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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Have you seen the video Zechs posted though Dazzy? It's crazy, that's why we moan, things like that happen all the time. When you play the CoD games as much as we do it's very noticeable and really, really ruins the game! I still love the game funnily enough though. It's just that sometimes you get screwed over by complete injustice like what's in that video!
  2. I had no issues other than hackers either on MW3, I was a MOAB machine on that game! The issues on this game are across all platforms, although the PS3 and WiiU suffer a little more from poor matchmaking and unstable lobbies/parties so party members find themselves being kicked from the party and not being able to join certain people. I'm still enjoying it overall but it really pisses me off at times. Moreso than any other game I've played, it can be infuriating!
  3. If you then consider that if you're playing online you then also have to take lag-compensation into account, this shows just how broken this game really is.
  4. That is fucking atrocious! I'd not have expected this from Treyarch! This really does explain some things! Broken indeed!
  5. When playing shooters with the Wiimote I don't use a bounding box, I set it to as small as possible. For whatever reason, I just find controls with a bounding box a mess and dual analogue becomes instantly preferable. It's the sole reason I can't bring myself to play it. It does feel broken to me.
  6. The gunship controls are ok, the Wiimote controls are iffy. They need fine-tuning, I don't like them as they are. Wiimote controls are excellent if they're customisable as I can fine-tune them to how I like. You have to point much too close to the edge of the screen to turn. I don't like the holding A lark... they're just a bit unrefined.
  7. It's not the difficulty that bothers me. As mentioned above, for Metroid it's the controls, for Zelda it's that it on rails (I HATE on rails with a passion) and Donkey Kong I just simply find crap and boring, regardless of how challenging it is... I'd rather play Cut The Rope on my iPhone, it's much more fun. The same applies to things like Balloon Trip, Capt Falcons Twister Race, Octopus Dance, Tak's Ninja thing and Yoshi's Fruit Cart. Out of which I prefer Yoshi's Fruit Cart funnily enough. The only one I'm yet to try is Pikmin Adventure, I can imagine that being my favourite of the lot but I do wish the game was online so I could actually enjoy it!
  8. No, I can't bring myself to play it as I'm not a fan of the controls. If I could tweak them I'd play it but as they are they just peck my head so I'd rather not. In all honesty, I want to trade this in because I find that when I put it on I stand in the plaza at the entrance of the attractions and think "fuck that, I can't be arsed with it, it's just not enough fun"... the game could've been a lot better if they'd given us some options in regards to fine tuning controls etc. It's a sad state of affairs when Nintendo of all developers set out to make a game that's fun but I just don't find it fun at all (except when played with others... but given it's not online this ruins the experience for me).
  9. Thank you. Shame though, it's lame that you can't use it for attractions like Animal Crossing and Mario chase. Also it's pants that there's no online leaderboards etc. I'm really nit seeing much reason for me to keep playing this game... I find it too lacklustre as most of the attractions are just not to my taste.
  10. On the multiplayer attractions are you able to use the Pro Controller as well as Wiimotes?
  11. Kav


    The bat is awesome, you can "shove" immediately after you swing the bat, you can even interrupt the swing animation at any point with a shove. I deal with multiple zombies like this. Swing at one and as soon as it hits, turn to the other and shove. It's almost like one animation itself and is really handy when facing two or more zombies.
  12. Kav


    Mokong is right, you should get the game, it's brilliant!
  13. DLC preview...
  14. Battlefield is great...
  15. If it got confirmed for WiiU I'd masturbate profusely! Definite purchase for me!
  16. Here's an absolutely awesome anti-camper class... Also, the Laser Sight is different in how it works when compared with Steady Aim from previous titles (Steady Aim simply used to double the effectiveness of hipfire on any weapon)...
  17. Haha, too true unfortunately! Still though, you're showing why you're the Captain! Haha

  18. I've got to say Cap' your posts are the most reasonable and informed on this forum lately!

  19. I'm not sure if you have to do them or not but I did them straight away just to get them out of the way. I just "jumped into" one of the men and completed each mission with that dude. I think I only died on one of them and just jumped into the next guy and finished it with him... the one in Pakistan where you have to get to the downed VTOL. I thought they were pretty easy.
  20. I can honestly say that I never noticed any dips in framerate or anything like that. I'm sure there will have been but I never found them to be noticeable. My only issue with the campaign was the Strike Force missions, I felt they broke the flow of the story a little... that and as Zechs says, you'll have to do all the work yourself, but they're easy enough to do anyway.
  21. Finished the campaign tonight. I think it's the best CoD campaign since CoD4, I really liked Raul Menendez as a villain!
  22. Awesome games tonight! After the last hotfix this game is finally brilliant!
  23. Since the Dec 24 hotfix I find this running MUCH better and there seems to be less lag compensation. I don't know if all has been fixed or not but it has been playing a lot better as of late. Plus, I'm finding the Wiimote is back to being top dog of controllers... seems to be much better now as though they've tweaked it somewhat. Hope it remains to play like this, it'll be amazing if it does!
  24. I'm loving the look of the game, can't wait for it!
  25. Still, bloody awesome video even though it's fake!
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