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Everything posted by Kav

  1. He’s completely unfit to hold any form of office!
  2. I can’t fecking login... it keeps not recognising the Google Authenticator codes when trying to link my account. ...and for some reason I don’t have any backup codes anywhere.
  3. @drahkon my favourite weapon is the Charge Blade, it’s such a technical weapon. Once you get used to hitting guard points you can really dominate monsters and feel godly doing so... can’t recommend it enough!
  4. We need to start being able to defend set pieces... otherwise we played really well against Liverpool today, had the better of the game.
  5. Quite possibly nothing anymore as I’m absolutely skint (work on the house).
  6. Ross Barkley taking the penalty off Jorginho and missing it. Urgh.
  7. You best get practice in guys, because you ain’t ready!
  8. Jesus christ, if the unredacted parts of Yellow Hammer spell this much chaos & disorder, what the fuck do the redacted parts say?! https://news.sky.com/story/operation-yellowhammer-government-no-deal-brexit-documents-released-11807339
  9. So a lot more has changed, avoiding No Deal is now enshrined in Law but there’s been suggestion Boris will ignore it, we’ll see come Oct 19th. By 23:30 tonight the Government need to release the Yellow Hammer docs, emails & all messaging to show the Government findings on No Deal. ...and as we wrap up Boris’ first week as PM I’d just like you to imagine what the Media uproar would’ve been like had it been Corbyn who, in his first week as PM: • lost his first 6 Commons votes • lost his majority • tried to set up .gov.uk websites to harvest users data • unlawfully prorogued Parliament • implicated the Queen in an unlawful act • has not ruled out breaking the law with regards to the No Deal (the Ben Bill) Law
  10. Astral Chain (not got yet) Links Awakening Luigi’s Mansion 3
  11. Kav


    If I didn’t already have it on PS4 (and I don’t play it on that to be honest, my step-son does though) I’d get it, but I’ll pass it by, as good as it is.
  12. Get ready to shit your pants everyone! Hell yes!!!
  13. I won’t be picking this up until mid-Sept... because I’m so skint!
  14. Azpilicueta is finished, he’s an absolute shadow of the player he was a few seasons ago, so sad to see. We also need to be better in defence as a whole unit, the defenders aren’t pushing up to the midfield enough and are leaving to big a gap to be exploited on counters. ...but our right-hand side is woeful at the moment, I can’t wait until James is fit, instant upgrade on Azpi. Pulisic needs time to settle in.
  15. Looks dull as fuck to be honest.
  16. Again we were the better team for the majority of the match but end up losing out, this time on pens. When those out injured return, if we can keep up this level of performance I don’t think Top 4 should be a struggle.
  17. Losing is one thing but losing by so many goals thanks to school-boy individual errors in another, Zouma and Azpi had an absolute nightmare! It was looking positive up until Utd scored their 2nd, both against the run play, after that our heads dropped and we lacked cohesion... but it wasn’t the youngsters that was the issue, it was moreso senior/experienced players that were. Still, no need to panic, I’m looking forward to injured players returning! Anyhoo, I saw FIFA have handed out a massive £315,000 fine to City for the same thing we got a two-window Transfer Ban for. Classic FIFA!
  18. With the Transfer Ban it’s a write-off season for us. Not expecting anything but still wouldn’t be surprised if we made top 4, neither would I be if we were just top 7. Our First XI is definitely weaker than last season, but our Squad on the whole is probably better with some loanees returning.
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