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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. Looking around sites as well, it's the shit ones no one wants (Final Destination, Gamer etc) that are cheap. Also the fact that most films aren't actually on Blu-Ray yet. AFAIK
  2. No, I chose not to do anything. I assume it's me being "leek'd" in this write-up, but I have no info about it apart from what's in the write-up.
  3. If you're buying really current films maybe not, as DVD's of brand new stuff are like £12, so a few more isn't going to hurt. But most films on DVD these days (that aren't brand new) are a fiver in HMV/Fopp/online, if not cheaper.
  4. In London, but back tomoz I thinks. Hes been away for ages, I know.

  5. Yeah the Jayseven thing was ridic. Funny though.
  6. I wonder what this "Leek" thing is. Obviously Farfetch'd, but I dunno what to make of it.
  7. So was it just my TV that had everyone singing with autotune? It was really obvious..??? Let me check stuff on Youtube, to make sure..my sister noticed it too.
  8. Neutral Mortis Chairdriver (Night Power) At night, PM me a target. You will kill them using your powers. (Ability) If you find your sister, something special might happen Magneto Zell (Ability) You have supreme control over magnetic fields and can sense shifts in them. When more than 1 person would target you at night, all their attempts fail. (Ability) People don't trust you at all. You have 50% chance of appearing as mafia. This is a role I really hated after the game got going. I thought it could be interesting but it felt so pointless in the end, and I should have made it so he could do something. No one even targeted him. Sorry Zell! The Reavers / Mafia Lady Deathstrike Coolness Bears (Mafia Don) (Day Power) During the day, when someone has half or more votes needed to reach a majority for a lynch, you may PM me saying you wish to execute them. The player will die instantly. You can only do this once. Pretty Boy Jayseven (Night Power) You may choose a target at night. You will use you optic impants to write over their personality so that they act and appear like Mafia to others for the night. Skullbuster MadDog (Night Power) Choose a target at night. You will kidnap said target, rendering them silent/not present during the following day phase. Bomebreaker Jonnas (Night Power) Choose a target at night. You attack them full-force with your missiles and tank-tread-legs, rendering them unconcious for night phase, unable to complete any night actions the might have planned. Donald Pierce Ellmeister (Ability) If you are killed, you blow up and the person who killed you, or who cast the deciding vote in your lynching, is killed in the blast as well. SECRET ABILITY (Not known to the rest of the Mafia) (Special Ability - Usurper) If you choose to, at any point during the game (Night or Day), you may PM me saying you wish to kill Coolness_Bears/Lady Deathstrike. You will then become Don of the Mafia, and gain new powers/abilities. --- Think that's everyone. As you can see there were things I set up that never came to fruition sadly, like Donald Pierce vs. Deathstrike, Psylocke and Arachangel's X-Force power...etc. Anyway, thanks for playing, even if it was a bit of a dull game - there was a good number of you who played it through diligently.
  9. Yeah. Though he and Eenuh just activated their special ability thing where he is effectively town. I'll get to it when I post the neutral roles.
  10. Combination of not enough interesting active roles on my part (just getting back into mafia so yeah), complete inactivity from a good number of people with very useful powers, and then all the investigators were dead very early or just not playing. Rogue was the last one playing with any form of investigative power, and that was only some of the time. Emma Frost and Psylocke were also very useful investigators but weren't playing. Emma/Dyson would have been removed for inactivity, but came back for a night, then left again. Saving himself from the hellspawn.
  11. X-Men/Town Cyclops Cube (Day Power) During the day phase, whenever a lynch vote reaches majority, you may post in the thread saying "Stop this lynch" (has to be in bold). The person who would be killed, now survives, and the night phase occurs as usual. Psylocke Daft You can talk to Angel (ReZourceman) outwith the game thread via PM. (Night Power) Being a stealthy ninja, every night, you can PM me the name of another player in the game. You will investigate their quarters for any objects or paraphenalia of interest. These could be clues to the target's alignment. (Ability - X-Force) You and Angel (ReZourceman) are both members of the covert mercenary squad, X-Force. ONCE during the game, at night, you may choose to sacrifice both your night abilities for that night phase, to make a Night Kill, in your X-Force gear. Angel/Archangel ReZourceman You may communicate with Psylocke (Daft) via PM outwith the game thread. (Night Power) You can target another player to follow during the night, to find out what they get up to. (Ability - X-Force) You and Psylocke (Daft) are both members of the covert mercenary squad, X-Force. ONCE during the game, at night, you may choose to sacrifice both your night abilities for that night phase, to make a Night Kill, in your X-Force gear. Beast Dannyboy-The-Dane (Night Power) You may PM me a target. You will shadow that target, and find out if anyone else targets them that night. Dazzler Eenuh (Night Power) You may PM me a target at night. You dazzle that target with your light powers, rendering them blind and unable to do anything for that night phase. If you target the person you're watching out for, something special might happen. Wolverine dwarf gourami (Night Power) You can PM me a target at night. You will kill this target. (Ability) If you're night-killed by someone else, it fails. This ability only works the first time you're night killed. Pixie Nintendohnut (Night Power) At night you may PM me a target. You will teleport that Target away from any potential danger they might face, protecting them that night. Nightcrawler Mundi (Night Power) At night, you may PM me 2 targets. You switch these two target's locations by teleporting them around. Shadowcat nintendo-master (Night Power) At night, you may PM me a target. You will turn them intangible, so nothing can hurt them, but it also means they can't do anything themselves that night phase (Ability) If targeted for a Night Kill, there's a 25% chance you'll avoid it Rogue MoogleViper (Night Power) At night, you may PM me a target. You will touch that target, thereby absorbing their very life-force and a chance of getting either their power (which you would use next night/day phase, depending on what it was), a clue as to their identity, or their alignment outright. * On nights you would use a stolen power, you may not use your default stealing power as well. However, you can choose not to use a stolen power, and steal from another person instead. Emma Frost Dyson (Night Power) At night, PM saying whether you wish to shift into Diamond Form, or use your Psychic Abilities. Diamond Form - You cannot be night-killed. Psychic Abilities - Target a player. You learn who else they've targeted throughout the game so far. You cannot use either power on consecutive nights. You can choose to do neither. Storm Diageo (Night Power) At night, PM me a target. Your target will be buffeted by winds, meaning they will miss their original target, and hit another (at random). (Ability) During the day, your vote counts for double.
  12. *ffffCHUNK* Coolness Bears has been executed by MoogleViper, using his own stolen power! He was Lady Deathstrike, the leader of the Reavers (Mafia)! --- "Guess that did the trick, y'all." laughed Rogue, impressed with her now long razor-sharp fingers. The group were shocked by what they just witnessed one of their own do, but all of a sudden, their memories came flooding back. They saw the body of Lady Deathstrike on the floor, and were overwhelmed with intense anger and sadness. So many of their friends had been killed...who was responsible? --- A shadowy man sits on rock off the coast of San Francisco, looking out to Utopia, smiling. "Another time, then." --- What remained of the X-Men came together the next morning, deciding rather than to disband in the wake of this tragedy, to carry on as a new team, never letting the dream die. --- THE GAME IS OVER The Reavers (Mafia) have been defeated! The X-Men (Town) have won! The Winning X-Men Cube - Cyclops Eenuh - Dazzler Chairdriver - Mortis Zell - Magneto Daft - Psylocke Mundi - Nightcrawler Moogleviper - Rogue Dyson - Emma Frost --- I'll post roles in a moment. Please post thoughts - I have some I want to share...
  13. Well doesn't Boodikka also have a massive perm in the comics, yet is bald here? They love the feeling of a shiny bald head.
  14. Watched bits of this. I loved the Madonna-looking girl initially, but then she annoyed me. My mum (who has experience with the topic) said that the release me!!! woman exhibited characteristics of a proper psychotic. You could tell. I loved though. ALSO Was it just my TV/my ears, or was everything fucking AUTOTUNED?! WTF is up with that? It was obvious too, cause autotuning live stuff comes off shit. Why would they even do that?
  15. Votes: Coolness Bears (4) Majority is 5
  16. I'm still waiting for Arisia and Katma Tui! Although they're fairly "main" aren't they? They might be more than just background characters, or saved for future films.
  17. Yep! This is the most ridiculous addition to DVD menus ever. As much as I HATE trailers and then DVD blurbs on the back of boxes (they can, and often do, ruin films), I understand that people need to know what they're buying/watching. It's not like once you're at the menu of a DVD you're still in two minds about watching it...
  18. Yeah, it sounds believable. *lies on floor, unsure of who to trust anymore*
  19. ^ That just seems silly. The same thing over and over with very little interesting about it.
  20. That's Superman... Unless you mean my Last.fm little music box thing. Then yes. :P California Gurls has got better every time I hear it, I mentioned it in the Katy thread. That said, I can only listen to the MSTRKRFT remix, since the beats in the original are crap.
  21. What's the link to the bit you post stuff?
  22. I've never watched a cricket match on TV in my life. I looks like a dull sport to watch. We used to play it at school. I wasn't ever any good, but I liked lazing around in the summer weather the half the game (waiting to bat), and then being a fielder was fun. Sporadic, standing around fun.
  23. I read that the other day, but I'm not holding out hope. And either way, I'd prefer to have the issue, it means a lot to me. While I love Morrison, and loved Final Crisis, which I just finished, It does seem a bit rich to have links ot Flex Mentallo when 99% of the people reading Final Crisis won't be able to read Flex Mentallo. However, it does make it a much better piece of work for those who have read Flex. And technically it all links to Animal Man and Doom Patrol anyway. So basically it just rewards Morrisonites. :P EDIT: I bought this random Buy It Now I found, must have just gone online! I'm so happy! I'm going to fucking cry.
  24. When I hear Tori Amos in a club, I'll eat my hat. Actually not really, she had a chart, and club, no.1 single in 1996, a remix that most people will have heard, but not remember who it was by:
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