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Everything posted by Owen

  1. OK, hopefully i'm wrong, but i'm still saying it will be out either December 9th or December 16th! We shall see!
  2. Amped 3 is meant to be a launch title, however due to the games 'silence' it's starting to look unlikely. Still you never know. Like i said before, we should know everything this tuesday, hopefully....
  3. Well i have now also preordered another system at 'Comet', it's a MASSIVE store and i'm 4th-5th in the line: He stated 'Our allocation is that of the preorders we get and a few left over for customers to come in and pick one up', he did state they won't get alot of them though. Although i'm pleased he said i will get one. So that worry is over! :awesome: ----------------------------------------------------- The Launch titles are still uncofirmed however they are going to be announced at that games thing on October 4th-5th. Heres a list of games i'm interested in for Launch (I've been saving credit-notes for yonks) Key Rumoured to be delayed till 2006 games will show= * Rumoured to be a 'Second-Wave' Launch game for release on December 9th or December 16th show= ~ XBOX360 2005 GAME LIST -Dead or Alive 4 -King Kong -Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion * -Ghost Recon 3 -Project Gotham Racing 3 -Call Of Duty 2 ~ -Condemned ~ -Full Auto * -Top Spin 2 ~ -Frame City Killer ~* -Quake 4 ~ -GUN -Tony Hawks American Wasteland -Kameo -Perfect Dark Zero ~ December 16th 2005 is looking likely! -NBA 2K6 * I will just have to wait and see whats availible, although i'm hoping Microsoft launch as many games as possible on December 2nd so gamers have a HUGE choice! I'm not getting my hopes up for PDZ to make launch, because i'm 95% sure it won't!
  4. I dislike football, but i am going to give this a go. I think it's a really fun, pick up and play game with your mates or family members. Hopefully my brother will play this with me as it's footie!
  5. ^ Thanks for you nice comments girls! A nice confidence boost, which i need at this time in my life, i'm so unconfident it's annoying. :wink:
  6. I think the games in game shops will be £44.99-£49.99! sadly... Good old gameplay will most probably sell them at £37.99-£39.99! Gamestation BETTER let me trade my £300 in credit notes for Xbox360 games or there will be HELL to pay! :wink: (seriously, lol)
  7. Owen


    Strange someone has created this thread as i was thinking the exact same-thing. I've never bought anything by Robbie Williams, and it isn't really my type of music either, but the new song 'Tripping' is SUPERB. It will go Number 1 without a doubt, i may consider buying the new album..actually...
  8. Ok heres me! About Feb 2005 i think, i don't look much different, perhaps a little older. Excuse the loo (at least it's clean, lol) the toilet was the brightest room in the house at the time to take a clear picture! LOL Me surprised and happy (for once), lol and heres my guitar artwork, which is on my wall and i'm quite proud off, lol: I actually hate my face in photos though....so be kind.
  9. My ideas: Conkers Paper Mario Excitebike 64 Super Smash Brothers Mario Tennis Goldeneye Super Mario 64 International Track and Field: Summer Games Perfect Dark 007 The World Is Not Enough Lylat Wars Zelda Ocarina Of Time (YOU MUST get this, of course everyone knows that) Zelda Majoras Mask (I would of loved this game, but i never fully understood the clock and saving etc.. and for me i didn't like the way you had to rush, it probably was really simple to understand but i just couldn't 'get' it) Theres more, i just can't think of them.
  10. ^The person in Gamestation, which sounded really informative and knew what he was talking about. He stated the UK were getting 50,000 XBOX360's and that Gamestation stores around the country were getting 15,000 of that amount. I've tried other game websites but all state they now can't gurantee delivery on release day. Gameplay did state i will most probably get one for launch day as i preordered the day it went up on the website (17/08/05), but for some stupid reason i'm still worried. i have a 99.9% chance of getting one, but i want to preorder somewhere else as well to 100% make sure i get one! :wink:
  11. Gamestation, Game and now woolworths have stopped taking preorders in my area! I've already preordered from Gameplay on 17th August, but i'm REALLY worried that the extreme shortages (50,000 for the whole of the UK) is going to make it so that only shops can sell it and no online retailers, can they do that? Well theres always Ebay but to be honest i don't trust spending that sort of money on there!!!! I so hope i get one!
  12. Your right, sadly the PS3 will most probably beat a very interesting, refreshing, niche product (Revolution) because people just like 'Sony' games. Though i could well be wrong, the DS is beating the PSP in certain countries isn't it? and i thought the PSP will beat the DS in every country! Due to the fact it had 'Sony' on it. You never know, we will just have to wait and see!
  13. It really ain't that bad, however the only 'wow' factor for me was the new way you can possess people and use them, to be honest it hasn't really gripped me at all, you see many games i have purchased lately start of great but none of them have really got me absorbed which is ashame, BUT get it when it goes down in price because you'll be very pleasently surprised, theres also some quite clever/ interesting puzzles in this game as well, it isn't terrible, just don't go expecting Perfect Dark/Goldeneye standards of FPS. The Multiplayer was very strange and to be honest not fantastic, it's different put it that way, perhaps when i open more maps it will hopefully get better! At least theres bots! My rating? 79%
  14. God i hope not...lol :doh: I'm hoping he just meant that the Rev controller will change the way we play Zelda, so the game will be different as well!
  15. THANKYOU someone else who likes The Rasmus and No Fear! What a song! Stocka have you considered buying the album?
  16. There is more! I reckon more will be announced this year, some could be next month. Pricing/launch date etc.. i reckon will be revealed at E3 2006 (can they do that then?) i reckon it will be out worldwide in 2006. September for Japan, October/November for USA/Europe. Although i'm always wrong, so take this with a pinch of salt! lol
  17. It's ok now. Thats what i thought. lol. :yes:
  18. Either N64 or Snes, but due to a few N64 games, N64 just wins it!
  19. Glad someone else loves Donnie Darko on here, although most people do! lol By the way, Whats your fav Donnie Darko song? It's a hard choice but i love the beginning when Jake Gyllenhaal (Donnie) is on his bike and the song is either INXS or Echoe & The Bunnymen depending on what version your watching! Oh and thanks dukkadukka
  20. Firstly: I WANT YOUR SIG Dd_Daz! Donnie Darko rocks! and that sig is bloody fantastic! OK, i wasn't going to reply on here but i will. 1) Your allowed a opinion, if you don't like my music thats fine. Just don't think everyone should agree with you nor go over the top, a simple 'I dislike The Rasmus' is fine. What Replika said was a little OTT although i didn't take much notice anyway. 2) Although i believe you should back-up why you hate The Rasmus with a valid point? They sing live, they write their own songs and play their own instruments and the new album is much more heavier and rockier then the first (except Sail-Away which is a acoustic song). Again a simple 'It's not my type of music' will do.... 3) I'm not Gay, and i don't see what the point of saying the gay thing was. It's totally off-topic, and because i can get emotionally attached to a song and write about it, doesn't make you gay. Sorry if i sounded 'gay' but to be honest i don't know how something you write/read makes you sound gay, and even though it was blantantly a joke, it got to me a little bit. I'm not angry, nor do i want to go into a massive argument over this, lets forget it now shall we?, but let me say this now to everyone!!! DO NOT slag off other peoples music taste, EVERYONE is different (thank-god) and it's not fair, it makes you feel what your listening to is wrong, when it isn't and it's quite annoying when your really 'into' a band and people keep slagging them off! I'm happy, see? lol Ok back on topic, I'm listening to Mew and Mae alot today! I love Mew's new song 'Special'.
  21. Can't wait for Kameo, i'm hoping it's out at Launch and it will have that superb adventure feeling like Zelda! Bring it on!
  22. I'm having doubts this will make Launch day you know, it be out in 2005 without a doubt but i reckon we will see it a couple of weeks after launch just before Christmas! Which is ok, but annoying because Microsoft keep saying it's out at launch. I know the console is out December 2nd (I wanted it in November) but what are the launch games?
  23. I didn't even know there was a voting thing for this, sorry. Anyway i wouldn't of voted for a specific person! Everyone is mediocre compared to me anyway! :wink: No seriously, i wouldn't of voted. WELL DONE to the winners, and don't worry to the losers! I love you all! :awesome:
  24. http://drawapig.desktopcreatures.com/gallery/large.asp?id=738898&p=0&hof=1&q=personality+test (link to my pig) What they said: Toward the middle, you are a realist. Facing left, you believe in tradition, are friendly, and remember dates (birthdays, etc.) With many details, you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful. With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and stick to their ideals. The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are. The bigger the better. You drew large ears, you are a great listener! The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life. And again more is better! You drew medium sized tail Not bad! :wink:
  25. This is Difficult for me, 5 songs????!!!!!!!, anyway i have stated the name of the band, the name of the album of which the fav song i've picked is on and a little write-up for each! lol : 1) The Rasmus 'DEAD PROMISES' (Hide From The Sun) Even if you don't like em, it's a great album and song. This song shows The Rasmus can do a belting rock-track and Apolcaylipitica also feature on it, doing the cellos for this song. Love 80's Stadium Rock? You'll love this! 2) The Rasmus 'KEEP YOUR HEART BROKEN' (Hide From The Sun) When you get a new album, some songs immediately shine out at you, and you realise that you will most probably remember the time of listening to the album for the first time because of this song. It SHOULD be a single, it SHOULD be a hit, it may not be totally hard-core rock, and it may sound a tad poppy only because it's easy to listen to, but this song ROCKS in my opinion, it's also very wintery!! A superb song, from a band which takes miles to much stick. ------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Jacks Mannequin 'BRUISES' (Everything In Transit) If you loved Something Corporate then you'll love this, this is the lead-singer of SC side-project, the album has just been released (in August) and now his sadly being cured for having cancer of the blood, however doctors expect him to make a full recovery thank-god. GET WELL SOON! Bruises is my fav track at the mo, although the whole album is pop/punk emo at it's best, musically. :wink: -------------------------------------------------------------- 4) All American Rejects 'MOVE ALONG' (Move Along) Catchy as hell and i love the group of kids that help him sing in the chorus. Great Pop/Emo song! -------------------------------------------------------------- 4) Various Artists Songs (Donnie Darko Soundtrack) Now i can't exactly pick my best tune out of this, there all on my Ipod and stuff: * Never Tear Us Apart-INXS * Killing Moon- Echoe & The BunnyMen * Love Will Tear Us Apart- Joy Division * Head Over Heels- Tears For Fears Just shows that you can't beat 80's music! -------------------------------------------------------------- Hope my little write-ups were informative!!!
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