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Everything posted by Kav

  1. If it does get a WiiU release I'd be trading in my 3DS methinks... after Zelda at least!
  2. Given that Nintendo are trying to establish that the WiiU is a new console and the draw is a new controller to the general public, that advert isn't all that bad. It's not directed at us that know gaming inside-out. Also, Rufus Hound is a likeable guy (more so when he had his awesome moustache), the general public will know him from TV and wonder what he's endorsing so they'd pay attention. Also, as @Rowan pointed out, it's the first of a series of adds. It's not as bad as you guys make out and it's a marked improvement on their prior adverts! Sure the Wii had more of a draw in its controller but that too missed out on tonnes of games, that never stopped it selling like hotcakes!
  3. I will be, I've got my copy pre-ordered... along with W101 too.
  4. No offline co-op for WiiU... but there is still online co-op, thank god! http://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2013/08/05/splinter-cell-blacklist-wii-u-missing-offline-co-op I'd much rather have the online co-op than the offline!
  5. This, sadly, is the truth. The Wii flew off the shelves and was I such high demand as it was simple, effective and clear to see how games were to be played. The WiiU simply is not this. It's pad looks like the most complicated controller yet and in no way does it demonstrate how games can be played/improved upon clearly enough. It's a confusing mish-mash of input methods and that's the reason it doesn't resonate with the masses. There's still not one single game that makes you think "Ah, this is what makes the screen so beneficial" without having hands-on time with it.
  6. In fact, scrap the above. Also, scrap the Basic unit. £200 WiiU with NSMBU or Nintendoland... and have the Virtual Console a £5 per month subscription service where you have access to Nintendo's whole back catalogue at any time (kind of like Netflix).
  7. Yeah, I wouldn't appreciate that. After asking nicely the first time I feel it was justified that you gave him one in the baby-makers. I figure that its always right to be polite first, if they just ignore you and don't take heed then they've asked for whatever comes next.
  8. Someone needs anger management help! Haha
  9. I get the time difference but in each of the situations I don't see how they're cheating him of sleep. He was on the metro-tram for the bottle crackling and for the other he was on the station platform. How on earth are they trying to deprive him of sleep? Why would he be trying to sleep on the platform or the metro?
  10. I don't see how anyone was cheating you out of a good nights sleep in either of those situations...?
  11. I wasn't trying to start an argument, it's just I found it hypocritical how you'd quoted Animal saying he disliked people being rude yet you were rude yourself. And yes, says me.
  12. £179.99 - White Basic WiiU with Nintendoland £229.99 - Black Premium WiiU with NSMBU That would've done fine. Add in special offers on external hard-drives and they'd have been sorted.
  13. Hold on Iun, you've quoted Animal there and yet you've been rude yourself. "Shushing" somebody is not polite, asking them if they would please stop the crackling would have been polite. A teacher shushes their pupils, not out of politeness, it's an order to them. If I was that guy I'd have smiled and asked to see how hard you bite, then I'd have slapped you about. As for the kids, you could've just politely asked the parents to ask their children to calm down. Seriously, if someone had said what you had said (hitting them) about my children (albeit I don't have any), I'd have laid you out flat! Goodnight to you there and then on the spot! If you'd gone about it politely I'd have done as you'd asked.
  14. I honestly think that the only thing that can help Nintendo now is a price drop, a substantial one. I really believe they'd need it before the PS4 and XBO are out too. SM3DW will not be enough without a price drop, not a chance!
  15. Only 2 shotguns are a 1-hit kill out to any sort of range, the other 2 will require multiple shots in most cases.
  16. People complaining about the shotguns and saying people shouldn't use them are the same as people kicking off over the use of the Famas in BO. If the gun is good, it's going to get used. The shotgun isn't too overpowered any more.
  17. The shotguns aren't broken any more, they balanced the weapons ages ago in a patch.
  18. The Shingeki No Kyojin anime is about to get real damn good! The wait between manga chapters is so painful though! Still, it's absolutely brilliant!
  19. If you try to play this game like a traditional 3D throd person game then it's annoying. The moment you play it as though its 2D it's becomes brilliant! Just like they said when developing... they wanted it to be a "modern-day NES game". This is how it Gould be played an when done so, it's brilliant!
  20. You'll sadly be missed Mokong!!!
  21. My only gripe with this so far is that I think the days are a little too short. Only just though, still managing to get plenty done... I guess I'd like to explore a little more though.
  22. Did with MW3 as I moved house, but not with BO2. It was MH that ended that.
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