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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. I've looked it up; there is no rule stating that the driver has to wait until the next corner, only that the driver must confer any advantage. I'm just not convinced Lewis failed to do that.
  2. She also used to be a member of the Alaskan Independence Party. Yes.
  3. I've heard BT are wank for games at peak times.
  4. He's done it! He's only bloody done it! Murray v. Federer! Be there!
  5. That's Nadal though, isn't it? Even Murray looses this he's already provided solid proof of his bright future. He's only going to get stronger.
  6. Bloody hell, they just can't seem to put each other away! We'll be on this game forever!
  7. Anyone listening to the US open? It's 2 sets to 1, Murray's off to a strong start in the fourth set, this is a rollicking good match.
  8. Looking at it again, I fail to see how Lewis failed to give up the advantage. Kimi even had time to line up a defence for the next corner. And then Kimi overtook Lewis under waved yellows. Where's his fine for a ham sandwich?
  9. Remember, it's not gay if the balls don't touch.
  10. I am in a sports themed glass case of emo-tion. I may be here for some time.
  11. No one can deny this is controversial. Even the race director was of the opinion that Hamilton had acted properly.
  12. But Massa clearly did something illegal in Valencia, and all he got was a paltry fine. I'm not suggesting they're biased, but they have got to be more consistent in the application of penalties.
  13. What the buggery? But he clearly did yield the position. I can't believe they'd do that, how do the FIA stewards expect to maintain a sense of credibility based on this?
  14. Obama/Biden please America. I think I could live with McCain, but Palin is clearly one crazy bitch.
  15. They've already got highlight clips on the website. http://www.itv-f1.com/VideoHighlights.aspx
  16. That was simply extraordinary. Just extraordinary. You have to feel heartbroken for Kimi - that spin has surely ended his championship. There's no denying though that Lewis truly demonstrated his quality in the final three laps. He definitly earned that one.
  17. Is this worth nabbing for £30 when I can get the original for just a fiver?
  18. Oh please, if Bond is aimed at ADD suffers then Bourne must be designed for old Day Of The Jackal fans suffering from advanced Alzheimer's.
  19. The Ghost Recon games are pretty good if you like some 3rd person tactical squad shenanigans.
  20. Been enjoying a good lot of sport today. Hamilton on pole in Belgium, Murray busting Nadal, England are busy... being England really. All rather exciting, one way or the other.
  21. Bourne is good, but no way is he king of the genre. The chase aspect is excellent, and the violence presented is decent but falls short of other recent efforts such as Casino Royale. The plot is nearly impossible to follow, but isn't luckily anywhere near the central premise of the film. It's essentially a linear path of sequences where Bourne has to evade capture to get somewhere, and that's where all the interest is. It's the classic pursuit movie. Also, I really do feel some of the camera work was rather over the top in Ultimatum. In one scene it looks the two CIA chiefs are trying to have coffee during an earthquake.
  22. "What, no cash prize?"
  23. Yes, I guess we'd better get out of those and into something more... comfortable...
  24. Isn't it obvious? Tidy email box = Huge, satisfying penis
  25. That does seem to be the general consensus.
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