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Everything posted by Kav

  1. This is what I was watching when you called the other night.
  2. I was going to post about this yesterday, I've watched the first 3 episodes and am enjoying it. Didn't expect it to be the way it was at all!
  3. I said in the WiiU General Thread, I don't think I'll be buying the next Nintendo Console on day 1, I'll wait until either Zelda or Metroid us released for it and then pick it up. I've been losing faith in Nintendo the last couple years. I don't believe they have it in them to create a decent piece of hardware anymore.
  4. I think I'll be picking up a PS4 (finally made the decision) once Destiny comes out, I'll pick it up along with The Last of Us and Infamous Second Son I reckon. The game I'm looking forward to most though is Batman Arkham Knight! My train of thought at the moment is that I'll not buy the next Nintendo console upon release. I'll wait until either Zelda or Metroid is released on it.
  5. No, no, no. Do you guys not see? Nintendo's is the industry standard. The PS3 & Xbox 360 were actually next-next-next-gen consoles that travelled back in time and released early, that's why it seems Nintendo's is behind the times, when in reality the Sony and Microsoft consoles are ahead of their time. The PS4 & XBO should've actually released in the year 2108. That's what Serebii is getting at, right?
  6. I used to watch Borini a lot when he was at Chelsea, in both our youth and reserve teams. The kid had bags of potential, he had class to his play too. It's infortunate he's not really fulfilled his potential as I thought he would do, but saying that injury has hampered him too.
  7. Well now I know you're trolling me. Haha Like I said earlier, you're no Brad Pitt but your mrs still likes you. :p
  8. Haha, I wondered when you'd pipe up! It's better than "Or8 duck, how're it goin'? Thou got nice profile, fancy meetin' for'a pint or owt to eat... with Hendersons sauce on of course!" Haha
  9. Hello (insert their name here), thanks for the match. I must say, it was an easy swipe right for me... you're absolutely stunning! How're you finding tinder? (insert your name here) x Is my generic message, it has worked well for me. If they put a profile in there then of course you can add to it but if not, it's a nice enough base message to go on... it gives a compliment and asks a question therefore inviting a reply.
  10. Yeah but Blade, you look a bit meh but your mrs still enjoys your company! :p Love you really!
  11. When myself, @Hero\-of\-Time, @Deathjam, @marky and others on MHTri, voice-chat made it all the better. Then again with others (@Blade) on MH3U on the WiiU. The fun was only enhanced by talking to them, laughing with them and taking the mick out of each other too. For Nintendo to say they're all about "fun" why is it they leave out features that enhance it?! This game desperately needs voice-chat. It would be all the better for it!
  12. Funnily enough this is my thought too. I bought it, started it, got intô my first couple fights and immediately thought "I cannot be arsed with this at all"... not put it on since.
  13. I don't think he'll take a big bite from any one player whilst at Barca... maybe smaller bites from many players... tapas.
  14. Zankyou No Terror I watched the first episode and I am wholly intrigued!
  15. Or just tell her how it is. That she's out of order and it's laughable what she said to you.
  16. I hate this game... I hate that I enjoy it... I hate that it mercilessly screws you over more than any other game ever before, yet there's the odd occasion when you have a few races where the game goes easy on you and nothing seems to hit you too and so it drags you back in... to a world of hurt when you get screwed over again! I didn't think I would but I like racing as my Mii over the standard characters... having my Mii makes me want to play it more for some odd reason.
  17. That's my time on Mario Kart completely so far, haha. That Grumble Volcano, I was in first then got hit by a Blue Shell followed swiftly by a Red Shell and a Star user... I hadn't managed to move from the spot where the Blue Shell first struck me. Rainbow Road was shocking too, I got a Bullet Bill and thought awesome, I never get something good, only for it to end and put me immediately in the path of another Bullet Bill which smashed into me knocking me to the edge of the track only for a fucking Red Shell to then knock me off. I get placed back down and a fucking Green Shell fired backwards hits me before I get a chance to move. The worst though was on Tick Tock Clock just then with @Blade and Clownferret. I was in the air gliding, at height, when a Green Shell got fired backwards from the ground and somehow flew up into the air and hit me! Fuck that! Fuck that shit, Black Ops 2 is going on, there's less bullshit in even that!
  18. I wish there was an option for a caption that said "I wish there was voice-chat." Haha. Also, the night has started with me getting royally screwed I the first few races! Man!
  19. Given the only home consoles I've not owned have been the PS3 and the current iterations of the PS & XB (all due to financial restraints) I'd not say I'm blinded by loyalty, I even owned a Sega Saturn! Hell, I'm one of the people that criticise Nintendo heavily these days! I'm going to be picking up either the PS4 & XBO later this year, still undecided which. I prefer the XBO pad and love the idea of all the Halo games being on it, but then again Sony First Party generally have better offerings than Microsoft's. Overall though, my reason for picking up the WiiU is because I enjoy playing Nintendo games more than any other. Specifically their games though, I don't rate their hardware in respect of it not being as powerful and lacking in network options, which is why I would love Nintendo to go 2nd Party to one of the others.
  20. That's funny, I've a 360 and a WiiU, have put hundreds of hours into both and I actually prefer the WiiU's analogue setup. Funny how you seem to keep ignoring that.
  21. I thought you were complaining just because it was Nintendo..?! :p Still, if it wasn't awkward for the analogues to be where they are on the DS4 then I wouldn't complain about it, right?
  22. I just don't see how button pressing is awkward on the Pro Controller. It's not awkward in the slightest, I just don't get this statement at all. Sure the buttons aren't in as natural a place to press as they are on the other pads but likewise, the analogue on those other pads isn't as natural in use as the Pro Controller's. With higher fidelity required for complete control of an analogue stick over the fidelity required for pressing a button (not much), it makes more sense to have the stick in the natural raised position. Also, using the D-Pad on the 360 controller is only awkward because the D-Pad itself is of poor design, not because of its placement. The D-Pad and buttons are easy to use on the Pro Controller because tapping a button/direction does not require any effort or fidelity at all. Unless you've tiny hands, like midget small, then I could see your argument, but then all controllers aren't for you.
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