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Everything posted by mike-zim

  1. i hope it is true. it is possible but unlikely.
  2. i recon it will be september 18th. optimistic but the day before my birthday would be excellent. Seriousely i recon october 30th
  3. As long as bird flu doesn't spread to the bird i like. examples of these are the pink nipples white tit. the brown nippled white tit is also a favourite of mine. i do like the greater breasted brazillian Singer a rather rare breed in this country.
  4. also mariokart DS is still on sale so those figure will get better i doubt anyone is buying the card trading game now. EDIT: also i cant believe that of the 633 games listed only 16 of them were on SEGA systems
  5. there is already an E3 prediction game thread and it got really boring after a while.
  6. i voted nice centiment. but lets face it. it is a crap name. i will still go out and buy it and i will love the console but wii is no good as a name. it will never be a classic.
  7. i hope not. not again. the site should have stayed cube-europe till the final name was announce was there a dolphin-europe?
  8. there was a thread about this a while back cant be arsed to find it but nintendo had about the first 10 games in the all time chart. duck hunt was up there.
  9. well i am gutted i have to go to college after work on tuesday so wont be home before 9pm and at which time my GF will be there waiting and i will be in big trouble if i decide to have a look so i will have to wait till wednesday when i come on here to find out the gossip.
  10. This would be a brilliant idea if nintndo implemented it.
  11. So wii all know the new name (sorry i haven't used that pun yet so it will be the last) Big question is will you still buy it or not. personnally i will still be first in the que for my Wii. (still sounds bad) it is about what it represents. let me know if this name has made you think twice about buying it?
  12. i agree it will show off exactly what the rev is capable of and turn some heads. heres hoping.
  13. I AGREE:bouncy: but we should also have some little game aswell for example today there are 12 days to go, so we should have the 12th most likely thing to be revealed. i say DS to Rev connectivity tomorrow the 11th most likely thing and so on and so forth.
  14. too true
  15. i am not bothered about graphics i just want to know when i can get my hands on one of these beauties.
  16. i will donate my cube to some worthy cause i think maybe a charity shop like cancer research or something they could do with what ever it may raise.
  17. yeah having individual friend codes sucks. i havent added anyone yet cause it is too much hassle.
  18. why couldn't it have been something other than an egg like ......... a car. that would shut the fucker up. god he is so annoying.
  19. good news indeed perhaps an exclusive burnout for the rev? that would be brilliant.
  20. Generally i am happy with my life. i could do with more money but who couldn't? it would be nice to win the lottery.
  21. well all will be known in 2 weeks. there is just so much i want to know and if they do tell all then there will be far too much info to take in at once so i think we will need a few weeks to fully appreciate all that nintendo has to say.
  22. i want a snorelax. a big bastard
  23. i agree SSB has too many clones. get rid of em break it down to the bare minimum then add the real characters that would make the game excellent. lol at pic what would prof oaks attacks be?
  24. Autmn in the southern hemisphere is Jan to march so autumn doesn't really say much.
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