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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Ruined by the shit hair. But I love when attractive people participate in cosplay - inevitably they're better at it...
  2. Yes...mentioned like 50 times. Kingston-upon-thymes. You filthy forgetter. x

  3. Could do. I know that... *continued in PM*

  4. I read it when it was printed in Batman Legends a few years ago, but I wouldn't mind owning a copy. Only a fiver or so on Amazon. P.S When will you people read Animal Man? It's the greatest thing Morrison's done that doesn't alienate people opposed to his sort of style (since it isn't in his "style"). The standalone issue 5 (IIRC) is...amazing. Even highlights it on the back of the trade as well. Stun. The best damn thing. And great rereading too, as you see the seeds planted for the final issues (26 or something) as early on as issues 6-7 and stuff. Brill.
  5. Just ordered this for myself: Yayayayayaya And this for my friends birthday (I ordered it the other day, his birthday is today, but it'll presumably come in a few). Seemed apprope', since he likes superheroes / plays heroclix and stuff but never really got into the comics beyond select things.
  6. People who say "Nah-ah-ah! No excuses!" with a shit-eating/knowing grin, when you try and explain yourself. Applies in a variety of situations. I want to slit their throats. Mostly cause I've been a mostly very well behaved/conscientious person throughout my life, so whenever it's been applied to me, it's always been wrong, and so unjust.
  7. I'd cast him as Murmur in a Flash movie.
  8. Going to Uni proper in 18 days or so, Kingston University to study Filmmaking: Design and Production. I've completed my Art and Design foundation course (which is usually essential) this past year since leaving school. Nervous, but loving the fact I'm going.
  9. It was so "beggarish" (is how I described it), she was scrabbling round in her purse counting pennies trying to make up enough to buy some peice of tat for the sake of it. And I'd been in the shop 20 minutes and was running out of patience, so yeah.
  10. Yeah, I kinda assumed they wouldn't take up the Daredevil role. And seems like it's gonna be Gambit. Kraven being it would have been a bit random, and Falcon seems to be out of the window (seeing as that pic is caucasian). And Nova would be ridiculous. :p
  11. Hmm, yeah, but then that was Marvel-themed, where a benchmark for everything is clear, so flaws like that are obvious. Here it would just be all made-up for the lols. P.S I hated how Kraven had 40 for Fighting Skills. That was the worst value fuck-up I think.
  12. Can I do some of the illustrations too? I love the feeling. My favourite thing about trading cards and stuff was when you loved a certain style of illustration on some of them and tried to find all the ones the same artist did. Card games with different illustrators FTW.
  13. On the topic of branded clothing.. Made my sister really angry/upset today at the Jack Wills sale, when I called her a beggar. She couldn't afford any of their overpriced stuff, and so was scrabbling in the section of like pencils and matches and other needless branded stuff they sell for something, anything to buy. That just rubs me the wrong way...the desperation to display your acceptance of the brand, so much that thinking an overpriced pencil will make people like you. *shivers* That said, they had some nice coloured jeans in the sale, without their logo all over them (thankfully) that were dirt cheap, but of course didn't fit me and my child-bearing hips.
  14. Hard Candy isn't a "strange" movie, as Oxigen said. Try something like Inland Empire, Synecdoche,NewYork(strange by mainstream standards, it's very coherent), Solaris, The Cook,The Thief,His Wife and her Lover etc. Or even Waking Life. Stuff like that.
  15. Change vote: No Lynch
  16. Paj!


    I have no need for it. For me to use it would be silly. I have nothing to say I couldn't just say on facebook, which everyone I know actually has. I do like the fact it really shows how the barrier between "celebrity" and "average joe" is blurring though. And that's a good thing obvs.
  17. Oh yeah I love that! So funny. And when Tigra says "If you like it, you shoulda put a ring on it." to Hank Pym about Jocasta. Love love love.
  18. Oh frak. 10char
  19. I just can't bear repeat offenders/inactives. And I have a fear of games not moving on due to inactivity. We're all too clingy over here in regards to mafia games (probs cause there's not a whole lot going on at once like other forums), and scared to die etc. But inactivity just really annoys me, seeing as my new thing in life is being concise and definitive. I can't deal with crap clogging the plug hole when it can be removed.
  20. Dyson was only spared from an inactivity-death in my game due to the fact he came in a sent in like...1 night action and posted once (I think) in the thread mid-game. Then never again.
  21. My review of the week Invincible was good. As usual. Guarding the Globe was promising. X-Men Legacy was fine. Not sure how keen I am on this direction, aka "Rogue takes the kids on various field trips whilst dealing with x kids issue of the week". Feels like a cartoon episode or something. And Clay Mann's art is too bland. I like how Luz's debut has had such a good fan reception over on CBR. :p Astonishing X-Men was a bit "...". The art was STUNNING of course, and I hate how the flagship titles can't get as good artists as the miniseries or "specialist" comics like Astonishing. Anyway. Big anticlimax and oddly scripted at the end. Curse Of The Mutants - Storm and Gambit, as I mentioned, was the best thing I read this week, and one of the best X-Men stories to come out in AGES. (seems the fan community thinks so too) Chuck Kim and Chris Bachalo for heads of X-men writing duties! Namor: The First Mutant was fine. I like the art, and I like Namor more now he's an X-Man. Batman was good. Nice seeing more indepth stuff from what went on between RIP and Final Crisis. Justice League was fine, if not exactly pushing boundaries of comic storytelling. I feel like the new team hasn't been solidified yet. I need to see them sitting at the round table, having chats, to truly believe in them all. Wonder Woman was entertaining, and set shiz in motion. Avengers was "eh." It's fine, but It's too all over the place. I liked the Killraven cameo, just the randomness. I still hate hate hate the team. I much prefer New Avengers, and Stuart Immonen>>JR JR at the moment/in general/always.
  22. Dyson is inactive in general, regardless of where he is.
  23. I can't listen to the film sound clip one 87, even when I made it into a normal video in a preview post, it's a "Private Video"...
  24. Yeah, can we lynch an inactive AKA Dyson? I hate shite. Cutting the chaff is my newest addiction. Lynch: Dyson
  25. 93. Looks like part of/a wheel from a toy car (the CE declaration marking gives it away).
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