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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. He ruins the joke of Chair's act and his profile pic is offputting. He is otherwise fine to chat to.
  2. Staryu is the best Pokemon. It just evokes "*sigh* Fuck ALL-a-Y'ALL Pokemon who have to use 'cuteness'/'badassness' to get attention." Some of us are definitively excellent without trading on our looks or reputations. PLEASE. PLEASE. *Recover* *Psybeam* *Swift* *Cunts* Starmie too, but Staryu feels like it would only ever tell it's trainer that it wished to evolve, rather than the trainer deciding it should evolve. Clearly one of the 3 selects I'd have were Pokemon a real concept.
  3. Just been through our mutual friends - yessssss. Now the only ones left are playables or at least unique NPC's. Except Leead Staller. He ruins the feel.
  4. I need them all on DVD or something. I love. Even though they're so samey. Last film I saw was Entei's Revenge or whatever - the third one. I was stunned at the time. I watched quite a lot of the DP series last year/2009 when it was on TV early in the morning. I loved the first episode not even having Ash in it.
  5. I read this as "Why Wanking Is Overrated."
  6. Yeah, could be stunning. I need time to plan (which I don't have atm, will do in a few days). Toss me ideas if you have any. xxxx

  7. ReZZZZ your cute poke thread gave me an idea but if you wanna do it, you can, since I was inspired by you -


    Basically just doing some kinda "Pokemon Wars" thing similar to my (boring/can't be arsed finishing) Music Wars (but with obvs differences), where a thread is made for two pokemon going against each other and people choose the winner or something...needs planning but I sense stunningness.

  8. Hmm. Well ages ago I started thinking about DC Mafia, with fairly revolutionary/innovative/brand new gameplay[/hype] but then never really settled down to plan it out thouroughly. One of the reasons I started playing in less games is Uni, and I'm still there so yeah. I'll think about it.
  9. I asked for my copy to be sent to my halls, so will get it when I go back down...don't think it's even shipped yet so it'll probs come EARLIEST Monday. I don't mind as I am pretty busy with uni work anyway. As for which starter...I think I like Tepig the best. :/ Even though starting with the fire one is the cliche. Of all my games I "took seriously", I started with Fire first time except for Crystal, where I started with Totodile. (that was my only Gen II game too) At least Empoleon from last gen was better looking than the Infernape and co., and I preferred Empoleon in the end, after playing through multiple times. Hmm. I'm an advocate for grass-types, but Snivy looks so un-starterish. I think I'll start with Oshawott. But then Water-types inevitably become taxis for you to use HM's on. Unless they've changed the annoying water HM's this game...?
  10. : peace: Why do you hate Marowak so much, lol?! Considering it's relatively similar in design to Cubone. :p
  11. I wish I were dead. This is the worst.
  12. I think I'm "in love". But it's in no way sexual. Or even physical attraction. What is it? It's more like intense fascination. I want to be in their space/talk to them all the time. Even though our friendship isn't even uber-close or anything. And they aren't that interesting/possessing of a magnetic personality. I'm so terri.
  13. Hmm, I just feel like it looks like a Cubone evolution, rather than a Marowak one. I remember you said you loved Cubone and hated Marowak though. I had something more like this in my head as a Marowak evo (ok...done in 5 mins on GIMP with a trackpad... :p). Don't think this is me trying to "change" your designs or anything...just what I'd envision a Marowak evo to be like. Yours reminds me more of Cubone...almost as though it should be the male equivalent to the "female" Marowak. Or something.
  14. ‽aj? I'm stunned. Can I have that? If not then I'd just like "Paj!".
  15. It is one of ma bestie's birthday today, and at midnight when people started the "Happy birthday" messages on facebook, I decided I needed to outdo everyone. So I made a video (at 2am...) of me reading from "The Joke Book" context needed, reading excerpts from our "jokes"/funny moments in life. She loved. She knew. She knows I'm The Best.
  16. Not really...everyone knew Spider-Man had webs/web-shooters of some description before the first movie came out. It's not like this colossal change the internet is making it out to be. :P You can just show him briefly making up a new batch or something. Ta-da, explained.
  17. It's called using the Ultimate Skrulls... : peace:
  18. Sally Field > Diane Lane Well...Sally Field makes my life nicer. I can't remember what I've seen Diane Lane in.
  19. I hope she's playing aka Queen of Life and Death and Heroclix
  20. Of course not. Though I guess my post makes it look like I did. I was just expressing my distaste that they were even posted.
  21. NO ONE READ THE SPOILERS! fuuuuuu-
  22. So...is that a no? I'll accept "Paj!", since it stuns.
  23. Hmm no. It rings a bell as though I might have at one point. What/who is it and why?

  24. p.s sorry i never replied to your text. My old phone (which I had until this afternoon) lost the ability to text. What was it about again? I remember being confused then just ignoring it, lol.

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