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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Does that song alone constitute their nomination as best act ever? If it was act with most interesting hairstyle on one of the members, maybe. Gah. Give me the Mercury Music Prize anyday.
  2. I voted. (Not Astley...heehee.) I'm still stunned by the swathes of utter shit that littered those nominations. I think Tokio Hotel being nominated for Best Act Ever is a sign that the world will soon end. Why else would they be there, except as part of some sick alien sadist's joke on earth?
  3. I approve all those who attempted my bishes. It's a shame some/more haven't been tried, though. Though, I do so love starng at roast chicken... *is hot under the collar*
  4. As a prefect, can't you raise the issue a bit more? Sorry, it just seems like a crime, as it is now.
  5. I suppose, I was obviously just thrown, since usually a teacher would do something about the people that beat him up...or at least every teacher I've known. Were they punished at all?
  6. I assume you've told a member of staff, not just left it till "next time"...
  7. The very fact Toki Hotel and Britney Spears are up for "Best Act In History" just makes the whole thing seem ridiculous. I mean, if it was Astley among actual worthy nominees, yeah, it's a joke. But most of the nominees are a joke. Fine, Britney is universally known, and defines Y2K pop for many, but Toki EFFING Hotel?! Not only are they shit, they have like...one album.
  8. It's sound in general it's weak to, not physical vibrations.
  9. He just annoys me. I'll concede he was ok in Indiana Jones. Most of my hate is probably with Transformers, and seeps into him.
  10. I bought their Greatest Hits, which came out earlier this year. Not that much of a fan of the early stuff, but they're definitely cool. I like Communication, but I prefer Don't Blame Your Daughter (Diamonds), I Need Some Fine Wine, And You, You Need To Be Nicer (whew!) and You're The Storm. ---- One of my favourite songs lyrically is The Couch by Alanis Morissette. She shifts between characters (IMO), leaving you to work out who she's voicing. ----- You hadnt seen your father in such a long time. He died in the arms of his lover. How dare he? Your mother never left the house. She never married anyone else, You took it upon yourself to console her. You reminded her so much of your father, So you were banished And you wonder why youre so hypersensitive...? And why you cant trust anyone but us. But then how can I begin to forgive her? So many years under bridges with dirty water. She was foolish and selfish and cowardly if you ask me. I dont know where to begin in all my 50 odd years. I have been silently suffering and adapting, perpetuating, and enduring. (Who are you younger generation to tell me that I have unresolved problems? ) Not many examples of fruits of this type of excruciating labor. How can you just throw words around like grieve and heal and mourn? I feel fine, we may not have been born as awake as you were. It was much harder in those days, we had paper routes uphill both ways. We went from school to a job to wife to instant parenthood. ------ I walked into his office, I felt so self-conscious on the couch. He was sitting down across from me, he was writing down his hypothesis. I dont know.... Ive got a loving supportive wife who doesnt know how involved she should Get. You say his interjecting was him just calling me on my shit? Just the other day, my sweet daughter, I was driving past 203. I walked up the stairs in my minds eye. I remember how they would creak loudly. She was only responsive with a drink, He was only responsive by photo. I was only trying to be the best big brother I could. Ive walked sometimes confused sometimes ready to crack open wide. Sometimes indignant, sometimes raw. Can you imagine I pay him 75 dollars an hour sometimes? It feels like highway robbery. And sometimes its peanuts. I wish it could last a couple more hours. So here we both are battling similar demons (not coincidentally) You see in getting beyond knowing it slowly intellectually, Youre not relinquishing your majesty. You are wise, you are warm, you are courageous, you are big. And I love you more now than I ever have in my whole life. I see it as the person seeing the therapist/doctor talking to the loved one, the person talking to the therapist/doctor, and then the therapist/doctor themselves.
  11. NO NO NO NO NO *dies* I knew it too.
  12. To be fair, it has Shia LeBouf in a main role, though, so... ---- Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes I heard it went downhill, but I still really liked this one. VERY short (it felt, anyway), and not much happens, but Roddy MacDowall is amazing as Ceasar...delivering some very emotive speeches, and the messages from the first films are still there. A bigger budget, or a better score might have made the actual conquest more exciting. 7.5/10
  13. MTV stopped caring about good music, let alone "best" anything a long time ago. So their awards, like most music awards should be justly ignored. :awesome: ---- I love Fight Like Apes.
  14. Not a fan of those kinda face piercings...the one above the lip is better than that Mutya Buena-wannabe one though.
  15. I read Taken was rubbish, except that the action was awesome in that OTT way. It better not be in the same vein as the way everyone jizzes/jizzed over Samuel L. Jackson/Chuck Norris...since that's never fun or interesting. I heard Maggie Grace and Holly Valance are in it though....if so, I might need to go, just for them. I jizz over them.
  16. I have to agree with you, never been too fond of the rest of their stuff, but I love that song, and the video. I can find his vocals annoying in some contexts, like their song "Makes Me Wonder".
  17. The song is catchy enough...still not realy a fan though. --- I need to actually buy a Bush album, at some point. I've had (and loved) Swallowed for years, but never actually got one of their albums. I know Razorblade Suitcase is meant to be their best.
  18. Everyone seems to have a cold now...I was off school on Monday with one, but it was k yesterday, but this morning I feel worse. Plus it's triple English first thing...*winces* I enjoy what we learn in English...it's just a such a long boring trek to get there. (Except Hamlet )
  19. *reads Flinky's post* *Is still laughing at "Because I LOATHE bananas!"*
  20. Technically, she always makes "good music", she's like a piano prodigy or something, so her compositions are always amazing. However, I can see you not liking it, and that song in particular.
  21. It seems that you either find something in her music, or you don't. It's deeeeeep, man. (To be fair, that's the single remix...worse than the original) Or some people say they don't like her stuff because they prefer lyrics that are easy to understand, or whatever. Each to their own...I just prefer music that lets me draw my own conclusions, whilst still drawing me into a hazy atmosphere of it's own creation. Meh, i'm over it.
  22. I love To Venus And Back. I think the production is odd at times, but in a good kinda way. It's way better than The Beekeeper, but TBK is perfect for lazing about, when you want to relax. It's cute. Still I'm all about Boys For Pele. In fact...; :bowdown:
  23. I suppose, but for ones like Pan's Labyrinth and Lady Vengeance (two that come to my head and have heavy focus on the visual), I never missed much. --- Don't Look Now Beautiful and chilling imagery, and one of the strangest films I've seen in a while. In a good way. Perfect suspense building. I can never go to Venice now, though. 9/10
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