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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Erm...the "story" in TDK is excellent. Intriguing and well-crafted. So that is a factor to it's success. :P
  2. Actually looks more like Sonya yeah. Did you hear James B's name for Sonya? I can't post it...it's really horrible. (But the fact it's him is funny)
  3. Rating your stuff. Av; 5/10 Don't really like the pic. Sig; 7.9/10 Works surprisingly well, I think.
  4. I never knew you were friends with M.I.A.
  5. Oh no you didn't! That's exactly what I always think of when that name's mentioned! I remember seeing that one episode with Seth Green in, about 7 times. (Unless he was in more than that, can't remember) She comes down froma treehouse he owns or something.
  6. Spenno reminds me of; Lil tiny bit.
  7. My dad is an I.T Consultant, so I've got to play with everything at least once in my life, including early "popular" internet. I remember getting 20 minutes set aside every few nights to go on our dial-up. I use to only look at the official site for The New Batman/Superman Adventures, praying that it would come on TV in the UK. It eventually did a few years later. This was 1998? Probably. I never use Bebo now, did for ages, MySpace is shit, and I currently use Facebook. Only 2 major forums I've been on for years (and been prominent on); this and HCRealms. EDIT: EW REZ! You want to name your daughter after a girl (probably a guy LULZ) over the net..?
  8. It goes crazy. I used to get double scrobbles for every song I played. Still do sometimes.
  9. That's the joke. A really fuzzy shot of a dramatic MK moment, with Yoshi's thoughts reflected with a stray Tegan & Sara lyric. I don't like the font normally, but more solid font wouldn't convey the message. I think you need a better Sig, to match/counter for avvie. Otherwise 8.56/10
  10. Surely as it is now, it's literally as basic as it can get, and spoon-fed to me already? You explain what it is (Walking Dead) in cutesy font, and then have kid-spooky graves... I just don't think you're pulling off dark and brooding as well as you pull off colourful and interesting.
  11. LEzzy exam today. Actually hate not knowing anything. I am revising, but yeah. Too little, too late, if I were to quote JoJo. Plus I had a horrible morning dream, where I went to school, but my mum came to pick me up and take me home, so I could dump my bags, before going back for the exam. But we were so long, I arrived back half-way into the exam. That would suggest I'm worried, which I am, but only that I know nothing...I can just resit it in a few months.
  12. I still have only the vaguest idea what Homebrew actually is, despite going on the siter and stuff. What it is mainly used for? I assume not just emulation and stuff...people mentioned oplaying games from another region...
  13. I'm not sure what you're saying, cause your avvie/sig don't suggest violence or danger, just a rainy day at a graveyard. Perhaps with plans to have lots of fun afterward. Ashley, 9/10 Overall. I love it now.
  14. Chair and I are seeing them at Queen Margaret's Union in Glasgow in April!
  15. Lovely. Although I just got an e-mail from Amazon asking for me to actually pay them, as it seems my money for next month hasn't come through yet. (Often it will have by now). Oh well. I'll get the mini-series when I reconfirm my order of Inland Empire. I'm sure I watched the very first episode when it was first out here. I was about 9 or whatever.
  16. Reminds me too much of The Cell.
  17. Thanks, and yeah, the plate with the cups, and the plastic bag is in fact full of different types of glitter for art use. And a lot of the stuff on my wall is doodle/drawing-related. Plus bare walls remind me of less fun. Why go stark white when you can plaster your thoughts across the wall in the form of music posters/concert tickets?
  18. Well, I didn't know it ever lived. Until I read this thread.
  19. I prefer the original name. Much more interesting. I quite like The Fear, and will probs get the album, as she's generally alright.
  20. English poetry tomorrow. I know nothing. Literally nothing, just what is off the top of my head. Bearing in mind I daydream my way through a lot of the lessons, and any notes I do make are illegable, that won't help.
  21. It's to boring to be noir to be honest. Black & white or gritty photos are noir, this looks a bit dull and characterless. Avvie: Dislike ones that aren't personal in some way (in the sense of a special image, not just adverts). 3/10 Sig: 6/10 Decent, but dull. Nice that the text matches colour-wise, but makes no sense with the theme. I prefer vibrant ReZ.
  22. It's actually quite horrible. But it has good music (venues) compared to Edinburgh. However, Edinburgh is thirty time lovelier to live in. Not sure about student life though.
  23. CUNT! It's Terrible Storm, not Not Tonight. I wish I could snap like a rubberband... *angry* ---- I really want to get into BSG, I've heard only praise, but I can't spend loads of money on it. Maybe If I look in cheapo places I'll find the early series and that mini-movie thing.
  24. Technically Alien is more suspense/horror than a strightfoward "sci-fi". The only one I'd class as plain sci-fi fun is Alien Ressurrection. But yeah. I could watch that anyday, anytime.
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