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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. So... how much is this motion-plus doohikie gonna cost me now? Controllers are pricey enough as it is.
  2. The sci/fantasy world they have here is rather jarring. It's like if the arc angel Gabriel descended from heaven to hand the world the word of the Lord our God on USB stick. This needs a multi player demo to properly evaluate it I think.
  3. I like to go for a stroll and see where I end up. Sometimes just around the corner, sometimes just a bit over the hill, sometimes I wake up and find myself tied to a tree naked, my buttocks aching and a family of sparrows nestling in my hair.
  4. To be honest, it's been a fair while since there was a Sonic game that didn't look naff and wasn't bugged to hell.
  5. To be honest, it's been a fair while since there was a Sonic game that didn't look naff and wasn't bugged to hell.
  6. Dude, come to the University of Cumbria in Carlisle. The single-honours writing course here at the Brampton Road campus is amazing. Very little academic work, and the tutors are truly great. You simply have to meet Nick. According to the internet, he once got his head trapped in a set of rail points.
  7. This be hot shit. I also read somewhere that you can personalise your commanders command squad in the campaign mode, which will be a Mass Effect esque non-linear mission job.
  8. Kotaku summed it up best I think:
  9. They'll be fine. At the rate Lewis is signing contracts McLaren will have enough to start their own banking service.
  10. Ah, I've finally remembered where it's from, it's a little known Dynasty Warriors-esque knock off set in medieval Europe called Bladestorm. The one they were trying to fob off as Link was actually Joan of Arc. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/25263.html
  11. I need to stop reading JG Ballard's stories before bed. I'm feeling way over-stimulated right now. @_@
  12. Do you really think he's talented? The only two films I've ever even remotely enjoyed which involved him in anyway were Pocahontas and Chicken Run. I was hating him way before it was cool.
  13. I knifed Mel Gibson in front of hundreds of people and dozens of cameras during his film premier, and then proceeded to consume his flesh, as absorbing his unholy soul and neutralising it with my own purity was the only way to truly rid all dimensions of the universe from his dark taint. Meanwhile, in a dressing room inside the theatre, his entire 20-man security detail are found naked and bound.
  14. Who the sod are they trying to fool with this? I've seen all of this footage before too, its from that Japanese medieval war game that was on the PS2 or something.
  15. For the first point, I'd probably chance it. Even if you end up spending a night in the local cells, at least you know where you are then. On the second point, at least you're writing. Crap writing is still writing, and that's where good writing comes from. Sounds like you just need to relax yourself. You can dooo eet!
  16. Rumour mill: Santander move suggests Alonso at Ferrari in 2010?
  17. It's an age old problem really, trying to solve it is the status quo. Apparently knife crime is slightly up, but gun crime is slightly down. It's nothing worth getting particularly excited about really.
  18. Yay! I'm now guaranteed to move up to second if I beat moogle!
  19. I just helped my grandparents book a hotel online to save them a huge discount when they go on their trip to catch up with distant relations. My whole life is telecommunications commercial.
  20. Happy Birthdays for everyone!
  21. Come on Ubisoft, start putting some f****ng passion into it!
  22. Maybe that's why she needs to go to a foreign country just to get her fill?
  23. N-Europe - The only forum for hardcover book-on-shelf-on-girl-on-girl action.
  24. Nah, not Monaco, they actually can afford his extortionate race fees.
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