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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I get on with a lot of people. Which is fortunate. I've never really wanted for friends. I realised recently that I act differently with different friends. Not conciously/on purpose, and it's more just different facets of my personality are active/passive with different people...but I think I reflect who I'm with. Not that that means I imitate them, I just reflect their light myself. Mmm yes. Like I physically can't be as extroverted as I am with one friend as I am with another. I don't know why. The friend I'm more calm/sombre/somber around is generally more calm/sombre/somber though. But wants me to be more extroverted around him. Well...
  2. It did seem like a 'joke' to me. Not funny, but seemed surreal enough that it was all put-on/no maliciousness behind it's creation.
  3. Dazz, you can just tell everyone you like those spoof films. It's ok. You were bourn that wey.
  4. Paj!

    The Ring

    Just for clarification - I did watch Ringu alone in a dark room. I appreciated what it tried to do, but yes, I think Daft (? Can't be bothered scrolling to check) has a point about context. The fact is, I saw Scary Movie 3 first, and Sadako/Samara is a bit of a cultural icon/less than icon but known entity. I was intrigued to find out that the "coming out the tv" scene was really meant to be a final horrific scare thing. Think it would have had more effect on me if I wasn't aware of it. Her lack of fingernails is horrific though, I have a fear of fingernail loss. She blows my stun in Southland Tales.
  5. Paj!

    The Ring

    I'm gonna try and watch the Japanese originals first of course. Grudge is next on my list (library only had the remake when I looked). And didn't know The Eye was based on a prior film. The remake is the one with Jessica Alba right?
  6. So the other day I watched Ringu (i.e the original Japanese film, from 1998). I hadn't seen The Ring. My knowledge of the series was from Scary Movie 3. And I thought it was one of the ones people like cried if you said you preferred the remake, it's untouchable etc. So yes, watched it. --- I thought it was boring, completely unscary, and lacking in it's famed creepy atmosphere. As well as badly acted (from what I could tell). I'm all for unconventional films, anything that doesn't fall into the cliches, but this just seemed like a supernatural murder mystery. All the reviews being like "SEE IT IF YOU DARE" and "I SHAT MYSELF" - wut. There are not conceivably scary parts in it. While that could be interesting (not just having JUMP scares) it felt like the forget to actually make it scary at all. --- So I watched The Ring today. I think I prefer it. Sure they put in more typical scares at a few points, but I think it helps. Not sure I like the new origin of the tape, but then the original one wasn't elaborated on very well. The video tape itself was shit. Much vomming at the fact it was all HD and had special effects. The Japanese version's cursed tape was the scariest thing about the film. Visually it was mostly much nicer. Lovely colour pallette and cinematography. Naomi Watts is radiant, but I think struggles in this very blah role. But it's fine. But yes, basically, it really horrible of me to prefer the slightly more typical American remake? I'm gonna watch Ringu 2/Ring 2 at some point too. Thoughts/musings/shits? Here're the cursed videos from both versions. Japanese, then American. EDIT: another thing - if I remember correctly, in the original, the phone call is JUST A phone call, there's no voice on the other end. I think preferred that. Again Scary Movie 3 may have affected my views for both films. :p I love so much. "Cindy the news is on! Another little white girl done fell down a well."
  7. The one on the left is done, maybe the face on the right form (I know they're meant to be the same...) could be more...definitive. Or the body be more dynamic.
  8. I love too fast to see what's going on. A good trailer. I'm sure they're do the inevitable 3 minute "Telling the entire story in the trailer" trailer nearer the time.
  9. Adds a 90's twist though. It wasn't always drawn as a mullet (which yes looks awful), it sometimes looked ok.
  10. Oh ok, I just thought I'd suggest something by a brilliant writer. Guess you want something from just a good writer.
  11. That is indeed good stuff.
  12. I never will.
  13. I couldn't actually see what I was meant to see. I assume it was someone's bum against a screen? (Phil's?) I...no. I'm not accepting your friend request on facebook.
  14. Paj!

    Lady Gaga

    It's one of the only obvious singles (as in, not an unusual thing to hear on the radio) on the album. Americano is going to be a single in South America. A joke. It's a rising fave. I'm really interested how she'll perform lots of this album. While some are perfect for stadium rock-esque situations, some are more subdued like Heavy Metal Lover. This album is so unlike her first album that I can see her basically ditching all the songs from that except the singles she'll HAVE to play. And only a few (the singles?) from Fame Monster. Everything on BTW is much more compelling.
  15. How can you afford brand new trades at shop prices so often? [not an actual question] Le sigh. Since last time I read Invisibles, the trades have gone up in price/have to be second-hand now. Less.
  16. I love brick wall. Actually in a mental ward, and just tells everyone he's at Uni as part of his psychosis.
  17. Paj!

    Lady Gaga

    That performance has been getting slated all over net, but it's fine, except the horrific saxophone. WTF was that? I love falling off.
  18. Places I've been - Scotland / England (not many places in England though) France (Paris mainly) Germany Belgium The Netherlands Portugal Spain The U.S.A (Florida...6...times, New York, Washington.)
  19. Paj!

    Lady Gaga

    Well she said so herself (of course without mentioning any influence, which is something I'm not too keen on from her...) in a few interviews. She wore it while being interviewed be Ellen, I remember her saying what it was about during that. Anyone with a shred of sense would glean the 'meaning' of it being the above in any case. Either that or it is purely just a dress made of meat, for the sake of being a dress made of meat. Either one works. Vegetarians/Vegans/people who whimper at the mention of animals being killed for humans need to sit down sometimes.
  20. I hate. Another summer without GOING ANYWHERE. I hate All And Everyone. Well I'm going to Orkney, but that's in Scotland so doesn't count and is boring. Though I am jokingly seeing KT Tunstall whilst there.
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