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Everything posted by Kav

  1. No @lostmario, no! Get Destiny upon release! Problems won't be much at all give that there's been an Alpha & Beta!
  2. The multiplayer in Pikmin 3 is what brings about the freshness in that game. When you go online and group up with... oh no, wait.
  3. It's not fantastic, falls short of the promise they hyped, but I'm enjoying it more than I am The Last of Us after roughly equal amount of game time with each.
  4. Girl C - Date 1 Date went well, we got on and said we'll go out again next week... so I'll have to arrange that around my 2nd date with Girl B too as we've said we'd go out next week. It almost didn't go quite smoothly though... I arrived at the place we were meeting about 5 minutes prior to her arrival and this girl turns around at the bar and looks at me... "Kav"... oh well that's great, it's only another one of the girls I'm chatting to! Shit! This girl I'm about to meet is only seconds away and now this. So I tell her I'm on a date one of my friends had set up that I couldn't say no to, she wishes me luck and sits down what ends up being two tables away from us! Awkward! Haha Guess I'll not be seeing her now, haha! I've another date tonight too, we'll see how that unfolds. Jesus... I'm a serial dater (I do love a date).
  5. Not according to the developers and Activision, so say IGN... http://trib.al/b7Q8MIc
  6. This One Piece arc is so damn good, another great chapter!
  7. That second goal was fantastic, Cesc is a fantastic addition to the team... Arsenal absolutely should've taken him back! Glad they didn't mind, haha. What the clip doesn't show is the full 25 pass build up.
  8. Battlefield plays beat everything!
  9. I agree, with this build up it's looking to be amazing!
  10. If you liked Uncharted 1, 2 or even 3, you'll like this... although like them, it's not as good as has been made out so far in my opinion. Granted it's a good game, but it's not exceptional like people say.
  11. Oh man, I though Skyward Sword was the dog's dangly bits! One of the best games last generation for me. That sword control! For example; Skyward Sword for me blows The Last of Us out of the water completely! Sure not in a narrative sense as such (more likeable and instantly connectable characters in SS for me), but controls and gameplay, definitely! I loved Phantom Hourglass too to be fair, closing the DS to imprint things on the map, blowing into the mic (for the first time) to effect gameplay etc, loved it! Zelda has never put a foot wrong in my eyes. Hell, I don't even want voice acting in it unless they speak in a "Hylian" language, similar to how Midna did in Twilight Princess (which was also the dogs bollocks). Reason being is that over the years, playing the Zelda's, I've built up an image in my mind of how everyone sounds based on the grunts etc they've always given... voice acting would take away from that, especially seeing as how they'd have to translate into so many different languages. It's the same as how reading a book is better than watching the same story, characters aren't as good because they're not "your own version" of them. It's like when people call for choices in the Zelda games. No! I don't want choices, I don't want to play as Link and decide to not help people, or cause trouble in any way. When playing as Link, for some reason, I always want to help everyone, I want to play the atypical hero! Link brings that out in me and I don't want that changing... even the option to do so just doesn't feel right, it goes against my instinct. The Legend of Zelda franchise, to me, has never been anything short of perfect. Holy shit I cannot wait for this game!!!
  12. As much as I've fallen out of love with Nintendo and my WiiU as of late (more since getting my PS4) I'm looking forward to this game sooooooo much! Easily more than any other game, even though we know so little about it. That's just what Zelda games do to me!
  13. Cheers for the games guys, I had a blast tonight! That battleship moment... OH MY WORD! It blew me away man.
  14. Kav


    The final section made no sense at all. It was a good demo but stopped being scary after a while.
  15. Some hilarious games tonight! That storm took my breath away, wow! I had a few good games at the end there after such a rough start. It all started going much better for me once I took off the heavy barrel attachment and changed it to the supressor. One things for sure, I need better map knowledge, my gun skill itself isn't all that bad, I've no problem killing people... when I see them, haha.
  16. This, this, and more of this. It's so true! It's Nintendo's arrogant and backwards attitude that is to blame. I pray for a day Nintendo go 2nd Party! Nintendo are great game developers, they just need concentrate on that.
  17. Maybe we need to have two WiiU Threads and not just a general discussion thread..? WiiU Positive Discussion Thread WiiU Negative Discussion Thread That way arguments won't crop up, right? :p
  18. @Hero\-of\-Time has it right, the WiiU is selling awfully, Nintendo need to do all they can to push it to sell. A conference would've given it a push in the press, a push they need, no matter how slight. With the WiiU doing so badly do you really think it's clever of them to keep going as they have been doing and "not touching Gamescom" @Serebii? because look where it's got them. The release schedule show they have nothing, no matter how much you protest otherwise.
  19. I'm going to play PT tomorrow, with the lights off, with my headset on and with it on my projector... can't fucking wait!
  20. Looked great, as did the Vita game, so much invention in the game.
  21. The footpath by the canal. But really, Rime and Tearaway looked fantastic, Wild looks very intriguing as did many others. So much diversity on show!
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