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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Paj!


    I'm not sure if you're serious or not. I have a horrible feeling you are. But I'll just add this for good measure:
  2. Yes. She's great. She has the face/attitude, whilst being one you'd never think of.
  3. Paj!


    Thanks! I was unsure of the exact definition of "fact".
  4. Paj!


    Yeah, Rihanna is a good-to-great popstar with a whole load of good-to-great pop songs. That's a fact everyone needs to accept (even if they don't like it).
  5. Fucking hell! AGAIN the few times I'm not in London this past year and a gig I want to see is on when I'm in Edinburgh... (this it was Sade)
  6. Why? He stuns me. I did the same (went from 1 to 28 in about 10 minutes), but want to focus on levelling up others from Unova first. Currently got Vullaby and Pawniard in Day-care (though I encountered a wild..whatever evolves from Vullaby so if I catch that it'll save me time) - and on my team are Scraggy and Frillish who are nearly about to evolve.
  7. Loves it. -- So spent this morning doing general post-game shit.
  8. If only I'd known at the time/looked vaguely to the right. :p
  9. I feel I missed out on Lilligant by buying Black (and I never used any Grass pokes other than Serperior). It's fine though.
  10. Paj!


    Get the Umbrella bee out of your bonnet, Cube. It will never be the worst song ever, despite what you may wish. :p
  11. Who knows? I need to get some form of work. I don't "need" it to survive atm, which is possibly why I'm so lax about it. But if I don't some form of paid experience on my CV i'll be worthless and trampled on. Dunno what I'll end up "doing". As long as it's something filmic/involved in film. I don't necessarily want to be a director.
  12. 8 children!? (not counting the stepchild. Or the nephew who I guess counts too...) Wowza.
  13. Michael Jackson's Number 1's (Yesss John) and Laundry Service by Shakira remind me irrevocably of Sims 2. When I had like 5 albums to choose from, but all 5 were great. So just played them on repeat whilst playing Sims 2.
  14. Give me what I want and give it to me now.
  15. Paj!


    Yeah but ANYONE can reference it. It's had 47million views. I'd almost expect people to reference it on stage just to appear down with the kids. It was the context of the BFI screening it that stunned me. As though it were some precious artistic contribution to the 21st century.
  16. 1 Sibling. Sister, younger (14). She's too great.
  17. No one actually listens/watches the songs in this thread, but do yourself a favour and watch this awesome video by Michel Gondry. Put a smile on my face, though it's just quirkily amazing. I enjoy the song too.
  18. Paj!


    Went to "Bug" (hosted by Adam Buxton, like a funny showcase of new music videos) at the BFI Southbank tonight. He opened with his own version of Friday and then screened the video in full. I loved. The main screen. Friday by Rebecca Black. Yes.
  19. I always get such a fragile feeling from Zack Snyder. Watchmen is FINE/good/acceptable not because of his influence. There's a brilliant book under it all. :p Guess this might show him up a bit as not being quite as credible as some think.
  20. Paj!

    Lady Gaga

    It's the lyrics that are the most unweildy part of the song. The original production is actually great. So that's what needed changing (not in subject - think it's brilliant in essence what the song says of course).
  21. Tonnes. Music in relation to memory/events is very important for me. Albums I don't even like that much are "milestones" because of when I heard them in relation to what I was doing. (Rufus Wainwright Release The Stars, Tori Amos Abnormally Attracted to Sin...) A lot of jokes my friends and I have have their origin in music or songs too. Ride by Ciara and Take It Off by Ke$ha will always remind me of my uni trip to Amsterdam - as we sang them fully out loud whilst walking down the streets, high. I also invented the now infamous dance routine to Take It Off there too..
  22. £8 something total
  23. Is Black City always deserted unless you have Pokemon white/a wi-fi connection?
  24. Yes. Fire evo's tend to be more menaching than the pre-evo's (it seems), but this is jokes enough.
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