low as the controller does that already.
the third secret is totally seperate from the console. e.g. the controller is seperate. e.g. a screen or something.
yeah i have stalked in the past. not on the grounds of being mental, i want to be a secret agent and practice makes perfect.
EDIT: if i were to stalk for personal reasons it would have to be Chasey Laine.
the who created god thing.
i was once told that god exists outside of time and space so therefor nothing can be before or after him.
i have always wondered. if you died at 90 and went to heaven what would you look like? would you look like you did when you died? or would you look like you did when you were most beautifull?
also how would people recognise you?
But do we all see the same colour?
sorry it was just really conveinient to go back to the very first post.
Chicken and egg thing. i say it had to be the chicken to incubate the egg.
i am really looking forward to a great FPS with the nunchuck. but i agree it will be so good to have just FHC games. the game speed will be brilliant aswell.
agreed lets keep the comments about the article.
IMO that women should be up on charges. the fact that she is still working in the emergancy services is a slap in the face to the family that have lost a loved one because of a person who is quite obviously incompetant.
she threatened to send a police car round and if i am making assumption youseem to be making a whole lot yourself.
1 police car with all the cars they have 1 to save a life is not unlikely is it? instead it was ignored. someone died those are the facts.