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Everything posted by Paj!

  1. How do you know Little Mermaid is going to be exactly like Nemo? Does seem a bit pointless. I wouldn't even call Nemo a "dark ride" really, that reminds you of something that might get you excited. It's just...like. Here's your shell. Sit. Fish. Get out. I have a feeling they hate the idea of changing too much/adding too much to their parks at any one time. Esp. Magique.
  2. Paj!


    The second one isn't bad. It's fine. The third one is so...bizarre. It felt like a Scooby Doo episode, Gail and co all running around from place to place screaming (with the worst haircut I've ever seen). Parker Posey and Courtney Cox were pretty funny in it though. But story-wise/plot-wise it wasn't sure what it was doing.
  3. I think Waid has the right idea. While I have acquired in my time (music and comics, not really movies), in the case of music, if it's just one song, since I don't use torrents or things like Limewire, it's just easier to buy it from iTunes/Play at <£1. And I'd do that for comics digitally in a heartbeat.
  4. My friends and I drunkenly watching Batman and Robin (1997), quoting lines before they happened. Genuinely one of my favourite films. "My VINES have a CRUSH on YOU"
  5. I love Animal Kingdom, because the whole thing feels like/is one big theme. However last time I remember the rest of my family actually left the park because they were bored/tired after doing the safari (only) in the morning, leaving just me and my uncle. Really annoyed me. I hate when people refuse to experience things. Slash we'd been 5 times before.
  6. Paj!


    Shut the fuck up, I'm so excited. I've been contemplating making a thread about this for days. (since the trailer came out)
  7. Paj!

    The Hobbit

    I don't remember any of the book other than there's a dragon near the end. Who speaks (I think). And Gollum is there for a bit.
  8. I'm at Seething Wells. I'm in Block B.
  9. That's a better lead. Change Vote: MadDog
  10. I really liked it. Now for something completely different.
  11. I know that I've made a role for a game on another forum involving message sending, and that the person can't communicate otherwise in the game (like on the thread). But I'm not sure about Dyson's explanation.
  12. Because we have nothing else? I'm not encouraging a lynch train, but my vote stands. I want to see what happens.
  13. Nothing to do with my role that I'm aware of. I didn't even target Dyson last night. That's why I assume it's a message. But it may have validity to it.
  14. I'm not a cop. I was just told that Dyson is evil last night. :P I love if it's a cock-up on ReZ's part. But then it may be a message sender (more likely). Still, a lead.
  15. Of course I won. Ultron Imperative, bitch.
  16. Dyson is evil. Vote: Dyson
  17. You can buy (alcoholic) drinks in Universal can't you? From restaurants? I can't remember.
  18. Paj!

    Iron Man 3

    It wasn't HUGELY worse than the first, in any case. A bit more...flabby/loose/less focused than the first, but hardly a big drop in quality or anything.
  19. Oh god, sorry! I meant to do it but was busy, then GIMP (my "paint"/photoshop) mysteriously dissappeared from my computer, and I never got around to getting it back. Feel free to skip me. So sorry...uni life has made me very forgetful...

  20. Hmm..think I'll pick ReZ. Very simple, but it made me laugh imagining him saying it.
  21. It's so needless. General is hardly bustling is it? Taking away the comic thread, the song thread, all the various superhero/movie ones...not a lot left.
  22. My group's abortion of a 1st project wasn't completely ripped apart by the tutors. Wouldn't really matter, I ripped it apart myself once it had been shown to everyone on my course, but it was just so embarrassing. I want my name to never be associated with it. This may be the thing Ashley didn't want in the thread. Faux-positives.
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