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Everything posted by nekunando

  1. ..my last 3 tshirts have been bought from primark for a total of £10..
  2. ..Summer.. thought we'd got rid of that douchebag for good.. bugger
  3. random knabs zeik alex max lynne skully.. frig me.. i wanna knee her in the face steph what a load of twots ..and im still convinced gino planted the bomb on the plane.. its pretty clear.. ZING!!!
  4. ..joe scully is a lad! ..and Gino would love a bit of the 3-way lovin..
  5. ..my theory? Gino wants a bit of the Ned.. and by killing everyone on the plane (Elle and Izzy) Gino would then be free to get the 'bert up
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XwMTJAqQOQ ..from what I can tell.. it sounded like Harold accusing Gino of planting the bomb on the plane.. but it's hard to make out..
  7. ..I felt that Super Mario 64 set the bar so high that whatever Super Mario Sunshine turned out to be like it would never be able to reach the incredibly high (too high?) expectations.. I enjoyed Sunshine even though it wasn't as groundbreaking..
  8. ..that's fair enough.. I've been waiting on him to start delivering but every time I see him play I think '£14 million?!!!!' ..sure.. he might have some talent there (not that he shows it) but he is one of the most frustrating players I have ever watched for Liverpool..
  9. ..sorry.. that really made me laugh ..as for the Fowler thing.. I'm not sure what to make of it yet.. hasn't really sunk in.. but what I do know is that I want Morientes to play in the side regularly coz I know if he plays more he'll be a good player for us.. I'm hoping Fowler and Nando can play well together.. Cisse can bugger off.. Sinama-Pongolle can stay.. I like him
  10. Banjo Kazooie was so brilliant ..freezeezy peak was my favourite level.. especially racing the polar bear around the level on his sled.. or trying to get the christmas lights to the tree.. I thought it was all great! ..and I really enjoyed Gruntilda's game show type quiz near the end of the game.. enjoyed it all very much! ..one of my favourite games ever!
  11. ..I think I mentioned this somewhere else but a sort of 3D Super Mario World with Iggy Koopa and all the lads and the little yellow question mark blocks.. maybe with some side-scrolling levels (yet still 3D a la Super Smash Bros.)
  12. ..you're flippin right it would.. ..and I'm not saying these would be the best ideas or anythin but maybe snooker would work with the remote.. as could darts.. but I really think Wario Ware will be brilliant!
  13. ..theres obviously zelda.. fps.. tennis.. etc.. but I'm just thinkin a starfox game could be made where you only use the one hand.. the flight of the ship.. the shooting.. the barrel rolls.. can all be done with the 'revmote' without the nunchuck attachment..
  14. ..well.. tomorrow (..or later.. whatever..) is the big one for me.. being the liverpool fan in the family in a house where my brother and me da support Man United.. look forward to these matches so much from when the fixtures are announced at the start of the season.. and this year I am going to watch it at my girlfriend's house (..yeh.. you heard right.. football AT my girlfriend's house.. how lucky am I!) ..but with her dad bein a Man United supporter too I'm either gonna get taunted useless by a United victory or kicked outta the house with a Liverpool victory.. ..but whatever.. Liverpool for the win ..and a hat trick for 'nando.. lol
  15. .. am I the only one reminded of bullseye when N5 is mentioned... "..iiiiiiiiiiiin five.." ..I thought so..
  16. ..I had 6 or 7 lessons.. instuctor thought I needed more before I would pass.. I told him it was just his crappy car and that I could drive perfectly in mine/ my da's (the car I was going to do my test in).. and he said 'surely there can't be that much difference.. your driving is fine but your observation and timing could do with some work' ..proved him wrong.. passed my test first time.. hadn't taken that long to learn.. but it's different for everyone.. and do it in a car you feel comfortable in.. my instructors Toyota Yaris felt piss to drive..
  17. ..obviously the gameplay will be different.. but I want the sort of atmosphere and feel and look from super mario world in 3D that would play similar to super mario 64.. ..and a Reggie game is almost inevitable.. *walks up to someone with a notepad and pen* "may I take your name?" *writes down name and throws away notebook*.. you know the drill from there.. it involves ass.. and not the way you're thinkin mr. grin on his face..
  18. ..yeh.. what I want is a 3D Mario that uses the same characters and similar styles of environments from Super Mario World with the little yellow question mark blocks and thwomps and stuff..
  19. ..yeh right.. get with the times.. the PS4 is pish
  20. ..maybe you'll get to select which hand to equip the sword in.. ..and for some reason, when I was thinking about what the revolution controller could be used for in mini-games, I remembered the bowling from Ocarina of Time with the bomb thingies (can't remember the name) but it made me really think about the possibilities for other games (not in Zelda) that hadn't even crossed my mind before.. like actual bowling, a snooker/pool game (which nintendo consoles have been pretty bereft of) where the controller is ur cue (maybe even with a little darts game thrown in where u are in complete control of what u do with the dart).. and maybe those were crappy ideas.. but I'm actually pretty excited by the endless possiblities .. ..and zelda looks amazing!
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