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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Thank you. Shame though, it's lame that you can't use it for attractions like Animal Crossing and Mario chase. Also it's pants that there's no online leaderboards etc. I'm really nit seeing much reason for me to keep playing this game... I find it too lacklustre as most of the attractions are just not to my taste.
  2. On the multiplayer attractions are you able to use the Pro Controller as well as Wiimotes?
  3. Kav


    The bat is awesome, you can "shove" immediately after you swing the bat, you can even interrupt the swing animation at any point with a shove. I deal with multiple zombies like this. Swing at one and as soon as it hits, turn to the other and shove. It's almost like one animation itself and is really handy when facing two or more zombies.
  4. Kav


    Mokong is right, you should get the game, it's brilliant!
  5. DLC preview...
  6. Battlefield is great...
  7. If it got confirmed for WiiU I'd masturbate profusely! Definite purchase for me!
  8. Here's an absolutely awesome anti-camper class... Also, the Laser Sight is different in how it works when compared with Steady Aim from previous titles (Steady Aim simply used to double the effectiveness of hipfire on any weapon)...
  9. Haha, too true unfortunately! Still though, you're showing why you're the Captain! Haha

  10. I've got to say Cap' your posts are the most reasonable and informed on this forum lately!

  11. I'm not sure if you have to do them or not but I did them straight away just to get them out of the way. I just "jumped into" one of the men and completed each mission with that dude. I think I only died on one of them and just jumped into the next guy and finished it with him... the one in Pakistan where you have to get to the downed VTOL. I thought they were pretty easy.
  12. I can honestly say that I never noticed any dips in framerate or anything like that. I'm sure there will have been but I never found them to be noticeable. My only issue with the campaign was the Strike Force missions, I felt they broke the flow of the story a little... that and as Zechs says, you'll have to do all the work yourself, but they're easy enough to do anyway.
  13. Finished the campaign tonight. I think it's the best CoD campaign since CoD4, I really liked Raul Menendez as a villain!
  14. Awesome games tonight! After the last hotfix this game is finally brilliant!
  15. Since the Dec 24 hotfix I find this running MUCH better and there seems to be less lag compensation. I don't know if all has been fixed or not but it has been playing a lot better as of late. Plus, I'm finding the Wiimote is back to being top dog of controllers... seems to be much better now as though they've tweaked it somewhat. Hope it remains to play like this, it'll be amazing if it does!
  16. I'm loving the look of the game, can't wait for it!
  17. Still, bloody awesome video even though it's fake!
  18. I don't know if this has already been posted but if not, HOLY SHIT...
  19. I'll be getting this soon enough, CoD is still taking up most of my game time and I need to get back to ZombiU too... and pick up Mario, but I sure want this! I love Tekken but haven't properly played it for a few years now!
  20. Some good games as well as some bad games tonight (connection-wise of course). Not as many bad games as usual I found though. I love making emblems on this. I've got my One Piece Straw-hats Jolly-Roger, Naruto's Uchiha Obito (as Tobi) and my latest edition is my attempt at the Hylian Shield... I'm going to give a go at making Mario next methinks!
  21. I'd agree with you Zechs if it wasn't for this... God no! Just... god no! (@Wii everyone knows of my hatred for The Conduit and HVS, I'm not just specifically picking out a quote from you, just so you don't think I'm being a git... even though I usually am, haha)
  22. I missed the double XP?! Bugger!
  23. Kav


    Just started the game, finished the supermarket and was on my way back when that damn punk making all the noise called in a swarm of zombies that eventually got me as I didnt manage to get through the door quickly enough! Poop! I'm going to enjoy this!!!
  24. If we get patches/hotfixes that the other versions will be getting then here's one on it's way...
  25. Both @lostmario and I were playing online and it told us to back out to continue playing the the game online due to an update. We had to click either "update" or "cancel" to continue gaming.
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