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Everything posted by Owen

  1. Your giving away free games??? Very kind of you, lol! :shock:
  2. I know! Not too bad, but because i'm so impatient i've preordered a USA version from VGP, hopefully get it Saturday! The reason for the delay? Well, the PSP (because of the shortages) is SOLD OUT, gaming shops are only just getting their stock in, therefore the 'best' and 'most-wanted' game for the PSP to be released this friday would mean, that it sales figures won't be as good as they should be because no-one can get the PSP console here in the UK to actually by it, it would mean, that the amount of owners who own a PSP here in the UK now (not that many considering) would be the amount of GTA sold, and it just isn't enough! It wouldn't surprise me if they delay it even more to coincide with the release of the Giga Pack, although that is looking unlikely! I could be wrong, but that seems the most sensible reason for delaying it, until the second shipment of PSP's come in.
  3. I'm still getting Mario Football, even though it's got pretty bad scores....
  4. Thats good! Sadly: Ghost Recon 3 (we knew this), Top Spin 2, and Elder Scrolls Oblivion have all been delayed. Top Spin 2 has been moved in Q1 2006, while Elder Scrolls Oblivion may be delayed by 1-2 weeks, which isn't that bad really! 41 DAYS TO GO! (Could well be 40 if you use Gameplay) like i said before i'll be much happier when we get into November! At least then, the real countdown begins, lucky Americans get it in like 30 days...
  5. Yep i've sent my two-page letter off today! It was too the point but not rude, actually i have sent about 5 to them over the course of two-years about the Stars Catalogue! What annoyed me the most (and they never did anything about it). Was when the put those Mario signed posters up on the site a LONG time ago, there were five left. I picked one up and went through all the confirmation, then it stated fill out address info! I thought i had won one, i carefully but quickly filled out all the info and it stated at the end there wasn't any left! TOTALLY OUT OF ORDER, surely when you had got to the address details section it should of guranteed you won, but no, the fecking thing kept freezing and by the time i entered the details someone 'AFTER ME' clicked on the thing and won it! The Stars Catalogue is flawed, i don't care if the stars are 'free' the whole thing is made up to be something much better then it is! Total 'false advertisement' Oh and that Germany update was the final straw, i may be mistaken but they are part of Europe aren't they with us? Surely we should be easily able to get what they get on theres Stars Catalogue, and did you see the quantities? i went on there at least a hour after their update and there were loads of stuff left! I let you know what my reply says soon!
  6. LukeLee is catchy! and i think your a very friendly member of the Revolution boards! Edit: Oh i have to score...mmmmm...7.5/10..hope that isn't too low? Maybe a 8? lol
  7. Oh god, i hope they don't delay it! They can't now can they? EDIT: You are the Official Revolution Stars giver JONST! LOL thanks!
  8. Thats totally unfair!!!!!!!!! I'm writing another letter of complaint now, what country is that? Looks German? lol Bloody disgusting we don't get things like that, EVER!
  9. I haven't got MSN anymore and i can't get it back, it won't work! I've PM'd you though! sorry for any inconvience!
  10. Good point! I may not of had enough stars anyway! I'm REALLY REALLY hoping they put special Mario Faceplates on their from November 4th for your Gameboy Micro, that would be cool!
  11. Used! Thanks! Anymore? :wink: I wanted a Mario Controller but they have all gone!
  12. Yep, it will probably be like that in the UK too! Like 10 Premium packs, and 20 Core packs per store or something! I know companies need to get gamers anticipated about their new consoles and stuff, and they normally say 'preorder now-to avoid dissapointment' or something, but this Xbox360 launch WILL BE mayhem, there will be severe shortages, worse then the PSP i reckon! I mean i was shocked to find the nearest town to me 'Clacton' has literally sold-out of preorders in EVERY shop! This has NEVER EVER happened before, it's the same for HUGE Colchester! Nearly Every store has stopped taken preorders and we are talking alot of shops! People are predicting that Europe will get 600,000 Xbox360's for launch! It's not enough! GOOD LUCK People! 43 DAYS TO GO!
  13. I like Blair and Bush. I obviously don't want people from our country going to war, but it was the right thing to do! I cannot hate people, who generally do have the safety of their country as a worry on their minds, and they are trying their best to sort it out! However thats just my opinion, you are allowed your own opinion on Blair and Bush. LOVE: My family, the few friends i have (mainly girls), i don't trust anyone really, thats why i only have a few friends, Jake Gyllenhaal (superb actor, my idol), oh and anyone else i idolise! HATE: The boys who bullied me at school for ruining my confidence, anyone who slates my music choice because 'they' don't like it (thats just pathetic), theres loads of people i 'dislike' but i wouldn't say 'hate' thats a strong word. :awesome:
  14. Cool! Oh and thanks everyone for your replies! Fingers Crossed it isn't delayed! The thing which annoys me, is that the USA get this game first, when i'm pretty sure it's made in the UK??? I understand the USA has a MUCH bigger gaming market, but surely you release a game where it's made, first???
  15. It reminds me of something like the war, and the whole page looks kinda German, lol. You don't think it's info on Castle Wolfenstein 360, do ya?? ....Perhaps not. lol
  16. Are you being sarcastic? LOL Sorry if you weren't! lol I'm hoping it's the 28th! I like GTA games and i think LCS will be really cool as it's on a PSP! Theres 60+ missions though, lets hope it's lifespan isn't short! Then again, when has GTA games been short?? I also CANNOT wait to play multiplayer, i'm still hoping the kinda 'deathmatch' isn't in an small arena though, for me that would ruin the idea of driving away in a car and chasing each-other and that, oh and can you even use cars in multiplayer?
  17. Oh Yeah! What do we have to do then???? lol I have no-idea what the page is going on about.....
  18. Ok, a couple of days ago, GAME posted on there website that GTA: LCS for PSP was delayed to 4th November (they stated the new date given, nothing else). However the other day, GAME changed it back till 28th October, the date everyone on the web is saying! HOWEVER is it just me or have Rockstar been VERY quiet about the game recently? Something tells me, this isn't coming out in October. Also on Gamesradar's website theres a new official advertisement stating GTA: LCS 'Coming-Soon', surely it would of said 28/10/05 as it's next friday! Does anyone work on a Gameshop on this board, and knows when this game is coming out? I'm really looking forward to it, but i'm beginning to think it's not coming out next friday....
  19. It's a hoax isn't it? GOD DAMN IT! good job i only knew about this whole thing, 1 hour ago, otherwise i could of been getting excited for months, for NOTHING! :-)
  20. LOL! Thats a big power adaptor thing ain't it??? Anyway! 45 days to go! (could well be 44 as i preordered from Gameplay) so seriously not that long to go now! We still don't know the full launch list, but i heard somewhere that Dead Or Alive 4 WILL now be a launch title! YEAH! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!
  21. I'm hoping it's something better then talking rabbits! Although they were quite cute...anyway i'm also hoping it's the unveiling of the full Xbox360 launch line-up because i really want to know what i'll be playing in a mere 45 days!
  22. The Next update could be November 4th, and Gameboy Micros and 'special' faceplates could be put on there!!!!!!!! I wish!
  23. You are joking?! :p No, the Revolution HAS to be released next year, everywhere! Nintendo hopefully will not make the same mistakes as they did with the CUBE. Spring 2006?? Bloody great if you ask me!
  24. If this is true Nintendo HAS to release the Revolution in 2006 everywhere and Nintendo and Microsoft will have a brilliant head-start in Europe! GO TEAM! I think it's about time Sony came last in something!
  25. I was hoping for BIG things, but seriously as long as it's 'fun' it really doesn't bother me! Kameo though, i am expecting that adventure feeling like Zelda, a epic! If it isn't there WILL be trouble, because Rare have had plenty of time to make that right! I can't wait to play PGR3 after hearing so many good things about it!
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