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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. I'd draw the line at slander, but other than that, people should be able to say whatever they want. Unless it's private property, then people should be able to go anywhere they want and say what they want. Also, why do laws need making for a very small cult like this? The vast vast vast majority of people don't picket funerals, so why should other people be restricted on what they can and can't say and where by laws like this which can be abused? The state really needs to mind its own business when it comes to what I say and where I say it.
  2. Yep. Non violent expression shouldn't be punished as it's taking away freedom. Once you start giving the state the power to restrict things like this, they can easily just keep making more and more laws punishing every single thing they don't like.
  3. When you start punishing speech, where does it end? How about the state minds its own business instead? Also, I've never heard those whack jobs threatening any one or inciting any one to commit violence. They've just said they hate fags, and they're going to hell for it.
  4. What laws did straight people have which didn't apply to homosexuals? Defintely not. Opinions shouldn't get you in trouble.
  5. Those whackos in the cult crack me the fuck up. Gay rights is a stupid concept anyway. People's rights should just apply to every one, gay or not, no need for silly things like that. I love anal sex, and what they say about me going to hell makes me laugh. Really? I'd say being arrested for saying what you want is fucking stupid.
  6. Hey, I like women, love them in fact, I just don't think it's in a man's best interest to keep them around for too long!! You defintely gotta be careful when it comes to women.
  7. Tom Cruise is like a freebie punch in the face for every one, have another.
  8. Any mouthy stupid bitch in the media.
  9. This is totally normal for a guy around your age. When you get older, the women will be trying to please you, instead of the other way around. Women like guys who don't run around trying to please them, I learnt this the hard way like every one else. This will totally come for you, trust me. Ask every older guy you know, and they will tell you the same thing. Get an older mentor for yourself, someone like my dad who is 67 and flirts with 18 year old girls successfully, they'll teach you the ropes. I'm still not amazing with women, but I try to practice.
  10. Nice bird you've got yourself there, mate. Well done.
  11. It gets easier as you get older. In my teens I couldn't talk to women for shit, yet when I was in Spain, all I had to do to get a Spanish woman in her early 30s to flirt with me and laugh at my jokes was start up some bullshit convo about how crap the weather is in England. Young men need to make a special effort to talk to as many women as possible, even if you don't find them attractive, just be careful about it.
  12. By the way, I don't hate women, I LOVE women, they should be enjoyed, but from a distance. The unfair laws have given women too much to gain, and men too much to lose. You only have to live with a woman for a while, and she is entitled to half of your stuff - although I'm not sure that applies to the UK. And if you have a child with her, you are even more fucked!! 18 years of payments to some woman who decides what happens to the money you give her for the child, and you're lucky if you even get to see your child once or twice a week, and if she moves away, well say good bye to your relationship with your kids, if you even had one in the first place!! You'll probably end up alone in some crap bedsit, with no money, and that's if you're one of the lucky ones. There's a reason why marriage rates have dropped to an all time low, because getting too involved with a women can totally fuck up your life.
  13. I recommend prostitutes as well. They're cheaper than a girlfriend in the long run.
  14. Is any one here being harsh on the Wii, really? It's a good console to have if you love Nintendo games, but if you want something more, you probably need a 360 or PS3 to go with it.
  15. Well, what I mean is, that too much exposure to women is a danger to a man's mental health. Most women should be fucked, then chucked. The good ones should be kept at a distance, but close enough so you can call on them for fucking when you have the horn. They push for commitment, and when they get it - marriage - they get bored, start getting shafted by another guy, then they want a divorce, taking your kids, your money and your home with her, and the guy she was shagging during your marriage moves in to your home that you're still paying for!! Be careful fellas, women are dangerous. I'm expecting to be called all sorts for saying this, but when you get older, you'll understand.
  16. If you are a gamer, it's a bad idea to have just a Wii. All gamers with a Wii need a 360 or PS3. Non gamers on the other hand, will do just fine with just a Wii. The only reason I bought the Wii was for Zelda, Metroid etc etc, everything else is better on the other consoles.
  17. Women should be enjoyed like a fag. An occasional smoke can be pleasurable, but if you smoke all of the time, you risk cancer. I'll be your girlfriend, man. This will get better, I promise you. I think you have love shyness, and you can defeat it! Just go up to random women, attractive or not, and start up a conversation about anything. I make an effort to at least talk to a random woman at least once a day, it really helps.
  18. From a gamer point of view, the Wii being so under powered. The next console just HAS to be as powerful as the current 360 and PS3.
  19. Surely it's the games, and not the Wii which is the problem with online?
  20. If done right, it could be the best football game ever. The graphics look excellent too, with a more realistic look than the next gen versions. I hope they don't have the optimizations that the PS2 versions now have, you know, flat painted on crowds in normal view which looks like something from an N64 game.
  21. I'd just send Michael Jackson over to them. They'd soon run the fuck away.
  22. Feminists are full of shit. Women already have equal pay for equal work, men earn more on average because men work longer hours, do jobs which women refuse to do, and take on more dangerous jobs. They're evil lying scum. http://www.deltabravo.net/custody/tenmyths.php For more info.
  23. This is the truth. Feminists are always trying to criminalize everything men do. They're evil.
  24. Mikey


    Dazzy admitted to being a fanboy, so it was an accurate call. Fuck this, I can't be bothered arguing with a bunch of hormonal teenagers. Energy sucking.
  25. Mikey


    Oh shut up you vagina, really. Like a nagging old lady. It makes plenty of sense by the way. Get over your obsession on me.
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