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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. yeah dont beleive matt from ign
  2. it is not the size it is the way it is used.
  3. i know what you mean there seems to be a lul atm. all concentrating on next gen i suspect. oh well WoW will have to keep me occupied i will have to keep kicking horde ass at BG. so much fun
  4. it looks boring as hell it is just glorified pinball. could you guys give an honest assesment once played so i can think about getting it.
  5. like agent Smith would say: It is inevitable.
  6. Pilot Wings WOOOO HOOOOO best news ever
  7. What? After all the hype of the PSP, how it was the must have handheld, Nintendos dominance was over. that is what was in the press, in the homes and in the play grounds. Sony had it wrapped up, problem is they screwed up majorly. with the shortages around christmas they gave it to nintendo on a plate. people had to think differently they had no option and guess what they liked it. the DS success was not because of the GBA, sure that was a factor, but that said should the PSP not have cleaned up because of the PS fan base. With the rev i think the DS being innovative will had a major influence. If done right nintendo can "hore" the DS to gaurentee rev sales.
  8. MACDONALDS, thats it really
  9. Have you seen Time machine the new one? in there it explains the theory of not being able to change what happened. basically if you built a time machine to stop something happening and then went back and changed it the need for the time machine is then void meaning the time machine would not be invented. but i wonder if a time machine were invented independent of any personal reasons and you used it to go back then theoretically you could change the past.
  10. i was thinking exactly that and secretly hoping above all. it would be brilliant.
  11. thanks so back to the philosophy for me.
  12. Well there you go. philosiphy beaten by science. ok what about easter egg chocolate then? and is there anything you have ever wondered?
  13. i was thinking that. it is a bit of a cop out i think.
  14. Well from this all the Americans involved in this news are idiots. that is all i would say. they are still american? or do i have to call them something else to be politically correct?
  15. i think you should have given that bloke a quick kick in the nuts. and slapped that little bitch. i would have ended up in jail. but i honestly think that people need to make a stand against scum like that and the best way is a proper beating.
  16. but then would that not be a rev title it would be a gc title.
  17. basically just put thing you have often wondered and see if someone has an answer. 1) this really doesn't have an answer but it is something i have always wondered. COLOUR. when we are kids we are told that is blue that is red that is green etc. What if what one person see's as Red another see's as Blue. we could all like exactly the same thing but not know it as blue to me might be a nice colour others see it as red (thinking it is blue) and do not like it. see where i am going with this? confused? 2) Why does easter egg chocolate taste different to normal chocolate? thanks anyway.
  18. agreed, thats all. yay christmas.
  19. i will buy Zelda as a rev title. i will get my rev at launch with Zelda and a "true" rev title probably SSB But it is option 1 for me, and they couldnt release it as a Rev game playable on GC they discs wouldn't be compatible with the GC.
  20. MP3 will be really good i cant wait.
  21. i don't really care i will buy the rev and then i will tell you what i think.
  22. very tenuose. i am being kind.
  23. according to this. take it as you will
  24. yeah i really have a dislike for him. he is an irrisponsible journalist. someone should take hit out. get a contract on him.
  25. oh well i think it is damn right arrest the lot of em. and going by that president arrest all those STUPID blue peter idiots, and here is one i made earlier KABOOM!!!! lol
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