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Everything posted by Kav

  1. What Nintendo should do is release the original GC version on eShop at a reduced price to keep all those that are moaning about the full price HD version happy. :p
  2. He doesn't say the best. He says some of the best and I agree, they've made some fantastic games on the system. Especially the two Galaxy games, they're amongst the best games made by anyone, let alone just Nintendo!
  3. Book him, he's a cop killer.
  4. Shingeki No Kyojin. That's it Blade. It's bloody awesome! I'd also highly recommend Death Note (can't recommend Death Note enough).
  5. So my initial thoughts after starting AC3 were that I'd not bother getting this one at all. AC3 was such a pain to play at first. Needless gameplay (just walking to a point) followed by a cutscene, repeatedly, in the opening couple hours of the game. It was infuriating! After further play and finally upon completion of the game, I'm now lookin forward to this. AC3's story eventually won me round but I still thought it a pain to play. I just hope that Black Flag does away with a lot of the nonsense that AC3 was plagued with (walk to a point, cutscene, walk to another point, cutscene... rinse and repeat). Also, the setting does look gorgeous!
  6. I get why people are moaning at paying full price but at the same time Nintendo have every right to charge full price. I bought a Star Wars box-set on VHS many a year ago at full price. I then wanted it on DVD and it was full price, then it got released on Blu-Ray at full price. Why shouldn't they charge full price?! It's a new format and work has had to go into it for it to be released. If you don't want it at full price, get it second hand once trade-ins have started, wait for a price-drop or get it on Gamecube. With the quality of the game, even when compared to today's games, it's worth laying out full price for!
  7. I had a poop yesterday that stunk so bad I could almost taste it!
  8. I had a poop yesterday that stunk so bad I could almost taste it!
  9. Until its the prices are the same everywhere across the board, the calls for a price drop are warranted. Cheaper at select places won't make nearly enough of a difference to sales. It needs to be that cheap everywhere for it to really start selling.
  10. Mario, not Mario Kart.... Galaxy he's talking about.
  11. Yeah, sorry @Grazza I can't help but see that as crazy talk. The Mario Galaxy games are amongst the best games ever created, Metroid Prime 3 controlled beautifully, Skyward Sword realised some of the best sword controls in a game to date. The CoD games had such a level of customisation to control that I can honestly say, when tinkered with to your suiting, the Wiimote is by far and away better than dual analogue when it comes to FPS games. Tiger Woods was infinitely better on Wii with Motion+ controls too. To dismiss it so easily as a games console is crazy talk.
  12. A complete fanboy. I've played both, there's more or less no difference.
  13. Lukaku to Everton on loan... I'd have rather kept him! Sod it, I'm sure this season is Torres' season!
  14. The game grew on me in the end. Completely overrated I'd say though for sure! It can be far too much of a ball-ache to play at times, especially at the beginning... walk 10 metres followed by cutscene, walk 50 metres followed by another cutscene... rinse and repeat. Ball-ache at times for sure!
  15. We're not suggesting they ditch the Gamepad though. It's being suggested that they could release the WiiU without the Gamepad as a separate SKU and sell it for less. This is a great idea, especially for those not too concerned with the Gamepad!
  16. The biggest draw for me is the Off-TV play so I'd not have bought one mysel given the choice of the two. However, I really do think its a brilliant idea and one that they should definitely consider! No games have been amazing thanks to the Gamepad so far. The game that has come closest is ZombiU, all other games didn't really need the Gamepad as it didn't enhance the experiences all that much. Also, given how Nintendo supported the Wiimote, I don't have much faith in them showing us what's so good about the Gamepad. It took until Skyword Sword to really show us why the Wiimote was so good.
  17. So Isayama Hajime is doing Attack on Titan - Before the Fall. A new serialisation linked with Shingeki No Kyojin set before Wall Maria's fall. First chapter has been released.
  18. Well the game has finally grown on me, I'm starting to enjoy it more now. I still say its overrated and that they shouldn't have bothered wit the present day malarkey as I don't care for that part of the story. I'm only interested in Connor's story... and I love Hatham as a character too!
  19. I'm certain this is the point of them. Barry Scott was the same, those adverts never took themselves seriously, they were taking the piss.
  20. The WiiU Difference videos are really growing on me. That 3rd episode especially! Rufus' job is to mock those overly enthusiastic telescoping presenters and ham it up. Its done well.
  21. Nowhere near enough of a drop in my eyes!
  22. Tickets bought, looking forward to it! I'm really looking forward to checking out the Oculus Rift!
  23. I will play it through as I can't start and then just stop, it'd feel wrong. At the moment though I just want it over as soon as possible! It's such a pain to play!
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