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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I'm sorry, but it's so obvious these games could of been released earlier and/or in 2005 but they are trying to release some games for Gamecube before the Revolution launch, quite clever actually. Mario Party 7 was obviously Xmas 2005, but then they thought hang on we could do a game a month so the Gamecubes life is longer! Is there a point? maybe.... I think this just shows us that the Revolution will be released Q3 06! and Nintendo are trying there best to release at least one good game a month to that time...
  2. hehe! Thanks! There hasn't been a word on any delay for PDZ, so i think you won the bet, PDZ will most probably be a launch title! Alot of people are saying that about PGR3, how was the scenery in that game? Many are saying it isn't as good as people have been saying! Thanks for your impessions! I know you didn't have alot of time with it, but any more impressions on controls? the controller itself etc....
  3. I'm sorry, i read it as though it was end of this year, therefore there wouldn't be a shortage! I can't see 4.5 million Xbox360's selling by the end of 05! Nevermind. Anyway, i spoke to Gameplay yesterday! and they seem 100% confident that the people who preordered before 23/08 would get one, Lets hope there right! A awful lot of people have preordered on there! Oh and i'm getting Amped 3 Jordan, it's supposeadly ( can't spell it) more arcadey to play, i liked the realism of the first one, but i would of liked it to be a bit more easy to do jumps/tricks etc.. and Amped 3 is like that! It could be like a more realistic SSX Tricky!
  4. Firstly i was only trying to help, secondly the HDD (if you mean the 20GB Hard-Drive) is £69.99 on Gameplay I understand it would be dearer buying the extra cables and that...but from my perspective there not 100% needed, sorry if they are for you! It might end up that i buy a Core system and then the Hard-drive, just to make sure i get one on launch day!
  5. I preordered on the 17th August! However Jordan, you may still be able to get a 'Core System' from them, and just buy the hard-drive? Then again you are missing out on alot of extras. However i'm beginning to think there won't be any shortages because of non-game shops, obviously the big game shops on the net and in the shops would of sold out, but try places like Comet, Currys, Argos, HMV etc.. and you should be fine! Microsoft want to sell 4.5 - 5 million by the end of 2005, if thats the case, there shouldn't be a shortage. (i got this info from another board, and the person claims it's on gamespot). I don't know where-ever to believe this or not, but PDZ is rumoured to miss the 'EUROPEAN LAUNCH' due to the fact that it hasn't gone in for certification, i think the news section was old though, and knicked from Gamespot, so i reckon we will be ok...Surely Microsoft won't allow another big-game to miss launch? PDZ is set to be one of the biggest launch titles even if it isn't as good as we hoped! ONE MONTH TO GO!
  6. You could choose a game for free, and i chose 'Tony Hawks Underground 2' i think...because it was out the day after i won the compo and i like TH games! I could of preorder ANY game for free as well though, perhaps i should of done that?
  7. erm... Well i try and got out as much as possible, so at least i'm outside! I often play Tennis (weather is shite here though) and go out to Colchester which is a really nice town! I don't do clubs/pubs or anything like that, it's not my thing and i haven't got many friends because i don't trust anyone... I LOVE music though, i often sing to my music like constantly, thats probably why i have a bad throat today! I love reading game magazines as well! I might buy then read Catcher In The Rye 'EMO', i've haven't heard alot about it, but i know that my fav actor loved it as well, so i may get that!
  8. You say that! but i won a Gameplay comp once!
  9. My thoughts exactly, it's very worrying, Microsoft definately have something to hide, PDZ is no-where near finished either i reckon, so many magazine previews are saying this! I reckon it will be delayed and released 16th December 2005, i'm still certain it won't make launch, either that or another 'top' title is no-where near finished! PGR3 anyone?? Lets hope i'm wrong, otherwise this so called 'best launch ever' is turning out to be one hell of a anti-climax.... I mean, 21 days to go till it's released in USA? and still no official confirmation of any launch list? I'm positive your meant to know the launch line-up by now, and i've been saying this for weeks! Deju Vu time: COME ON MICROSOFT!
  10. Ah cool! Shame about Elder Scrolls being delayed to Q2!!! 2006! Lets hope no-other games get delayed so near to launch day! Otherwise my hype is slowly going to fade, i really wanted Elder Scrolls!! :awesome: 31 DAYS TO GO!
  11. 14 weeks is still over 3 months though! Europe will be last, like always! I know there trying their best and all, and releasing the Revolution the same month worldwide would be EXTREMELY difficult, but i'm not impressed, even though it's a HUGE difference over other Nintendo launches! :wink: So Japan could get it June, followed by America then we get it like September time? I'll be importing if thats the case! Hopefully the consoles are region-free or something....and like a USA console can work on the UK internet, like the DS... It's too early to tell what i'll be doing. :awesome:
  12. I thought that! I posted the reply...and thought to myself where is the message i replied too, have i gone completely mad?
  13. awwww how lovely! No i don't mind! No-one has said anything bad to me! I'm worried i shouldn't use 'LOL' now though!
  14. I only used it in a message a couple of minutes ago, DAMN! Though to back myself up, i was REALLY REALLY laughing at the awful Ant and Dec Lookalike from the other thread in General Chat!
  15. So is Ridge Racers a UK launch title? If it is i may consider buying it! I loved the PSP version, so if it's better then that it should be brilliant! We STILL don't know the launch games? I find it quite worrying really, and pretty annoying, alot of people would like to know what games they can get on launch quite a few weeks before it's actually released so they can save their cash and that! COME ON MICROSOFT (for the 10,000th time) you said third week of October you were going to reveal the launch titles! It's now nearly November!
  16. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question (i know i should know the answer) but do you review all games and stuff so you get the games early? I've preordered this game, i think it comes out November 18th 2005 in the UK? Is it original? I'm trying to find a refreshing game to play on my PSP! Oh and is it 'really' fast? I like the idea of jumping onto a car at really fast speed?
  17. I actually like using LOL, sorry! It just shows that i'm happy when writing a message! I'm not going to back the Campaign of 'LOL', sorry to anyone i have hurt! :wink:
  18. Totally agree! I like emos and hope i'm one! Theres nothing wrong with showing how you feel emotionally! Shows your a 'real' person if you ask me! Still, each to their own i suppose!
  19. I didn't know how cool James Dean was but i watched this documentary on him a couple of weeks ago and his one cool dude! Not as cool as Jake Gyllenhaal though.... LOL I've just looked at Ant and Dec!
  20. Wow! Cool! I'm getting more and more excited about the Xbox360, i just really hope i get one! It's just over a month now! I finally got broadband, but i won't be going online with my 360! I really really hope PDZ is still a launch title, theres 'still' rumours that the game is very behind in development.... I mean the US release is around 22 days away!
  21. Well done for stating the obvious!
  22. I'm impatient, and no-way am i waiting another six months to play next-gen games. You have to be quite unlucky to get a bad console i reckon...thats probably me then...lol 36 DAYS TO GO!
  23. Was i the only person who actually enjoyed 'Grabbed By The Ghoulies' ???
  24. Just think if it is Banjo Kazooie 3, i reckon quite a few Nintendo fans may consider buying the Xbox360! Although, i never could get into any of the Banjo games..i tried ALOT of times, but it just doesn't do anything for me! I hope the second game being developed is something like 'Kameo' or Zelda as well though, another Platform/adventure game would be great! I LOVE adventure games, except Banjo it seems....lol
  25. By far the best idea ever to release world-wide in June 2006, this stops people importing and gets a HUGE head-start from Sony (hopefully). Should be true. :awesome:
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