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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. This machete is the most satisfying weapon I've laid my virtual hands on in quite some time.
  2. The Unions must be stepping up their tactics - Kamikazee posties!
  3. I'm still not entirely sure why this game even exists.
  4. I'm not sure you can actually "read" anything by Dan Brown, you just eat the pages and wait for the inks to dissolve your sensory cortex.
  5. Ugh, man. I just finished a really good book and I'm not sure how to get down from the high.
  6. Barrichello & Hulkenberg confirmed at Williams. http://www.formula1.com/news/headlines/2009/11/10187.html
  7. Man, that sounds stressful G3! Hope it all turns out alright.
  8. Better get there eaaaaaaarly!
  9. I'd probably murder for a pint or can of something frothy right now. Damn antibiotics/steroids. <___>
  10. Kobyashi - he's well on his way to becoming Sato Mk II.
  11. Aye, that's the area - 'bout 15 miles along the road from Dumfries. It's not a bad place to live really, but I don't think it's gonna give me what I need to claw my way up society's icy ladder.
  12. Oh god, my whole life here in the Scottish SW is just a holding station now until I can work out a way to get to the choppa and make a break for London - along with the rest of my family. There's just nothing here and what little there is is scattered all over the place. I've oft' read articles decrying the way Scotland has been emptying like a burst septic tank and trickling it's greasy way down south, but I never fully understood why until now.
  13. I think it just about gets away with it but I think video games like this really do need to start looking at and debating their own content - you probably couldn't have
  14. I have to admit, I'm feeling a leetle bit irksome about that opening sequence.
  15. Oh, fuck y'all then. Who wants a Friendly-Friendly?
  16. The Disney option. Always go for the Disney option.
  17. Hmmmmmmmmm....
  18. Don't make me wheezy. You won't like me when I'm wheezy.
  19. Good news everyone! I had a massive asthma attack this morning, and now I'm hopped up on enough steroids to start a career in the NFL!
  20. ... in Guy Love! This one's going out to my best buddy martinist on his 21st. Happy Birthday my man! I love you bro! (In a totally non-gay way!)
  21. Or he can hook it up to his PC's connection if it's convenient.
  22. I think all the above should be moved to a new thread. HWYD: I'm So Rone-ry Special Edition. Brought to you be Jayseven: 100% Emo, Maximum Flavour!
  23. Happy Birthday Coolness, you big fuzzy ball o'happy you. ^^
  24. Who controls Soap Box? They never sent the game invite.
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