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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I enjoyed it last year, had good fun!
  2. I agree to some extent about the graphics being great but don't consider it irrelevant or petty when people complain about the ground texture. Sure it's not the biggest deal when considering gameplay matters most, but it still matters. Especially for when you're taking pics to post on Miiverse, the ground (up close) looks awful from those screens and brings down the quality of the pictures. It's like when playing MH3U and you're fighting Jhen Mohran, you're on it's back, the game is running smoothly but that sand blowing looks sooooo bad that it just detracts from the experience and takes something away from it.
  3. Me too. I can't remember the last time I saw the plaza as I never turn the TV on when gaming. I'm always using the Off-TV function of the Gamepad. To me, the plaza is a complete waste, no need for it at all!
  4. That's awful news! Looks like those with decent connections will be screwed over again. Might.not.get.
  5. I've been best man twice, one speech I gave was just ok (too nervous and was told to "behave" as the bride's parents were prudes). The other speech was absolutely epic and went down a mega treat. The master of ceremonies even gave me a free bottle of whiskey and said it was the best speech he'd ever heard.
  6. If they get rid of the lag-compensation I'll more than likely be on this a lot. If its like BO2 then I'm less likely to play it anywhere near as much as I'd normally be on!
  7. Watch Dogs, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3 and Donkey Kong. EDIT... oh god, Batman Arkham Origins too. Forgot about that one!
  8. Awesome, I'll check it out!


    What do you think of The Special One's return?

  9. To be honest, this is my problem with all Nintendo releases up to the end if the year. Nothing takes advantage of the system. Not even Nintendoland! On an online enabled console they completely omitted online play... why on earth?! Reggie said "online is the air gamers breathe, we want to provide you with as much of this air as possible." Well bollocks to that, they completely lied to us!!!
  10. It's not that it will be bad, it's that it doesn't have any ambition. It doesn't show what the console can do, it doesn't push the genre in any way at all like other Mario games have. This game could have been made on the Wii or even the 3DS... that's my issue with it.
  11. I never found this part infuriating, for the simple fact I never bothered doing the Colony 6 quests... I just didn't cre about them and I wanted to progress the story far too much!
  12. I just can't envisage the WiiU replicating the 3DS for the simple fact that Nintendo don't have the same vice-like grip on te home console market like they do with the handheld market. The competition is MUCH more fierce on the home console side. Don't get me wrong, I'd love for it to do so, I just cannot see it happening. Not without a price drop and not with MK8 being out after the holiday season. Ah MK8, why must you be so far away?! How I'd love to play you now!
  13. The disappointment for me was inescapable. SM3DW looks far too underwhelming when considering the Galaxy games (and maybe ven Mario 64) and Mario Kart 8 should be releasing this year to make me hyped for it... it does look amazing though I must say!
  14. He doesn't like that they want to talk about Nintendo does he?! Haha
  15. Loving the Bow! Hadn't really used it at all until this weekend. What a fun weapon to use, thoroughly enjoying it! I need to make loads of Bows now, the 5 maxed out ones I currently have just won't satisfy me! I need me some more armours too.
  16. Quite a damning verdict on Nintendo's E3 over at Gametrailers. Kind of echos how I felt.
  17. Awesome... that was so awesome!
  18. Still, I kind of prefer it like that.
  19. Me too, it looks much better than SM3DW!
  20. ...I might actually prefer the look of the Gamecube version. The WiiU version seems to have some blue hue going on. The thing with the Gamecube version is it looks like you're playing a cartoon, whereas the WiiU version looks like you're playing a game. I think I just prefer the 'cube look.
  21. CoD Ghosts will not sell the WiiU for the simple fact that's its out on the 360 & PS3 too. That's where it'll sell.
  22. Man this looks so sweet! Cannot wait for it!
  23. Bomberman would fit. Actually, I'd love another Bomberman game, akin to Bomberman 64... that was awesome! Shulk..? Maybe... but I'd rather have Riki!!! Haha
  24. The more I see of it the more I think that Nintendo could've handled this themselves and Retro could've done something big and ambitious. Something to really show the gamer what the WiiU can do! Sure it'll be great, of course it will, but I just can't help that feeling!
  25. Fuck me sideways! If this is true then it'll make it onto my radar!
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