My review of the week
Invincible was good. As usual.
Guarding the Globe was promising.
X-Men Legacy was fine. Not sure how keen I am on this direction, aka "Rogue takes the kids on various field trips whilst dealing with x kids issue of the week". Feels like a cartoon episode or something. And Clay Mann's art is too bland. I like how Luz's debut has had such a good fan reception over on CBR. :p
Astonishing X-Men was a bit "...". The art was STUNNING of course, and I hate how the flagship titles can't get as good artists as the miniseries or "specialist" comics like Astonishing. Anyway. Big anticlimax and oddly scripted at the end.
Curse Of The Mutants - Storm and Gambit, as I mentioned, was the best thing I read this week, and one of the best X-Men stories to come out in AGES. (seems the fan community thinks so too) Chuck Kim and Chris Bachalo for heads of X-men writing duties!
Namor: The First Mutant was fine. I like the art, and I like Namor more now he's an X-Man.
Batman was good. Nice seeing more indepth stuff from what went on between RIP and Final Crisis.
Justice League was fine, if not exactly pushing boundaries of comic storytelling. I feel like the new team hasn't been solidified yet. I need to see them sitting at the round table, having chats, to truly believe in them all.
Wonder Woman was entertaining, and set shiz in motion.
Avengers was "eh." It's fine, but It's too all over the place. I liked the Killraven cameo, just the randomness. I still hate hate hate the team. I much prefer New Avengers, and Stuart Immonen>>JR JR at the moment/in general/always.