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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. I'm still not finished Series 1. I keep meaning to. It's really good.
  2. My sister.
  3. I loved the way he drew the women (and the men). No one else draws people like him, is figures aren't particularly clichedly sexy. The proportions are off, but only in their stature and poise, not their boobs/muscles. Realistic in a way, yet wonderfully stylised. I loved the fragility his linework gave his figure too.
  4. Dan's just reminded me how much I loved that whole period of X-Men. It felt so appropriate with the school opening officially, loads more issues opened up like you said that fitted well, and were relatable, mutant or human. Quitley's interior work was stunning, especially the issue where Jean and Emma enter Cassandra/Charles' head.
  5. AV: Alright, but annoying quality. 6 Sig: Looks a bit cheap, and none of what they're thinking has any weight with me. 5 Don't like what I've seen of Gossip Girl.
  6. I didn't mean syndication, lol. I meant like..picked up for another series. It was just associated word vomit. :p ---- Dollhouse - Briar Rose Alright. Ooh surprises. One being how fucking easy it was to get into the Dollhouse. Hmm. I've decided Tahmoh is really annoying in this. He fits in BSG, but I can't stand his constipated swagger/stagger anymore, and his uncomfortably purses lips and manner of speech. Worse is the actress who plays November. She's just...shit. Until we see her do different assignments, I won't let her off. She brings down every scene she's in. Sierra (the actress) is fast becoming my favourite. She seems most different in each engagement.
  7. What's wrong with it? It felt appropriate, and I liked the design better. Looked less like a "blue wolverine" as I remember thinking when I was small, and defined him a bit better. He was always a bit hazy...general agility and strength etc. The feline evolution made him a bit more "solid" as a character. I liked the whole concept of secondary evolutions. Emma Frost's became her trademark!
  8. I like the design of that. A lot. Too white for me (don't like white hoodies on me), but the actually design is great.
  9. I prefer the studio version, if I'm honest. A better video for her would be.. (skip to 2.40 onwards) Such a great opener.
  10. There won't be. It's not the kinda show for syndication or whatever the term is. Chris Lilley had one show before it, which I mean to watch, which also starred J'Nai or however you spell her name. So I wouldn't be surprised if his next show stars a character from SHH.
  11. Again, they're pop culture icons. The Superman ones are a trend. I have one from some "normal" shop. Batman ones too.
  12. Spider-Man 2. It was just amazing. I was like...12, and finally...a superhero game that was real.
  13. I think Begin To Hope had some excellent songs, but the production was too tight...the songs couldn't breathe. ---- I'd never heard Jai Ho! by A. Rahman and Pussycat Dolls until last night. I quite liked it so I bought it. They make some quite catchy stuff, and I love eastern stuff that has amazing percussion.
  14. Regina Spektor - Far Out June 23. I'm anxious for this, it's been ages since I heard anything from her. She was one of the the first "quirky" female voices I got into.
  15. See I try and choose track that will go well together. So flow and chosing of tracks married together when I put my two together.
  16. *morefunometer explodes*
  17. It looks like you guys had an amazing time! Happy for you two. Makes me want to visit the philippines too!
  18. The initial clue sounds like the youngest person shares a/their name with the member.
  19. no one called Brandy. Back to the drawing board.
  20. Well I searched all variations of "youngest mtv video award" and so on, including nomination, or just young etc.
  21. Didn't I post here? I guessed Aaron5.
  22. Oh yeah you left, forgot about that. I remember the Mr.Wimpy one! But yeah, the guys in rugby kit, the girls uniform, or just a mini-skirt/bra to look like a girl annoy me. That's no fun. I think Hannah Montana is my choice though. Should be a laugh.
  23. Fate was the being that was formed when the rest of the team were fused, so he doesn't exist when not fused. :p
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