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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Yeah, that was bloody delightful! If they do kick off again I hope UEFA go through with it. We need rid of it and I'd hope that doing this would stop people kicking off, in the long run at least. Bloody inbred knuckle-heads.
  2. When I bring up voice-chat, I always sodding mean it! It's not to bait, it's not as a joke. It's because I hope to god Nintendo put it in because they sodding need to!
  3. Kane needs to stop taking corners. Sterling needs to come off, he's been woeful, I'd bring on Bertrand in his place. Alli, Dier, Rooney as a midfield 3 works. If Kane doesn't get himself a sniff, I'd bring Vardy on soon.
  4. I really do hope so, but we all did think the same at the end of the Wii's lifespan and look how that turned out. Zelda is a game I'm hyped for more than anything too, but I worry they'll show too much of it with E3 practically focusing on just that, so I kind want to avoid it a little which then lessens the hype for their showing because it's mostly that.
  5. This is the truth. Last year Nintendo were desperately in need of a good showing and considering the droughts (again, after promises there wouldn't be, again) plenty thought it would/should be a stellar showing. But it was utter drivel! Then this year they've announced their most underwhelming E3 to date! Nintendo are in danger of slipping into complete irrelevancy!
  6. Now there's confirmation Neo won't be at E3 and the rumours are that its way too early for Scorpio is to be shown, I'd love Nintendo to do a u-turn and bring the NX to E3. Otherwise I just can't get hyped for Ninty at all and I'm not sure Zelda will manage to get me hyped with it being so far off now.
  7. Just bought and read The Flash Rebirth #1. Really good, obviously taking right off from the end of DCU Rebirth. I'm not sure whether to read the others. Batman, Superman and Flash are the only 3 I really like as characters so I may give the others a miss. Although the as you e said above @Daft, I have heard that Green Arrow chapter is really good.
  8. Kav

    Battlefield 1

    I don't care in the slightest for campaign, just let me know what the multiplayer is like! BF4 is my favourite multiplayer game ever so I hope this lives up to what DICE can do.
  9. Erm... I guess something akin to those I listed. They're not necessarily my favourite games, but rather for each of them I think they do what they do perfectly. But I'll give it a go: I'd love a Monster Hunter game a little different to how the others have been, it'd be almost open-world. I'm imagining a huge open landscape, with various different terrains like they have in the MH games. The monsters live within the landscape, all able to free-roam within it, but they do tend to stay in their natural habitats. You can each use carts to traverse the environment. These carts are both transport and a stockpile, where you keep all your weapons/items etc, and together they double as a mobile camp for when you're on hunts. There are walled towns dotted around, which act as the hubs where you can get missions (you can get more than one at a time), buy/trade/forge and do all the other MH stuff that you do between missions" as well as stock up your cart for when you're on the road. As its open-world you can free-hunt, but you won't get any rewards other than carves/drops for free-hunting as you're not in a mission, so it doesn't effect Hunter Rank or money. On hunts, with it being open world, you run a risk of other monsters getting involved, like in the other games, but as there aren't "areas" and it's an open world, you can't just move to a different area to be free of the beast... so dung bombs are more important than ever! I'm sure I'll think of other things too but I'm in work and typing this out on the sly over time so I'll come back to it. That's it for now.
  10. Single player: Ocarina of Time Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 Metroid Prime Multiplayer: Battlefield 2 Modern Combat Battlefield 4 CoD 4 CoD Black Ops MH3U Like @Hero\-of\-Time, I would absolutely LOVE a PS4 Monster Hunter game!
  11. Yeah. After being mega hyped for the game prior to its release I thought I'd have played it earlier (especially seeing how I bought it on release) but thanks to Destiny and Nintendo I feel out of love with gaming and never felt like starting it. I just didn't want to play any big or story driven games. But last night I fancied starting it. I'm glad I started feeling like getting stuck into a big game again!
  12. Oh man, that Shingeki No Kyojin chapter... That Hunter x Hunter chapter!
  13. As good as this looked, turn-based gameplay is a no-no for me.
  14. Probably should've read the post above yours @Ronnie. I do think Nintendo need to be announcing NX details asap. I'm in a situation where I'm looking at either getting the NX or PSVR, if PSVR has some great E3 showings then I may well be swayed to that without even seeing NX.
  15. Well yeah, PP has "gone global" as they say. MM will be the Spidey in the Avengers team though, so focus is being shifted it seems from PP... perhaps?
  16. Started reading Spiderman 2016 (Miles Morales), he seemed a likeable character so I'd like to see what they do with this Spidey, especially seeing how he's going to be the main Spidey going forward.
  17. I'm not too sure @Hero\-of\-Time, the first turn-off was that you have to unlock abilities... like tucking your legs up when you jump, because that makes fucking sense?!
  18. IGN give it 6.8... the guy was excited for it but felt very let down. http://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2016/06/06/mirrors-edge-catalyst-review
  19. Typical Ubisoft over-promising is how I felt about the first, it completely under delivered. Not fussed about this as a result.
  20. Kav


    It'll be a little odd in a way playing a platformer from the ex-Rare guys on a Sony console but I am very much looking forward to it!
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