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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Schindler's List Never seen it in full (and the bits I'd seen were about 4 years ago so this was effectively a fresh view). It was good. Obviously sad/moving/horrific, and though we all know "how awful the holocaust was", this still managed to bring it home again. An interesting and inspiring story with good performances, it managed to avoid cloying sentimentality, which I was scared it would drift into.
  2. I'm foaming at the mouth. Tomorrow. Morning break. Running to HMV. Cast me in plaster, quick.
  3. I find the act of necrophilia doubly offputting because I read about (I think it was a film, but either way, fact or fiction) a guy who had sex with his dead wife in a bath, and then rigor mortis set in and his penis got trapped. But also because I don't find dead people...attractive. :/
  4. Oh my god, Robot Unicorn is amazing. The music and the feeling of when you get going is stunning.
  5. I love the discussions in here. I think Chair's points are valid, but I DO think that necrophilia has a degree of exploitation in there. It's using another's body.
  6. Aliens For some reason I was drawn to watching this today, one of my favourite films, but I hadn't thought about watching it in a while. Took it from my DVD shelves and put it on my desk for later, so when I came back home tonight, I could watch it. While at the toilet at the bar my friends band were playing at, the name VASQUEZ was written really neatly on the wall. Coincidence I thought. (name of a character in this film) Then I "remember" seeing "Reiner" written on something, I think it was a CD cover, though it's like the memory has no context. I remember seeing it, but not where or when, just that it was earlier tonight. And one of the first names in the credits as Aliens begins is Reiner. I'm already bleeding. Then the film. It just...sums up everything great I love. The final act - bury me. Sweaty/klaxons/industrial hallways/steam/danger = yes. And I think after multiple viewings the underrated best part of this film is the
  7. Not really. Gwen Stacy's death was a story where the object of his love was involved. (and would be a more appropriate example in a debate about "Women In Refrigerators" syndrome) Spider-Man was married for 20 years or something, his love life never affected the stories there. Bear in mind Jean Grey/Cyclops/Emma/Wolverine et al is part of a reltionship quadrangle spanning 40+ years...there's a lot more pages in that time than a short run like YA.
  8. I just love; "So why do you want this job?" "Money". Not even considering the question.
  9. Surely it's far better to treat a gay relationship in comic books the same as any other relationship in comics? It would come across as "tacky" or just for the sake of it if they harped on about it.
  10. Hmm, well she said it was about a polish vodka company producing clones or something. Like, what it looks like. :p Just rewatched it, you could find metaphors for anything in it, if we're honest. Slavery and animal cruelty come to mind before the advocacy of transgender people.
  11. I get what you mean, and I know that her whole thing "I felt like a freak, it's partly why I do what I do, it's ok etc", which is obviously a great/correct sentiment, and is/was strangely missing in pop music. And what you say is all right, I think I was just a bit thrown by how much emphasis you put on it. You make it sound like she organised marches/held press conferences/has talked soley in depth about transgenderism and her fight to make it ok. It just a bit like...let's wait till she actually does something. Unless she has and I just didn't know. EDIT: What metaphors in BR?
  12. Don't most people, if asked? Has she made a point of doing so other than on the back of the hermaphrodite thing?
  13. :laughing: So random.
  14. I wondered where these vids came from! Seen loads, but never knew. I love. "Womanstandinginriver.jpg" -- Here's my first mess about. Didn't really work very well, but yeah. Green Lantern has a chat with Cheetah.
  15. I don't really understand her being a "trans icon". I understand she went along with the joke of her having a penis, but it's not like it was ever really believed/reported anywhere outside of internet forums/youtube comments as "truth".
  16. Marcamillian can watch me on his videophone.
  17. I have no idea what their role in Seige/Dark Reign has been/is. They've not been a part of anything I read, nor am I really interested in them. I kinda hope they graduate to real teams in the "heroic" age. Their lack of a real team name makes them seem shite.
  18. I love the inclusion of Karla, torn between two planets.
  19. Just go pro-choice a baby out of a bitch. Don't give it a name Flush it down the drain Get an abortion today. But yeah. Serious stuff.
  20. His "start looking away and speaking then turn to face the camera" thing every 3 seconds made me turn the video off half way in. I got the gist from that though.
  21. The poster alone sends me reeling. I'll never play it, but I'll always remember. I love how the poster is set out like a movie poster, and how the name gives nothing away (arguably the sub-title ruins it, but you deal). Reminds one of Blade Runner, which is great.
  22. Festival Set in Edinburgh during the Festival every summer, felt so great knowing everywhere shown and relating to the experience of the festival. Just popping into joke shows whenever you please, and seeing crazies on the street. The individual tales of the characters have suprising depth, and are just nicely fleshed out. I didn't really think it was a comedy, though it seem to be billed as such, it's more...amusing the whole way through, but there's more sad bits than funny (IMO). But yeah, a gem I'd never heard of, but well worth getting a hold of. It had loads of people from british TV you know but can't place. I knew Guy Secretan from Green Wing, both men from IT Crowd, the horsey woman from something as one of the amusic Canadians in this...and lots of others I knew. 8.7/10 Doubt Seen it before, but still liked it. The metaphors kinda hit you over the head, but I imagine they might work on stage better. Still good acting and thought-provoking. 9/10
  23. --- GREAT MUSIC TIME Apparently in Trainspotting. Never seen so couldn't say, but I love the song and Iggy in gen. Never heard of them before today. The girl's voice is very Karen O and someone else I like but can't place. This sounds much better on the actual mp3. But anyway. Dunno much of POBPAH's stuff, but this is so Saint Etienne, and that's only ever good. Also, a new Prince song was released to radio randomly today/yesterday/recently. I can't be arsed linking cause it's not that great.
  24. Latest Issue of Q banned in USA because of supposed "nip-slip" and crotch-grabbing. Interestingly the decision to ban it wasn't based on the fact she has a dildo down her trousers (apparently more evident in RL).
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