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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Paj!


    Yeah PLZ. U.G.L.Y is awesome. First off DOESN'T sound (genuinely) shit lyrics wise, is intentionally tongue-in-cheek, is actually entertaining etc. U-G-L-Y, You could make an onion cry! = life.
  2. Paj!


    ... Are... Are you all ready? This...I've never- Prepare for RB's next SMASH. dancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancindancin In tears laughing at the guy coughing in the middle of it.
  4. Dundee is awful. Would literally be a non-place if it didn't have universities there. It is the base of D.C Thomson comcis, who make Beano/Dandy/Others. Not sure you can look around there though (I have due to a friend who's part of the Thomson family...).
  5. Went to go look at a house/flat that would have been SO convenient...2 seconds from uni. My group and I kinda hyped it up the last few days, imagining how stunn it would be. Saw it today and it was really "...". Just a top floor, 2 HUGE double-bed-rooms, and 2 TINY offices(more like supboards) that had become bedrooms. 1 shitty bathroom etc. We left, weary. *sigh* We just wanted to sort out housing swiftly and easily. Now to join everyone else on the property hunt...ugh @ living far away.
  6. Paj!


    I'm tempted to buy the single. Not even just illegally download. I want to hear her make a statement about what's happened with the song.
  7. My team is now Servine Lvl. 37 (I'm postponing evolving him into Serperior until he learns Giga Drain at lvl. 40) Krokorok lvl. 37 Swanna lvl. 36 Scolipede lvl. 36 Gothorita lvl. 36 Litwick lvl. 35 (Just BREEZED through the 6th gym)
  8. Paj!


  9. *gasp* Litwick could be the missing link in my team...I like Vanillite, but fire is sorely missing.
  10. Move Rememberer guy is in the town after Driftveil.
  11. Plus then you can't dance around the room impulsively when the mood takes you. And really annoying for other people to speak to you when headphones are on.
  12. I love the poignancy of owning every single stage of evolutions too. Just to be extra great. Not JUST completing the Pokedex.
  13. BECAUSE I WAS BORED and like the official Poke art I did this. I've been checking the Sugimori art of each new Poke I see, since the Gen V designs actually aren't that bad when you look at the art instead of the sprites.
  14. Paj!


    I'm aware you're joking ReZ, but when people genuinely hold that up as an example of Gaga's bad lyrics, it's just completely stupid.
  15. Ok so I'm removing Tirtouga from my team (despite him being "better" than Gothorita). I need a definitive seperate type I don't currently have. Ideally a fire or electric, but I'm leaning toward either Vanillice (since ice is so classy) or Klink for the "I'm such a boring pokemon" joke. And his tonne of resistances. And he's steel/learns electric moves. Fighting is notably missing too, but Scraggy would take too long to level up to everyone else (mine is lvl. 16, my team is all 32/33). Gurdurr was past his sell-by though/he wasn't at all, but I wasn't a fan of the design. I do like Voltik/Galvantula (way better than Blitzle at least...) but I already have a Bug on my main squad (Scolipede). Decisions, decisions. Actually I'll find out what the next gym is (in-game) and decide then.
  16. Ugh. I accidentally killed the only Tynamo I've come across in Chargestone cave. :/ Look it up and now realise it's pretty rare. Tirtouga is lowering my tone...I need a fire/fighting/electric type to fill his place. My team isn't balanced enough type wise. Most of them are weak against grass, only one is "good" against steel etc.
  17. Nintendo-Master (with capitals) is better than Frank or Nina.
  18. You can have my Bonsly. It knows Softboiled, Pay Day, Twinneedle and Octazooka. It's level 27.
  19. Not sure, I saw the more recent models (similar but more obviously new) for £100 and under on eBay. I paid £20ish for the two mini speakers. Not sure if it's a good deal, but I wanted them now, and I actually lost the eBay auction, but then got a second chance offer.
  20. I feel Malletdon could be half-steel, if you thought hard enough. Even sans steel, stuns.
  21. Paj!


    Bet she'll gain fame from this and pretend it was always intentionally shit. :/ It's fine cause it's amazing though.
  22. Paj!


    Her friend is legendary. I wish I were her.
  23. Paj!


  24. Paj!


    I love that this has gone viral. Amazing. Queen of life and all music.
  25. Isn't Slippy a girl? But otherwise stunning.
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