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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Just been inside today, shame as it's been such a nice weekend. Did some sketchbook pages, need to do some more. Just took a picture of me as The Virgin Mary holding a dying Dolphin, and then I had an idea for what I'd go as for the end of school Hailes match. The leavers all dress up and play a big game in the yard in the last few days. I love that it's virtually extinct except at my school. ANYWAY my idea is to go as Hannah Montana. The household has the offical wig, though not hs sleek as Ms.Cyrus', and if I get recognisably Montana clothing, false teeth and one of those headset microphones, I'll be all -set. Might need Coolness' help to become an authentic Hannah. Ganepark, what did you go as for your Hailes match? Did you play in it?
  2. I need to make covers for my CD's now.
  3. I can't really imagine it working personally. He wasn't particularly funny in this film. Granted he had...0 screen time, but still. I dunno. Chair made us leave before the credit scenes, and he said after that it was a shit one with Wolverine in a bar. Turns out there's different ones, and one is Deadpool picking up his head and going "Shhhhh".
  4. I can't see Gambit carrying his own movie. I want X-Men Origins:Magneto, which is the only other "confirmed" one. I'd be a lot more interested in that than anyone else, really. Could have Sabertooth in too.
  5. Pierre Aurelie Marc etc Based on my old textbooks.
  6. I like that the singer has the exact same hair style as Hayley Westernra or whatever her name is from paramore. :p Didn't listen through so won't comment on the song though.
  7. Bjorn. Anni-Frid. Benny. Agnetha.
  8. Of course you wouldn't. I said in the other thread, I love the fact it has the infamous "Wank!" comic panel. Brilliance.
  9. Well whatever. It just seemed to me that it looked like control cards, and have a generic shockwave inducing power. They could have expanded on it and therefore make it 100 times less shiteous for all involved.
  10. Ha! That has the "Wank!" panel on it! Where'd you get that?
  11. Hey tharrrr.
  12. Really? To me, it looked he could make cards float, and then they randomly turned a bit pink and flew at people. Then his stick could cause shockwaves. I don't think it was explained enough/at all for outsiders. Maybe I'm wrong.
  13. Interesting, but presumably fails if you look from any other direction?
  14. Should be in bed, but am instead listening to; I love Lust For Life, so I thought I should try other albums of his (and then of the stooges). I fancy listening to more Peter Gabriel to. Anyone whether it's better to get So or 3 first? Bearing in mind Biko is my favourite song by him? --- EDIT: Oh wow. I never knew that California by Liz Phair/Girly Sound is a redo of Funtime by Iggy. Obviously the lyrics are her own, but related, and the arrangement is slightly different. She does this with Wild Thing too, with the only thing intact being the title in the chorus and the melody (mostly).
  15. St-Elmo's Fire I enjoyed it well. I heard it wasn't really liked, but it felt pertinent as I have nostalgic thoughts of my school life coming to an end. Good characters...and an atmosphere that I want to take a bath in. I love films that do that. When, after it's done, you want to live in the same world as the events that just transpired, where jazz music soundtracks your life.
  16. I know Matt & Kim were recommended an age ago, and IIRC by Daft, but I only just got around to listening to them properly. Heard/watched Lesson Learned, liked it. Awesome video too. Impromptu yet brilliant nudity in NY.
  17. In my experience, people dress in a way that reflects their interests, or behaviour/personality. Dress and personality of course don't define the other. But it's something I notice. (Also the lack of "interesting" or "designer" or whatever labelled clothing on some people intrigues me.)
  18. How much better can a £1000 watch be than a £15 one? I seriously don't understand. Sure aesthetics, but you can get nice ones cheap. Plus heavy watches are just a pain. Unbelievable. Maybe as a gift it would be ok, but I'd prefer the money.
  19. Oh well. I still feel special. --- Oh my god. My day was made when I saw wristwatches being sold on ASOS for over a thousand pounds! lol! I'll never get watches being expensive.
  20. Stunning names.
  21. Really nice day today. Got up at half 11. Had breakfast blah blah. Helped my mum put her sheets on her bed and then had a shower, before taking the looooong bus to the cinema to go see Wolverine with Chair and No.3 of our trio. See review in other thread. I donned my famous cut-off shorts and flip-flops combo for the first time this year! That's all I ever wear in summer. I'm sure I'm the only male to actually wear flip-flops when not on holiday.
  22. I buy Wizard when I'm in the US. Which means...7/8 times in my life. It's a good read.
  23. I think a better way of putting it is that Marvel do so many films that a lot of them are duff. A lot are good too. Wolverine Didn't go in expecting much. Dissapointed, but not really.
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