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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. The internet is a really good lending service. *WINK*
  2. Cosplay photographer Stunnings. I like when they actually try and make it look good. Could be the characters.
  3. I don't get National Pride. Really. I'm Scottish. Someone else is French. *shrug* Why would I be proud of being Scottish? I just don't. I just am. The concept also reminds me of football hooligans.
  4. A joke/sad thing. Interesting.
  5. A lovely day.
  6. £10 total. Come on Blockbusters.
  7. The world pavilion, while seeming like a lot of space taken over for very little "excitement" is quite nice to walk through, as well. And Ellen's Energy Adventure! I loved. And Mission: Space. I think they may have changed that though, too many people were dying after riding it. (I felt like dying after riding it)
  8. I'd bet the band is better than the place.
  9. I went to Legoland. It was neither here nor there, as it was aimed at 6 year olds, but it made for an entertaining day out. I thanked this, but I don't agree. Epcot stuns when you give it time.
  10. http://lesbianswholooklikejustinbieber.tumblr.com/
  11. I've also generally been inactive (thread-wise) in all mafias the last week or so. I've just been busier with my own stoof and work and stuff. I miss points of discussion and it seems like too much of an effort to go back and find out where it all started... Which is my own fault really. I was following the Cube shizz with one watchful eye and it was just annoying me in the end.
  12. This thread/title just reminds me of: One of my favourite films. *leaves*
  13. Frak are you on? Fair enough people not liking Frank Quitely, but Bianchi?
  14. Portishead are brilliant. I've not listened to Third in a while actually... Dummy and self-titled are both amazing.
  15. Paj!

    Yoko Ono

    I love the *gestures with hands, trying to find the words*...layered reference. Or subtle. An easter egg of a reference.
  16. It's been interesting hearing all the accents since coming to uni...half the students or more must be international. A friend of mine is from Norway, but has a proper like regional accent (to a region of England I don't know cause I only just got here). Another friend is from Dubai, but has an american accent, cause she went to "the american school" (which is clearly some mysterious organisation all over the world, since my mum went to "the american school" too ).
  17. --- So Astonishing X-Men was rumoured to be finished at 35, with the end of Exogenetic, and Warren Ellis finishing up the side-series, Xenogenetic. <3 Everything about "Astonishing" has been so definitive. Joss Whedon + John Cassaday. Of course. Warren Ellis and Simone Bianchi. Fuck me. Ellis and Phil Jimenez. Loves it. Ellis and Kaare Andrews. I'm open and ready. Now this was announced... Daniel Way from Wolverine is writing, with some random artist. Astonishing is no longer definitive. Get it away from me. Even if it's good. I wanted them to completely shift the line-up so it was TOO stunning. Cyclops, Emma, Storm, Magneto, Namor and Pixie. A team I never imagined existing. Oh well.
  18. Paj!

    Yoko Ono

    Please don't compare her to Joanna Newsom. *pulls face* There's truths and then there's lies. Anyway. I like bits of her music. Walking On Thin Ice. And parts of her album from last year (this year?) are very cool. I like Sun Is Down (didn't know she performed it with GaGa - but Yoko is an important an influence on people like her as Madonna, Grace Jones etc). I hate when people go on about the Beatles RE; her. Who gives a fuck? Her art or music or whatever has nothing to do with them.
  19. I never let it grow long enough to see if I get an actual beard. People have called my facial hair a beard though, which I never really think about.
  20. Oh, I'll just do it. Vote: Cube Sorry, if you're good. I couldn't bear the waiting.
  21. I think facial hair helps (to not be ID'd). Sometimes. At Tesco I wasn't ID'd buying drink, but my friend, who's like...6ft6 or something, was. But I was in beard mode.
  22. I also loved X-Men Forever this month. Though I think another issue comes out this month as well. It's so bad, it's entertaining. It used to be just bad. Actually so badly scripted it's ridiculous. And it's the biggest vehicle for Claremont to jizz over how good Kitty is I've ever seen. First of all she gets one of Wolverine's claws after phasiong through him (...yep), AND a bit of his healing factor. Yeah, don't ask. Then while fighting a Wolverine clone, she suddenly develops bone finger claws on her other hand? WUT. I love. I love how shite it is, and how awful the character interactions are. Jean has become a slag, sleeping with Wolverine (who dies in the first issue, which I did like as a joke premise), then Beast (ew...) who dies at the end of XMF series 1. And Scott's really okay with it all. I'm really suprised Psylocke hasn't shown up yet, except in a flashback story. Claremont LOVES her. Her, Kitty, Rogue and Sage are his "girls". (See: New Exiles. In which he put them ALL on the team)
  23. Most clubs always ID unless you actively look old, so you deal with it/take it as a compliment. Otherwise, I'm half and half. Often I walk-by and no one says anything, sometimes they ID. I never get ID'd when buying drinks at least, no matter where I am. It's only ever doormen.
  24. I haven't given it much thought, or enough to debate properly. I just think there should be a distinction made between beauty and sexual atraction. It's not sexual atraction = beauty, nor is it beauty = sexual attraction.
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