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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I had a very indifferent day on on this, sometimes it ran smoothly and brilliantly and at others my shots just wouldn't register at all. Still love the game mind, I played most of the day with the Gamepad whilst my flatmate and his girlfriend watched tv... this is the best thing about the WiiU for me so far! It took me a short while to get used to the layout of the analogue sticks and also the buttons, given that on the CCP the analogues didn't click, I'd be pressing X to knife and I'd only go and change to my other weapon! Haha Once I went back to Wiimote though I owned again! Love that Wiimote I do! Also, I've ordered the Turtle Beach NLa headset from amazon so hopefully I'll have that week so the game chat will work properly!
  2. Nice one Canand, I think I'll be picking that up too.
  3. Details on prestige mode... http://m.ign.com/wikis/call-of-duty-black-ops-2/Prestige_Mode
  4. So these headsets... are they for voice chat only or do they also allow for game sound to be played through them?
  5. Straight onto CoD, online, set up my controls and start blasting through the prestiges. Once I've got the Class set-ups I want, then it'll be gaming with the N-E Clan gunning down all that come across our path! I'll not play other games until I've gone through and sorted out my CoD classes.
  6. Whoever said graphics?! You didn't, I didn't. You simply said no next-gen looking game. Well if you look at the game and you can tell that none of the current gen consoles can play the game then obviously a new console must be out, ergo next-gen! GRAPHICS HAVE FUCK ALL TO DO WITH THE GENERATION OF A MACHINE! Dumbass! Yes, I said it, a direct insult to you personally because I'm sick of seeing your nonsense crap! Sorry Admins, I just couldn't hold it in any longer.
  7. I'm not clutching at straws, you are. It's clear to see when you look at Nintendoland and see how it plays that you can't do that on the PS3 or 360 and therefore it's inherently next-gen.
  8. CoD has been confirmed of being compatible with it. Not sure about others but it's only CoD I care about at the moment.
  9. Nintendoland... because it simply CANNOT be done on the other platforms alone! The fact that the PS3 and 360 are incapable of playing Nintendoland then it is therefore next-gen, given that it is actually a console game from the next generation.
  10. If it's the only headset available then yes... although I want to see a few reviews for different headsets first.
  11. @V\. Amoleo I still think you should get it, because you'll sure have a blast gaming with us!
  12. Yeah some issues with the campaign, but I don't really care considering my time will be spent on multiplayer which is still praised...
  13. For those not well versed in CoD, there's a YouTuber, XboxAhoy, who does CoD weapon guides (albeit a weekly series) that are simply the best weapon guides around. So much so that Infinity Ward actually hired him to work on CoD Elite vids for MW3! But anyhow, for those that would like some pointers when it comes to class loadouts and guns, here's the first of his Black Ops 2 series... Also, here's a little vid where the guy talks about the Miiverse and it's "communities" over a Black Ops 2 gameplay...
  14. Woah, the Lodestar is beast!
  15. Already been posted @Wii but thanks anyhow.
  16. If you're using the Wiimote, use an ACOG If you're using Dual Analogue, use a regular scope (or thermal/variable) The reason I advise this is because with a regular scope the crosshairs are fixed in the centre of the screen and moving it isn't quite as comfortable/stable when using a Wiimote due to this. But the Wiimote + ACOG is better than Dual Analogue + regular scope for sure. I'm pretty beastly with the sniper rifles, using both control methods, but the Wiimote + ACOG is definitely the way to go!
  17. I'll be using both the Wiimote as well as the Gamepad just to mix it up a bit. Although I'll mainly use the Wiimote as I believe it to be the best FPS controller on a console.
  18. I concur, how can people not realise that you won't have thousands online immediately?! The console has only just released, the install base needs to grow first! Also, people will have budgeted this month for the console and certain games, they may have prioritised other games over this one until they can again afford to purchase this. After Xmas and into early next year the numbers will pick up.
  19. Impressions of the WiiU version from a PS3 gamer (very positive)... In regards to the game, it's a shame we'll not be able to livestream but still, the control options more than make up for it. I see the WiiU version as the definitive version indeed!
  20. Like Darksiders and Batman, IGN have not changed the review score from other versions, so it gets an 8.5 from them. http://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2012/11/21/assassins-creed-iii-wii-u-review
  21. Kav


    Yep, already mentioned a page or two back.
  22. On some good bed though, Treyarch have said they'd change this in an upcoming patch! http://community.callofduty.com/thread/200542823?tstart=0
  23. ZombiU Bundle CoD BO2 I will pick up NSMBU, TTT2, Batman AC at later dates dependent on cash flow as I may well be buying a TV too! I'll be broke until the next payday!
  24. I'm very much the team player too. UAV, Orbital VSAT will be streaks I'll be running for sure! My preferred game mode is TDM although I do love all other game modes too... I'm very much a strategist and like to lock down maps and game modes tactically! One thing to note... with Ghost being unlocked at level 55, UAV will be more heavily used and so the Counter UAV becomes much more formidable! Given that, I may well roll with UAV, Counter UAV and Orbital VSAT... screw streaks that get you kills, I'm a good enough slayer as it is!
  25. I know what you mean but in truth, other than a 3D Mario a Metroid or a Zelda, this would always have been my most anticipated game! CoD with Wiimote is truly the best console FPS!
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