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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Off-TV play is the best thing about my WiiU. I've only 1 TV and my flatmate likes to watch it. It's the reason I've hardly played ZombiU. Off-TV is brilliant!
  2. Holy shit this looks all kinds of awful! Hahahahahaha
  3. I bought it not long ago on the 360 but I've only put a couple hours into it... I may consider getting the WiiU version seeing as I'm not all that far in. What would you guys say?
  4. MH3U get! I'll have to wait to get home from work and until after Master Chef to play it though as the TV won't be free... damn not having the off-TV patch not being available just yet!
  5. I'll pick this up next week, my local game store had their shipment delayed until Tuesday.
  6. Nipped out on my lunch at work to pick up Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and I see this brand new for £20 in my local Grainger Games store... yes please!
  7. Your next challenge on Master Chef will be to cook the perfect Monster Burger...
  8. I'm repeating that I feel his punishment is just because I feel it is just, regardless of precisely how his brain works. I believe it to function well enough for him to have known that taking life is wrong which is why I believe it's a just punishment. I don't care to try and counter anything I see as not a noteworthy point. What's your point in striking up the conversation? I was simply stating that I thought his punishment was just given what I'd read and from what I felt from that. I was asked about thing to which I replied, I'm not here to debate, I'm here to simply give my view.
  9. What's to say you're right? He may well have completely understood what he was doing. Just because we don't know you can't say "oh but maybe" or "what if"... I'm saying, irrelevant of that, I feel his time in solitary was a just punishment.
  10. My mistake then. I'm saying his punishment fits. That he feels it was "worse than death" is fitting. I do t think its too harsh a punishment.
  11. He took a gun to court and decided to kill anyone trying to stop him getting away if need be. It was premeditated. This was no spur of the moment thing. He knew what his actions meant. I'm not saying everything is black and white but I find it laughable that people try to dress this up as something it's not.
  12. Yeah I realise it looks very vague me saying forfeit. In regards to this case I just think that he should throw away his views on his punishment and should accept it, no matter how severe it may seem to him. He's still breathing and thinking clearly with a conscience... his victim isn't. He ended a persons life. His punishment fits. Never mind the sentencing, I think some are taking the issue of ending someone's life too lightly.
  13. This is what I'm looking forward to most. On Tri it just became too second nature to take down the monsters.
  14. No... He was in court, he knew why he was there and knew he had done wrong and wanted to eacape punishment even if it meant killing people. He didn't give it a second thought. His life, in my eyes, should be forfeit.
  15. I agree. I'm talking about this case in particular. For example, the woman that recently killed someone almost severing their head but had phoned the police before-hand telling them she was hearing voices telling her to do it and that she had a history of mental illness and that the last time she heard these voices she killed her mother... that I can accept is something that isn't black and white. Of course I feel sorry for her, the poor woman tried to prevent what she did. I'm not tarring every case with the same brush.
  16. Roughly around the time that you could solo most monsters, including Jhen.
  17. Straight into online for me. I don't want this game to go easy on me at any point. Tri got too easy at one point.
  18. Haha, I just can't find forgiveness within for serious offenders. It's not black and white, circumstances will effect my thoughts on matters but this was cold blood killing. That's just a little too much.
  19. I simply don't believe his life should have any sense of worth. The punishment fit the crime in my eyes. @Ville if you make "the mistake" of murdering someone then no, I don't think you should try and rehabilitate that person. He's killed someone, his life Gould be forfeit. In the article he says that the judge wishes he could've given him the death sentence but says is it not for god to judge him... well who the fuck gave him the right to end that persons life?! I know, let's all feel sorry for him for being locked up. I know, let's feel sorry for Anders Breijvick (spelling may be incorrect, but i couldn't care less about that vile piece of trash) whilst we're at it, lets try and make him a better person. No! I completely and utterly disagree with this rehabilitating of serious offenders. Every fibre of my being disagrees.
  20. He killed a guy in cold blood, he's a drain on human life.
  21. He's written that article with a clear and concise mind. He's not suffered worse than death, he's just feeling sorry for himself. He's not lost his mind in any way, he's not deteriorated mentally in way. What a load of BS! The manner on which he reflects on things shows his appreciation for being alive. The punishment is not excessive in any way!
  22. I don't think it's childish at all. A childish viewpoint would be to not care about the answer, no matter the answer itself. We're shaped by the world and its events, things that happen in it. Biased doesn't come into it, some of my friends that know the same people I do disagree with me and would agree with you. Are they in anyway biased? It's just how people perceive the world and what is just. I just happen to feel that some people don't deserve rehabilitation.
  23. I think it's the correct decision to ban him. He could be inciting racism which in turn could hurt someone. Free speech is dangerous. How would people feel if someone said "I'd never do it myself but I find sexual assault on children hilarious"..? Just a bit wrong isn't it, probably shouldn't be said?
  24. I can see where you're coming from and sure you have your views, but as someone who knows a murderer, as well as his victim and her family, fuck your views. Reason is on your side? No. Where was reason when a guy murdered his ex girlfriend in cold blood leaving behind her infant child and younger orphaned brother. Fuck your views! Forfeit. That's just the way it is for me. I never mentioned any law anywhere, I aired my views as was asked by the thread. Then you spout your hippy views at me. Childish, no. The fact it stirs up such emotion in me lets me know it's not some throw away childish view. Don't you tell me otherwise! (Sorry I'm a bit riled up but that's how it gets me, I don't mean to insult at all)
  25. Until he dies. He's taken somebody's life. In turn his should be forfeit.
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