weebl, Bob and Weighted Companion Cube. http://www.weebls-stuff.com/wab/cube/
  23. Almost all barrels explode, regardless of what may or may not be in them. Furthermore, enemies just love to gather round the ones that do. Also crates. You always end up pushing massive crates around the place, which are invariably everywhere - even in peoples houses, up mountains, trees and sometimes just out in the middle of nowhere. Why crates? How many crates do you ever push in real life? What did crates ever do to you to deserve this?
  24. I think if I can finish top of the two other new teams I'll call that a success.
  25. Calm your beans. I'll add everyone once I get it in and set up and what have you. The store said their next delivery wasn't for a couple more hours.
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