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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. You're bad. All About My Mother reminded me of great things. And Women on the Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown is funny too. I also really liked Broken Embraces (the one from last year). I've seen Volver too but only once ages ago, and need to reassess.
  2. To be fair, she's in PSB!, one of a select group of New X-Men to play any sort of main part (her, X-23, Mercury, Blindfold, Rockslide and Anole). I should probably find out what Anole's powers are. I always think of him as the one with the crusty arms.
  3. I'm still waiting on anything I'd class as a defining "best" moment in my life. Lots of "good" ones...when I got my 2 A's (and a D lol) at A Level, getting A in English (and Art) was the only real academic striving thing I ever cared about. And I'm really proud of it. Not sure why. Probs cause I'm not very academic otherwise.
  4. Not really. It's only just been 24 hours, and haven't received all the PM's. I'll leave it for a bit longer.
  5. Actually the life foundation extracted symbiote kiddies from Venom without his permission, and then it was Life Foundation volunteers who became the 5 lovelies. And Scream eventually killed all the other shit hosts, just to prove how great she was. Leaving the unhosted symbiotes to form Hybrid (one a single host), who then faded into obscurity (I like to pretend Scream is a classic villain who will one day make her grand return, in comparison :p). Hybrid's 90's ears/head/hair pisses me off. It's so Wolverine/Wolfsbane/Shi'Ar/Feral/Beast/Mats'uo. Thoughts on X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back! tpb I bought this cause I enjoy Pixie, and I'm intrigued by the fact Marvel is pushing her/she's popular, over a lot of the other New X-Men - especially Armor, who you'd have thought would remain the youngest main X-Man, as she's been on the flagship team through two arcs of Astonishing. But anyway, it seems like Pixie is set for big things, and personally I'd like for her to join a more concise X-Men team as a proper member. Anyway, this tpb collects the 4 issue miniseries by Kathryn Immonen (presumably related to Stuart, who does the covers), and illustrated very well by Sara Pitchelli/atchelli (I can't remember). It's short but sweet, and quite...quirkily written. A lot of little snatches of offbeat humour and very nice character moments (and character choice). Quite a strange narrative to follow, you aren't quite sure all that's going on until the very end, but then..that's fine. I really liked the art after a few pages of not being sure. But it really suits the slightly ambiguous and dream-like tone of the whole thing. It's completely inessential in the grand scheme, but seeing as Pixie seems set for big things, it's worth a look. And some very nice characterisation of all involved (Emma, Psylocke, Nightcrawler, X-23 etc), it's an enjoyable, if slight read.
  6. I was gonna say I thought there was meant to be black on her body. I think you should add some, just cause that's what she actually looks like. Otherwise coooool. I love her. The other ones are really boringly designed aren't they? Like shite different coloured venoms?
  7. Well it's clearly evident, and his art just rubs me the wrongway. All the women look the same, all look poised for sexy adventures. And his men all have anorexia face. Looking through his stuff again, it's not bad, and he can draw action well etc, but it reeks of like...Witchblade. His art in the opening chapter of Messiah Complex made me laugh a few times: his Beast, and the woman's face when Emma scans her mind. Dunno if I can find them online.
  8. Yep. It's a good read. I think it might have been better served with a consistent artist on all the issues, kinda jarring to see the various styles all together. That said I love Bachalo (not his best stuff though). And Ramos is better in context than out...I hated that Spider-man pic ReZ loves, in his neon green suit, but then Ramos has a good storytelling ability, that obviously doesn't come across in posters. I need to read all of Supernovas though...when I last read that run in single issues, Lady Mastermind was shaping up to be a really interesting addition to the X-Men. And I never found out why/how she joined the Marauders. I knew she went bad when I read Sisterhood recently though...
  9. Finished Messiah Complex, kinda wish I'd bought Supernovas beforehand, as I didn't realise it ties in (not essentially, but I've read bits of Supernovas in single issue form when they came out and recognised themes and characters, but not how they ended up where they are here). And I've wanted Supernovas for ages, but didn't feel I could justify £12 at the time, then bought Psylocke's mildly interesting but completely inessential tpb for around the same price. Silly me. Anyway, it was really good. Obviously I knew what would happen in the end cause I just read all of Second Coming, but still, stunning battles. I love Mystique. She's probably my favourite comic villain. Considering they have a gallery at the end of the book of all the covers and variants, they chose the SHITTEST image for the cover, by the annoying Mark Silvestri a.k.a anorexic face king. There were so many stunners by David Finch or Simone Bianchi (one of the best artists I've recently discovered...he does Ghost Box in Astonishing X-Men and Shining Knight by Grant Morrison), ready to lure you in. Book cover by Silvestri: What should have been: or, based purely on aesthetics, this should have been it: Because that's a gorgeous image (by Kaare Andrews, my fave). But I guess a rubbish picture with random faces of people the public might recognise is a safer bet. And tbf the bottom one depicts people wearing the christian cross, whilst burning down a town and killing children. So...
  10. Think Dante posted that a while back, I remember reading it. I knew to stay away from Kevin Smith's Batman stuff after reading the first issue of Cacophony...the art was shite, as was the writing.
  11. X-Men Mafia so far has annoyed me. I'm gonna make a sequel with a better selection of roles, I think. Bad luck and not enough exciting roles has made it stagnant. TBF it's the first one I've run in like 3 years, so it was a refresher.
  12. It's the irrelevance that really gets me. And how once this is over, it will have meant nothing, you just know it. It feels like the X-Men have far more pressing things to be dealing with. (And there's already 2 X-Men comics detailing side-adventures that are canon, but just happening at "generally around this time" - Astonishing X-Men and Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis. Both of which give me sexy feelings.) The art does nothing for me/I forget what it looks like. There's nothing wrong with it though. And vampires are just *head on the table*. I'd be uninterested even if the media weren't already saturated in them. And now Ultimate Avengers is having them too? (as well as iffy art) Joy... Adjectiveless X-Men does have lovely covers though.
  13. Listen to the entire album...it's an experience (to say the least). Every song is different to the next.
  14. *yawn* DAY 4 IS NOW OVER Lights on Cerebra: (13) Cube Eenuh Diageo Chairdriver Zell MadDog dwarf gourami Nintendohnut Daft Mundi Moogleviper Dyson Coolness Bears Hellbound: (6) ReZourceman Ellmeister Jayseven Dannyboy-The-Dane Jonnas nintendo-master --- NIGHT 4 BEGINS NOW Gitchyo're PMs into my wide-open box NOW. I'm hungry.
  15. Yeah, it's the least needed issue 1 ever. It's a mediocre story about vampires. The definitive stuff that should've been in some sort of sister title/done with a more stunning creative team in Astonishing. Issue 2 will be way lower, and lower with 3 etc. There's no unqiue selling point..who really cares if Jubilee becomes a vampire or not?
  16. P.S X-Men is fairly shite until 1975 relaunch with Giant-Size X-Men. That's when these stunners were introduced/the stories got decent. You can get these issues in digest form very cheap, I have the first 3 volumes of it, it's worth a read.
  17. That's quite fun but one of those things you buy then realise 10 minutes later, "...now what?". Unless you had a whole troop of people planning to dress up as different lanterns. Then it would stun.
  18. Oh I've been waiting for album to come out. I forgot after a month or so. EDIT: Ok, just listened to it. Will need lots more listens for it all to stick, but the album gives you an overall sense that what you just heard is a true artistic acheivement. You person singing Tightrope sounds nothing like the person singing BaBopByeYa (in a good way). It's brill. Reminded me of Prince's best moments, and probably lots of other stuff I'm not as aware of. But no, it's brilliant. BaBopByeYa really blew me away, really classic sounding jazz/blues (I have no idea how to actually class it) ending, with a gorgeous epic vocal, unlike loads on the album. And Mushrooms and Roses. And Wondaland. I need to hear it again.
  19. Is this going to be crap along the lines of that rasta video you posted in some other thread the other day? Stuff that takes up time we'll never get back? :/
  20. I just the first 4 issues of Batgirl, it's pretty good. And quite funny too. When she realising the bag she rescues from a mugger is her mum's, so she just throws it at her rather than hand it over personally. And her fight with Livewire was funny too. EDIT: Okay, this is great! The interaction with Robin is brilliant. I actually lol'd when he's on his bike, and says "Thanks god I don't have that dreadful shrew holding me back.." and then Batgirl appears in that insane Batpod thing, and she says "I'm a what now?!". I love.
  21. Press Release Harrison Wilcox...never heard of him/her?
  22. Should we ask what happened?
  23. That's cool. And nice that they didn't just future-fy the normal Catwoman. That one is very asexual and creepy. Talking of Batman Beyond - one of my favourite superhero/villain costumes when I was younger was Shriek. His debut episode was AMAZING too. The bit where it's like 10 minutes of complete silence. Very brave.
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