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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Oh emm eff. R.I.P I had no idea who Gary Coleman was, but this guy was great.
  2. I'm going to a picnic on the meadows today. I hate the meadows. It's hardly a meadow in the Bambi sense. It's just a patch of land in the middle of the city. Plus that end of town is out of my comfort zone. / not really. I'm just never there of my own accord. We had to "make our own sunglasses" (...art students) if we want to come. I made mine out of Jenga blocks taped together with police scene tape stuff, then stuck letters on the top spelling out "F I L T H". They're incredibly painful to wear, as there's no room for your nose. It's like Kyle Rayner's old Green Lantern mask.
  3. Berlin is a stunning place. There's a lot to talk about just that city, how loads of it had to be rebuilt, and some still is, since the various wars/changes in political power. Also obviously the wall etc. It just feels like they got over the war so efficiently, not wallowing in it or trying to make Germany seem better than they appeared in the war...they just got on with repairs and had loads of monuments put up to honour everything that happened. But yeah, brilliant.
  4. I'ma keep playing those cats like Atari High-heeled shoes, gettin love from the dudes 4 bad-ass chicks from moulin rouge! I think that's it anyway. That's stayed in my head for years. Though I used to think it was "love from the jews".
  5. God Damn Batman A very funny twitter account, meant to be Batman.
  6. For all you Neil Patrick Harris fans, he's a musical villain in a BRILLIANT episode of The Brave and the Bold. (I love the fact Clock King is here)
  7. They stun. One colour, black or fucking white. Don't you dare bring other colours into this, you cunts. *glaring at all the 4th gen legendaries* I want to hug them both. Then beat them to within an inch of death and stuff them into a ball forever.
  8. The joke is the line-up to be honest. What is Donna Troy doing there? Why is there such an imbalance of females to males in power/importance? Why is Supergirl even needed? What's the Big 3's say in this? etc It's the most stunning Big 7 parallel ever. Donna Troy (Leader) - Wonder Woman Batman (Dick) - Batman (Bruce) Jade - Green Lantern Jesse Quick - Flash Congorilla - Aquaman Starman (Mikaal) - Martian Manhunter Supergirl - Superman I just love the concept of teams...and I liked how it's a "risky" and original line-up for the team. It might turn out shit but the writings decent.
  9. Is anyone else reading Justice League, with the new team being formed, and Bagley doing the art? It doesn't seem as good as on USM, but it might be the colours. It doesn't feel as definitive as his work did on USM (being the ONLY artist I guess does make it definitive).
  10. Yeah I've seen a few covers/previews. It does seem a bit "...", considering Ult. Spidey has always been more "spindly" than "stubby". I hate the look of the new imprint too. Well I don't hate it, but the old standard Ultimate one stunned so much. The two bars with the title on the side was my favourite thing. It looked official and nice with other issues without being sterile. This just looks too clean.
  11. Brian K. Vaugn was the writer for 9 and a bit onwards. Those issues were decent. I think Millar and Adam Kubert probably set the bar too high for anyone else to really compete afterwards. RE: Spidey, at first Stuart Immomen's art was so jarring in Ultimate Spidey, but now I'm totally used to it and fits very well. I'll see what the new artist is like...
  12. So ReZ has informed me that Robert Kirkman's run on Ultimate X-Men isn't very good. I do however want to read it (and I think I'll just buy it, "that" site isn't too helpful with Ult. X-Men). I've almost finished Ultimate Spider-Man and loved it all. A really enjoyable comic. I'm gonna buy War of the Symbiotes and Ultimatum and thats me done with that (well I'll test out the new volume too I suppose).
  13. As the main general chat forum was loading, I thought I saw a thread called "Ever had phone sex?" --- Not done much today, been reading more comics (my renewed obsession atm, I'm very glad my passion has returned though) and actually sitting down to revise driving theory, and test myself. YAY. Roast beef dinner tonight, I'm shaking in anticipation.
  14. Oh maybs. MAYBS. I have no idea where Zemo is these days. Last I read (before Dissassembled) he had left the Thunderbolts, had 2 moonstones and was planning something. I presume that's happened already, whatever came of that. I have to say I do like the inclusion of
  15. I love how it's up in the air as to what the status quo will be...
  16. Yeah it's the Iron Man 2 poster. It does look fairly Samus-y though. Just gave Uffie's album a listen. Not really worth the million years it took to make. Entertaining in a distracting way though.
  17. Oh yeah I had, I forgot about that! Blue is the one where he fights all the animal-based foes isn't it? And it's all him telling it to a tape recording for Gwen? -- Thunderbolts 144
  18. I didn't think I'd read anything of Loeb's "good" stuff, apart from Hush. But to be honest, that's really overrated. Read his Ultimates stuff recently to understand the horror. And I also hear his Hulk stuff is insane (in a bad way).
  19. Has anyone read Superman For All Seasons (by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale)? I just did...it's fantastic. Really, really emotive/evocative/great. I'm gonna start reading Batman: Long Hallowe'en too.
  20. I have not a clue what ANY of my phones were called. -I got my first mobile when it first kinda became normal for kids to get them. I was 11, and even then it was a little bit after most other people had them. It was a brick. -Second one was a brick too, less horrid though. -Then I got a nicer thin one, still black and white. Had that for a while -In 2005 I got my first colour one...yay camera, games OMG etc. That was good. -Only had 2 since then, my current one is the Red and Black Music Xpress or whatever.
  21. (The concept of) Chernobyl reminds me of Ultimate Nightmare. That may be the nerdiest thing I've ever said.
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