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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Excellent drive from Massa, well deserved. Not sure what's going on at the stewards though, either give him a penalty or don't, don't leave it hanging over everybody's head until after the race for pete's sake. I think Ferrari are going to have to throw themselves behind Massa over Raikkonen now, they can't keep with this situation where Kimi and Massa are trading blows while Hamilton continues to etch out a championship lead. Massa seems to have really rediscovered himself while Kimi is looking almost ordinary by comparison.
  2. For some reason, I initially read that statement as "just as bald."
  3. Timed exclusive? Boo-urns, boo-urns.
  4. Intermittent rain is forecast tomorrow. It's going to be total carnage if it does, the track surface seems to be skiddy enough by itself.
  5. - Glen Quagmire
  6. Can we save these things to SD or am I going to be rearranging my fridge again?
  7. Tomorrow should be a fantastic race. I think we've got possibly the two fastest starters on the front, and fairly jumbled grid behind. Vettel did bloody well for himself especially.
  8. I have just learned that the abbreviation for the World Taekwondo Federation is, indeed, WTF. LOL.
  9. Anyone seen the FUEL trailer? It looks like hot sex to me. http://kotaku.com/5040702/the-first-fuel-trailer
  10. You fool, the best Star Wars quote is blatantly: Fun fact: The line was one of many improvised by the cast. Lucas's original line was "I love you too."
  11. Woo, happy birthday Vic-Rub!
  12. I can't help but feel there's all kinds of flirtatious rebuffs that have been missed here.
  13. I try to avoid paying too much attention to practice times, they're always undermined by fiddling around with tyres and weight and not what. Qualifying still tends to be in my eyes the weekends first conformation of race pace.
  14. -Murray Walker
  15. It's a common affliction amongst us writery types. One day you'll be able to harness those feelings, and then utilize them to create a hideous, angsty, "dark re-imagining" of a beloved sci-fi or superhero franchise, and make a fuckton of money as you and George Lucas rule the galaxy as father and son.
  16. Halo3 campaign is a bit naff, but it offers undoubtedly one of the very finest multi player experiences you're ever likely to find, foul mouthed American teenagers notwithstanding.
  17. Saving with the occasional splurges of assorted sizes. The odd game, then putting any Xmas cash from relatives to a new telly to ring in '09.
  18. I don't really have any words to express affection. I prefer hugs.
  19. Last night, I dreamed I was in some kind of city street race, co driving with McLaren F1 stars Lewis Hamilton and Heikki Kovalinen. The cars we seated three abreast and driven from the rear seats, while the front seats were used to drive the car to the start by the race marshals, two massive black guys. Unfortunetly the marshals got lost and we never found the start of the race. Which was lucky to be honest, as it would eventually have to be my turn to race, and I've never even driven a car in my life. I should probably learn to drive.
  20. gaggle64


    I seem to have a general fear of the dark when I'm alone. Also the Mothman.
  21. Why is Jonathan Price in RA3? Why do I suddenly want RA3 now that I know Jonathan Price is in it? More importantly though, why in the name of god is Jonathan Price in RA3?
  22. Today I cannot handle the sounds of the Samba Camenbarra.
  23. Un-ch Un-ch? Is that what the kids are doing these days?
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