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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. I need some help, stat!
  2. Who here types in n-europe.com by default when they first come on the computer? I didn't even want to come here, i have important stuff to check, but my mind just types it in on auto-pilot!!!
  3. Just saw that Dollhouse. Very, very good i thought. Loads of interesting tidbits. Information on how the Dollhouse started obviously stems from that Rossum building. Flashbacks were great, as were the comedy moments with them all tripping out on the drug, haha. Good twist as well. I literally thought, hang on, it's him! Right before it was revealed, so kudos to them for that. Also, Echo in that skirt and leggings? Yowza!
  4. And if you dont like this game, you deserve a slap.
  5. Bah, dont be silly. The HHH/Orton storyline has been amazing. He didn't attack them for the fun of it, even if thats what he says now. He attacked Vince as he was going to fire him. He atatcked Shane because he stook up for his dad and wanted to fight. And he attacked Stephanie because... well, it was a long time coming. She was the one who started the whole firing thing, plus the added incentive of provoking HHH of course. As for the home invasion, they've always done stuff like that. I remember Rikishi running over someone, bar brawls and all sorts of crazy crap. Besides which, you can imagine someone who has just had his wife attacked doing something like that, so it wasn't far-fetched at all. You say you want old stuff but i bet you right now that would whinge if they did it the old way, saying its not as good as back then. At the end of the day, in-ring taunting and little back-stage moments or whatever are still used. They do that too, just look at the Taker/HKB match, the build up for that has been very old-school, but you'd probably say it isn't as good. So they cant win with some people. I think Mania is looking amazing. I'm excited for every match apart from the Jericho one. It seems impossible now for Austin to be involved Just Smackdown to go!!!
  6. It has got a serious flaw at the moment.
  7. Why you dirty, dirty slut!
  8. Protesters are awesome. I would have gone if i lived in London. You have to show what you feel. And protest does work. My memory is crap, but didn't they put off invading Iran because of how the public reacted to Iraq?
  9. Jar. White stuff. Be creative. In all seriousness though, dont let your birthday upset you Jord. As the song goes, its your party, and you can cry if you want to!
  10. And blew the whole game out of the water!
  11. Just do what you can that makes you happy. There's always so much pressure to enjoy your birthday, but if you go with the flow and dont worry too much about it, then you'll have a better day even if you dont have the massive going out/party experience. I actually prefer quiet birthdays. Just familly, g/f, my favourite food, some video/board games and a few drinks. Ideal.
  12. We were thinking of going at the end of our travels, but we just cant afford it. It's way too expensive and the appeal sort of get less and less the more we looked into it. I'm sure its very pretty, but we want more than that. The food is supposed to be pretty bland and i'm not a big vodka drinker, so it all came down tot he people, who are supposed to be quite nice and accomodating, and the scenery, which im sure is breathtaking, but, like i said, its not enough. We'd love to see the northern lights though. Aparently there's a place to the north of Russia where you can see them really well when it happens. We also liekd the sound of a place called Kamchatna (or something) - the land of fire and ice. It sounds amazing; volcanoes still active but surrounded by ice. Helicopter tours was the only way to see it though as clearly there arn't many roads around there, and they cost a bomb. Shame really. Maybe we'll go one day, but China is far more appealing at the moment.
  13. I miss those days. I could get by with just one knife, fork, spoon, plate, bowl and mug. Just wash when needed :p As i'm living with responsible and incredibly clean OCD parents, i have to help clear up every night after dinner. We wash everything, dry it and put it away. I mean, there's just no need!
  14. All the best Franklin, i'm sure it will be amazing. Enjoy the honeymoon!
  15. Saw my g/f last night for the first time in a week. It's amazing how such a short span of time apart can remind you how much you love someone. It's cliche, but absence really does make the heart grow fonder. My sleeping pattern is still totally messed up from my week off. I was going to bed at 3-4am and getting up at 1-2pm. Just doing that for a week has killed me off. I knew i'd be back at work yesterday, so i started trying to get up earlier on monday to get back into routine. It didn't work. I'm still shattered. Just feel like i could sleep forever. Its not good!
  16. A job's a job at the end of the day, they come and go and help us grow. I really didn't mean that to rhyme! But yeah, you've got experience from it and can maybe find something better now. Too many people get bogged down in a futureless job, too afraid to quit, whereas you have been given a free pass. Make the make of it
  17. I liked the last comment on the news article. Jimbob2720 Says: April 1st, 2009 at 07:17 || Total Comments: 20 Lovely, that really made me think. "Hang on, that means i no longer exist. Arrghh" On a lighter note, great fools joke. Jimbob2720 Says: April 1st, 2009 at 07:18 || Total Comments: 20 Sorry for the double post, but who banned me. Oh the irony
  18. Maybe it is a very sick April fool? They would wait to talk to you the next day otherwise. At least you'd think they would anyway. Why dont you ring them and find out? Or go in and demand a meeting. They owe you that if its true anyway. If it is true, then, i'm sorry. That really sucks. I guess you have to start looking for another job a.s.a.p, or this could be an opportunity to start fresh. Move away or something
  19. I know its horrible to look for stereotypical traits, but if he hasn't shown any signs of homosexuality then it's probably safe to say that he isn't and just likes you alot as a friend and maybe sees you like a brother as Dan said. Don't go getting yourself hurt. Sometimes you have to play the odds, and the odds say he's straight. If not, well, its up to him to make that known to you. In that situation, the one 'in the closet' has to take the first step, as hard as it is. Its too risky for the homosexual person to do it as it can ruin the friendship and cause unknown weirdness if they are unable to laugh it off.
  20. I was fooled! You buggers! I was like, what did i do?! They can't ban me! I'm a veteran. I was about to send some angry and confused e-mails. Kudos!
  21. Why will you miss it? Box Office repeats it for at least a week. And if you're going to Phillipines, surely a hotel or something will have it to order as well?! Got me excited for RAW now, i havnt seen it yet. Was expecting a good one though as its the last one before mania.
  22. Benjamin Button Mehhhh. I was expecting extraodinary and i got ordinary. I really didnt get what was so special about it. It was nice, dont get me wrong, but it didn't have any powerful effect on me that i expect from such a highly regarded award winner like this. I thought Brad was fairly tame. His role didn't seem very difficult. In fact he barely talks, its the suppoting cast that carry most scenes. I also didnt like how the end was handled. The whole concept of growing younger is ridiculous enough as it is, but the end result was laughable, so much so that it ruined what would have been the film's key noteworthy scenes. Not the new Forest Gump some of you hinted at. Not for me anyway. 6 or 7/10 - i cant decide. Seven Pounds Now this one got me. I'd seen the trailer but not really understood what it was about from it. Its a good job though, as knowing what it was about would spoil it completely. I found Will Smith brilliant as always, and although the film develops slowly and leaves you a little confused as to what the overlying plot is, it ends with a bang and it all makes sense. I can see some people coming to the conclusion earlier on though as there are plenty of clues, but either way i think it will still leave you feeling good inside. Brilliant film. 9/10 Bolt Awesome stuff as usual from the animation experts. Really good fun all round. I expected Rhino the gerbil thing to be funnier as he seems it in the trailers, but it didn't matter, he's still pretty cool. The cat was good too, even if her voice annoyed me a bit (Julie from Curb i think). I suppose some could say the same joke concept of a dog thinking he has powers is overused, but meh, they spaced it out quite well so it didn't feel too tired to me. They couldv'e gone for something a bit more exciting as an ending though. 8/10
  23. Great idea. Love those pics. I will be out tonight though and i doubt the pubs and clubs will partipate. Be cool if they do, but i guess i wont be able to do my part. I'll tell the folks at home to do it though.
  24. A revival is needed. Awesome RAW this week. The HHH, Orton stuff always makes me happy, no matter who gets the upper hand. Randy kissing Stephanie was so twisted, and just more motivation for HHH to kick his ass. HHH will get the better of him next week as he's bound to lose at mania. Still no advancement on the stone cold rumour. Looks set to be a crappy 3 on 1 match. I hope thats just to throw us off, but im not so sure. Only one week to go!
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