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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. i want it and i want it now.
  2. there is that genetic disease that turns your muscle to bone. so at some point you have to choose the position you want to be in for the rest of your life. eventually your heart turns to bone and you die. that is a really slow one and you know it is coming that is what makes it evil.
  3. Well i thought the last one was distastefull. i was not impressed. i have enjoyed every other one though. so i might just ask that more thought be put into it please.
  4. well i really cant wait nintendo will own E3 this year.
  5. what and have an exclusive? what journalist would ever want to have an exclusive? i am afraid you sir are full of shit.
  6. medium i am not sure the route they will go at E3. show all and blow away or show bit by bit from E3 to launch a playable spore demo will be available at E3
  7. i dont think we are evolving really. there is no need we are the dominant species on the planet. technology has replaced the need to evolve. you will find species like urban fox's will be much the same.
  8. low diddy kong racing is announced for the rev.
  9. the keep of the grass signs are lowered by helicopter, or there is no need to keep off the grass till the sign is put up at which point the person putting up the sign is air lifted out of there.
  10. how can you charge £400+ for a console that isn't even finished?
  11. well i am not bugged about what they look like it is how they feel and play i am more into.
  12. after the third i would get a cash refund. go to another game store and start again.
  13. it worked then?
  14. i thought marmite was made from beef or is that bovrill?
  15. well if they gave away nes games or something like that then people would be tempted to download other game making nintendo some cash.
  16. i think there should be a free download with every Rev purchase. get people into the way of it.
  17. ADDICTIVE: no you are a freak DO I GET CRAVINGS: no you are a freak IS MARMITE HEALTHY: dont be a freak ofcourse its not. glad i could help
  18. low but brilliant Nintenkitty will be revealed as a rev launch title.
  19. i hope they do. i will then go and buy something not use it take it back. they will refuse and i will sue. i love the american way.
  20. Fuck em. they are arseholes in game. (company not employees) i think you should get the game take it back get tetris take that back and get another game. ahhhh i feel so much better.
  21. yes that is my life exactly. :bouncy: :bouncy: ;) ;) :hehe: :weep:
  22. Low rev to be released world wide by Oct 06
  23. high no one can do it like nintendo The FHC is rechargeable like the DS.
  24. noobs are good i am a noob and proud of it.
  25. how do you know it is the right answer? What if the ancestor of the chicken did not lay eggs. therefore the chicken would have to have been first.
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